Saturday, March 03, 2007

Message to Raul

Message to Raul

My plan is simple…destroy your ability to earn more loot. Now you are already spending as much as you are stealing – maybe more. You cannot borrow any more money because you are a crook and no intelligent person in a position of authority will extend you credit. You are missing payments now with only more bills coming due every day. The reality that businesses will be barred from Cuba for conspiring with you to heist Cuba will cause investment to stop flowing right when you need it most. The youth seethe in anger and poverty, board stiff and watch the tourist from afar. Your police are tiring of chasing after them for merely wanting to go to the beach and be friendly with the visitors. When ten thousand of the youngsters all start running in YOUR direction at once, how confident are you that your underpaid, overworked police will stand in their way?

I told you that one plague after another would befall you until you are driven from the island – or die attempting to flee. There are millions of ways to ruin your economy. Giving your tourists a tummy ache or soiling their dinner are just two examples. Your border guards are aiding the cause of freedom as well by shaking down Canadian and European tourists as they try to fly out of Cuba. You have underestimated peoples’ desire to be free and your security apparatus’s desire to protect you. Many would slit your throat while you sleep. The clock is ticking for you old man and if the mob doesn’t get you time will certainly do the job - sooner than anyone realizes except perhaps you.

Tomás Estrada-Palma

Just Another Stupid Cuban

Just Another Stupid Cuban

Yep! That’s me I guess. Me and the other millions of Cubans that is. Well this is what Fidel has always said…not directly but certainly implied. Okay not exactly. But the South Africans must me loads smarter than we Cubans. They’d have to be because they lived quite nicely surviving against a worldwide trade embargo due to apartheid - enforced by just about every nation. Even the black folks there did much better, by a wide margin, compared to the average Cuban of the past 48 years. But we poor dumb old Cubans can’t even figure out how to get toilet paper even though EVERY country in the world CAN legally trade with Cuba EXCEPT the United States which is still the 6th largest trading partner with the island and the biggest food and medicine supplier.

And while we are broaching the subject of apartheid, the world got upset with South Africa because blacks were not permitted to vote and denied equal rights while millions of whites could vote and enjoyed more privileges. But in Cuba 11 million Cubans of all races have been forbidden to vote (99.999999999999999 % of the population) for 48 years while only two white guys, Fidel then Raul Castro, COULD vote – on anything. He and his brother cast the only votes for the direction of ALL social and economic policy for 48 years. But still the embargo is blamed and now “corruption” in the state industries by those very same regular Cubans who surprisingly enough ARE smart enough to get away with those crimes usually – and keep all those vintage cars rolling without an Advance Auto Parts or Penn Jersey's within miles. But Raul still hasn’t explained how the embargo has made it necessary to treat regular Cubans like third class citizens while rolling out the royal red carpet and best china for the foreigners. How did the embargo cause that again, Raul?

Tomás Estrada-Palma

Lunar Eclipse

Lunar Eclipse

Remember Cubanos! Watch tonight's full lunar eclipse. It is important because it is going to be the last one that Cuba will see under communism. Please enjoy it.

Tomás Estrada-Palma

Virgin Atlantic Please

Virgin Atlantic Please

Mr. Branson I respectfully ask you to not fly to Cuba. This is a very unwise business move. Cubans are united in our conviction that flying tourists to segregated beaches on the island where average Cubans are forbidden is an abomination and an insult to the Cuban people. Mr. Branson, do you feel Cubans are a subspecies of human undeserving of equal rights?

If you decide against this bad business plan you may have an opportunity to fly into a free Cuba. If you proceed with plans to continue flying to Raul’s Cuba you will be banned forever from doing ANY business there in the very near future. At least hear us out. Again, please do not underestimate how angry all Cubans, except members of Raul’s gang, are about this insult. Who would it make more sense to make happy – Raul or 11 million Cubans? It’s your call sir.

Tomás Estrada-Palma

Friday, March 02, 2007

An Analogy

An Analogy

Cuba is being run by a criminal gang that violently seized and maintained power much like Al Capone. Capone established many business ties before he was finally jailed. Some benefited from these business arrangements – foremost among them Al Capone. But the vast majority did not prosper under this mafia setup. The same can be said for Cuba the past 48 years. Why bother to bring up this fact?

It is because I think it only fair that you business people be put on notice. You have joined your business interests with an illegal, criminal gang. Do you honestly believe that Cuba after Castro will honor even one peso of financial obligation? I won’t just say no…I’ll say HELL NO! Take for example, the Chinese iceboxes. The second the Castro boys are gone these forced purchases will become a gift from the Chinese people to the Cuban people. Any money owed to China will be null and void. But should the Chinese be “Indian Givers” then they know where to come to repossess them. It seems like the Cuban people might actually prefer this. If Venezuela thinks Cuba will pay for even one barrel of oil on our bill then Hugo really is crazy. Any joint ventures will immediately become solely the property of the Cuban people. These endeavors will be privatized and the Cuban people will have the first shot at being the new proprietors. All Sherritt International’s mining and power investments will be privatized to the Cuban people. I could go on and I will in the coming weeks to name and legally notify these business entities. You WILL lose everything!

The main point is you should cut your losses now. You all may really hate me at this moment but I’m very moderate on this issue. Virtually every Cuban I speak with says that you can never have enough money to be allowed to set foot in Cuba again. The same goes for tourist. But I believe in redemption but this is only achieved by accepting responsibility and paying compensation. If you are still doing business with Raul’s rackets when we kick him out of power then I’m in agreement with the majority of Cubans. But if you get out now and cut your losses then I will be your advocate for redemption and forgiveness. And I suspect that the islanders will feel even more strongly having lived in this misery for forty-eight years. What do you think?

Tomás Estrada-Palma

The Ugly, Selfish, Hypocritical Canadian Tourist

The Ugly, Selfish, Hypocritical
Canadian Tourist

The Canadian tourists sure talk big. Below in an earlier post you can read the advice one gives to Cubans. They should just get off their lazy, cowardly, skinny asses and just charge right into Raul’s bullets and revolt against this tyrant. Then I pointed out that Raul’s henchmen constantly monitor the chat rooms and it is not wise to call for the overthrow of one of the most repressive regimes on the planet - then go there for a sunny vacation.

Dough! That’s right! So this one Canadian remembers that Raul is a ruthless dictator and she better do some damage control. This is what Canadaianbird said:

I’m thinking that the Cuban Govt. probably knows about this supposed restaurant terrorism threat. If a bunch of tourists get sick at say the National Hotel restaurant, a bunch of chefs and waiters will be sitting in cells in the pines island prison. The information is coming from a gentleman who is a Cuban American and has never visited the island, it could just be another C/A scare tactic. Even if it isnt, the Cuban Government will consider it treason or terrorism and line a bunch of chefs and waiters up against a wall. Seems like a misguided effort that will be stomped out faster than it hits the news wires. Cubans need to study the fall of Communism in East Berlin and other countries and attempt to follow a similar path. Terrorising tourist will just get a bunch of naive restaurant staff in "hot water".

Yeah that’s right! Just give those uppity Cubans the wall. You see…her real feelings have come out concerning the Cuban people. She just loves Cubans right up until they interfere with her vacation plans then it’s “the wall” for these chefs and waiters for wanting freedom. In reality she plans on going to Cuba after agreeing that Raul should be overthrown – but perhaps after she’s done sunning. Now the hypocritical coward does not seem interested in facing the bullets waiting for Cubans who talk against Raul. Now she wants to appear a Raul supporter and call for summary justice of the firing squad to get back on Raul’s good side.

Raul! Are you going to believe this Canadian? They have called for your overthrow then realized you might be pissed off by it. So now they are sucking up to you so you won’t ruin their vacation plans. But Canadians – Raul may look dumb but he and his brother did not maintain complete control over Cuba by falling for that line of hogwash. So go ahead and vacation in Cuba. If the waiters and chefs don’t get you, there is a good chance Raul’s men will do the job. Maybe some of you free Cubans can go here and see if you can find any more brave Canadian revolutionaries willing to talk against Raul before vacationing. Bon Voyage!

Tomás Estrada-Palma

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Tourism Apartheid Compensation Act

Tourism Apartheid Compensation Act

One thing certain about all communist regimes – they keep meticulous records of their dastardly rule. That means once they fall from power in the very near future we will be finally able to access the records. Besides getting a final count on those murdered, tortured, imprisoned and disappeared – we will also find out who has been doing business and pleasure in Cuba. As for the ones doing business with this illegal regime, we will deal with them one by one on a case-by-case basis – very severely. But we must also deal with the pleasure seekers who enjoyed the wonders of Cuba that were banned to the regular Cuban people.

There are several ways to approach this issue. One would be to ban anyone who vacationed in Cuba during the apartheid years from ever visiting Cuba again. However, I feel this is too harsh. Certainly, with normalization of relations with the US, Cuba will have a boom in legitimate tourism. Therefore I suggest Cubans pass the Tourism Apartheid Compensation Act. The act would state that any foreign adult individual who vacationed in Cuba during the illegal apartheid years should be denied entry into Cuba until they have paid a fine of $100 for everyday or part thereof, for each and every day spent in Cuba as guest of the Castro regime. A list of offenders will be provided to all border control agents to check against the list of arriving passengers. Anyone caught arriving to Cuba with an outstanding civil fine for violating the Tourism Apartheid Compensation Act would be required to pay their fine in full or be immediately deported. Children should be exempt from this civil fine.

Sure many will simply never come to Cuba again, which is fine with me. Others will do the right thing and pay their fines. But it is the least they can do to compensate the Cuban people for this abuse of Cuban sovereignty.

Tomás Estrada-Palma

Canadian Raul Alert

Canadian Raul Alert

Seriously Canadians, especially those who were a bit lose-lipped last night about their true feelings about Raul as well as their travel plans. This guy is a mean, vindictive man who gets even with his enemies. His henchmen constantly monitor these blogs and the chats to see what’s going on. You guys are in danger going there now. He’s only got a few more years to live himself and by now he knows who you are and when you’re arriving. This guy is not the center of universal enlightenment. He has personally executed people which even Hitler didn’t have the stomach for. You called for his overthrow for God’s sake and now you are going there? If you do there is an excellent chance you might get just a taste of Raul’s treatment of the Cuban population for the past 48 years.

Tomás Estrada-Palma

Canadians Insulted

Canadians Insulted

I discovered a number of things on this chat about Canadians – at least some Canadians anyway. The good news is they love the island of Cuba (who wouldn’t) and they don’t like the regime. But the bad news is they are really insulted that Cubans would retaliate against them for supplying the funds to buy Raul’s bullets and pay his jailers. They believe the real problem lies with the Cuban people themselves for being such lazy cowards. So they may vacation in Cuba untroubled, Canadians suggest that Cubans get off their lazy, cowardly ass and just charge right into Raul’s guns and die for the cause of cheap vacations in paradise for Canadians.

So now Raul knows that Canadians do not like him and want Cubans to revolt against his regime. Since Raul only has several years at most to live, he might be more apt to really shake down these tourists good now that he knows their real feelings towards him. Certainly if the average Cuban knew how Canadians really felt about them, then I would suggest these tourists avoid the salad bar. So at all costs, Cubanos, you better not let word get out that Canadians think our brothers and sisters on the island are lazy cowards. Specifically, there are several Canadians who will be going to Cuba in the next two weeks according to their chat with me who even provide their destination. So whatever you do don’t let your friends and relatives on the island know how these Canadians really feel about them. It might ruin their whole vacation if this news was broadcast on radio bemba.

Tomás Estrada-Palma

Some Canadian Advice

Some Canadian Advice

Below is just one nugget of advice from a Canadian on this site:

Evidently it's not the tourist dollars that keep Raul in power. It is the Cuban people's fault for not all being ready to die for freedom right now. Hey she might send a couple of her kids to die? Read this one's in depth analysis below -

This is what I was just thinking after reading the first page

Don't blame and target the tourist for what the government has made of the island. It is the cuban government that has made tourism what it is in Cuba today...the size of it and the importance of it financially for the country.

If the government would take it's money and focus more on giving it back to the people rather than building more hotels for these "evil" tourists to travel to, that might diminish some of the problem. If the government didn't put so much damn money into spying on it's citizen's and putting police on every corner and rat's in every zone...there may be more money to go around for the average cuban.

I can understand the projection of anger being put onto the tourist since it is the tourist they see sitting on THEIR beaches, but come on....if they can lash out at the toruists...maybe they would be better off chanelling this energy into lashing out at their own government.

If this "movement" is SO big as to warrent a "warning" to tourists travelling there, then there MUST be enough participants to get the attention of the government....and please don't feed me the rhetoric about how they would be imprisoned or tortured for standing up for their rights. I would rather die standing up for my rights than to take the cowards way out and attack the travelers who to me are NOT the source of the problem.

Nobody said that a coup would be bloodiless, but damn it...if you want change and aren't happy about making 50 cents a day and you aren't happy about not being able to sit on your own beaches or drive on certain roads....stand up for yourself.

It's amazing how big the cuban orgullo can be at times...but how weak and pathetic it can be at other times.

If cubans are SO proud...then get rid of the dictator you have and demand freedom and fairness!!!!!
So far, so good......forever is a long time

There is more where that came from at the above site. Except for one agent named peyote at least no one supported Castro.

Tomás Estrada-Palma

Cuban Government Prepares Counter Attack

Cuban Government Prepares Counter Attack

Looks like the Cuban government is preparing to counter attack with their own bio-weapons but at what target? In fact, you Canadian and European tourists want to go to an island where the government is cultivating this deadly stuff? What if one of the angry Cuban scientists wants to vent his anger at earning 50 cents a day and fixes up one of you tourist with yellow fever?

Look here to see what they are doing.

Tomás Estrada-Palma

Biological Warfare Justification

Biological Warfare Justification

Some of my libertarian friends cannot understand how I could advocate chemical and biological warfare tactics to remove Raul and his henchmen from power. Isn’t that against the Geneva Convention?

Well let me explain my rational. First of all this move should aptly demonstrate the gravity of the situation in Cuba. Just this past week an elderly man, one of the hundreds of prisoners of conscience, was damn near beaten to death by Raul’s guards in his dungeon. These prisoners are being starved, denied medical care, brutalized, forced to exist is flooded solitary confinement cells and are denied family visits. This is unacceptable behavior under any interpretation of the Geneva Convention which deals with nation against nation conflict. It has no bearing on a nation of people struggling with limited means to throw off the yoke of tyranny from a despot so ruthless as to kill you for your speech as well as beat old ladies in the street for walking.

Just so we are clear, Hitler was not building little villages for the Jews – he was gassing and burning them. So just because you Canadians, Europeans and others are not choosing to LOOK at the misery which is the Cuban people, does not mean it is not happening right under your sunburned noses. The money that you provide Raul goes to enrich this greedy tyrant and his henchmen who enslave the Cuban people for fifty cent a day and nothing to buy on the shelves!

But I really want you Canadians and Europeans to have a wonderful time on your vacation – just not in Cuba. Undoubtedly some will challenge this warning and go anyway. For these travelers I do not feel sorry for since they were warned to stay away and chose to go anyway. I am more concerned with the vacationer who does not get this message and goes blindly into Cuba. I will be sorry if this happens but it cannot be helped and I could not prevent it if I wanted to. It is the Cuban people who are revolting against 50 cents a-day slavery and banishment from occupying parts of their own country.

So please spread the word so everyone is informed. Let the so-called mainstream media know so they can inform the unwary travelers about Cuba. If YOU do not do this then you also will bear some guilt when someone dies or gets hurt. I’m at least trying to inform the public of the danger. This is a civil war zone!

Tomás Estrada-Palma

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Canadians Have Been Warned

Canadians Have Been Warned

The good news Cubanos is the Canadians have been coming to my blog in droves which hopefully means they have gotten the message about it not being safe to go to Cuba. Here
(sent by Alex) is why the vast majority of the 50 cent a day Cubans that you never see really do not like you. This warning is turning very ominous too. We now have word that salmonella has been added to the Cuban underground's arsenal of weapons. This is nothing to play around with. Again I am asking all of you to NOT GO TO CUBA right now. There will be time in the very near future to visit Cuba. However, now is not safe.

Tomás Estrada-Palma

Avoid the Sol Cayo Santa Maria

Avoid the Sol Cayo Santa Maria

Avoid the Sol Cayo Santa Maria at all costs during the rainy season. There is a massive mosquito problem at this hotel and the rooms do not have mosquito nets. I can imagine people thinking I am one disgruntled traveller and talking extremes, but I have just arrived home as a medical evacuation I was so seriously affected by the mosquito bites. You are probably thinking I did not take repellents, wrong, I was using Sea Safe, a diving product that protects against stings, Jungle spray, a Jungle diffuser and I also bought a Cuban product in the hotel shop called Repel. Unfortunately for me I had firstly an allergic reaction to the bites and then an allergic reaction to the cream supplied by the doctor. I had hydrocortisone cream with me but that quickly ran out. Guests at the hotel are literally covered in mosquito bites, anything from 100 upwards.

Those of you choosing allocation on arrival with Thomas Cook will almost certainly be sent to the Sol Cayo Santa Maria, and then when you discover that the Melia Cayo Santa Maria is so much better, Thomas Cook will ask you for a 30 – 50 cuban paeso’s per night for the upgrade. The Melia is a far superior hotel and does at least have the mosquito nets in the rooms but there is still a big mosquito problem at this hotel as well. We were actually transferred on the first night into the Melia but I am posting this as a lot of the holiday makers at the Sol are very unhappy.

Another testimonial on Thomas Cook's fine, professional service

Islanders and Exiles Agree!

Islanders and Exiles Agree!

This tourist apartheid scheme in Cuba must end. Cubans will not continue to be slaves to fat Canadian and European tourists for fifty cents a day. You all can go to Cuba but don't say we didn't warn you. As far as exiles are concerned, if you go to Raul's slave plantation, we hope our enslaved brothers and sisters on the island ream you good!

You've been warned!

Tomás Estrada-Palma

Getting Out of Cuba With Your Shirt

Getting Out of Cuba
With Your Shirt

Besides risking dengue fever, malaria and Cubans defecating in your tea while you're there, look at how they shake you down on the way out. One Canadian said it was "outright theft!" Thomas Cook & Raul Castro Inc.

Look here for the whole story.

ás Estrada-Palma

Thomas Cook - Crooks!

Thomas Cook - Crooks!

Yes the more I look into it the more I believe that Thomas Cook should be called "Thomas Crooks." Are these guys the new pirates of the Caribbean and beyond. Look here for more examples of Thomas Cook's business ethics - or perhaps more precisely, the lack of them.

Tomás Estrada-Palma

Thomas Cook Really Does Suck

Thomas Cook Really Does Suck

The more I look into Manny's company the more I realize that under his stewardship the entire service really sucks! It's all about the profit margin, right Manny? It's cosmetic. You show a bunch of smiling natives ready to serve your customers' every need for almost nothing. How DO you do it Manny?

I'll tell you how. He and Raul Castro have a scheme where Manny brings in tourists for incredibly low prices then Raul shakes them down for as much as he can. But Raul's fifty cents a day slaves are revolting against the tourists who occupy their land by tampering with the food and drink. Now I find out Manny is shaving amenities on the front end by cramming customers into their poorly supplied planes and charging extra for virtually everything. Look here and you will find that even if the tourist enjoyed their trip - they sure hated flying on Manny's planes.

Tomás Estrada-Palma

Monday, February 26, 2007

Thomas Cook Cuba Tourism Guide

Thomas Cook Cuba Tourism Guide

In order to increase the chances for a successful holiday we have compiled this brief guide that travelers to Cuba should incorporate into their plans.

  1. See a travel doctor to get necessary immunizations, malaria pills and vital health tips to avoid death and disease while on holiday to Cuba.
  2. Bring plenty of DEET mosquito spray, mosquito netting to sleep safely and be wary of getting any insect bites while in Cuba.
  3. Never eat while in Cuba because islanders no longer welcome you and will dose your food will many unpleasant and dangerous things. Consider dieting while on holiday in Cuba. Most of the natives are doing so apparently.
  4. Bring plenty of disinfectant to spray all living quarter space especially your bed to kill bed bugs and fungus. The last tourist used the same unwashed sheets so they might have been infected with something. You don’t want to catch it.
  5. Never drink any fluids while in Cuba that do not come out of a tamper proof bottle – opened by you.
  6. Don’t do anything in private while in Cuba – unless the notion of starring in a porno sort of intrigues you. Assume you are being video taped at all times.
  7. Do not require medical attention while in Cuba. Cuban medical personnel like doctors and nurses are paid fifty cents a day and have found a way to vent their anger – dirty scalpels. Ask Fidel if he can still speak…
  8. Do not die while in Cuba. If you meet this unfortunate fate you should not expect to arrive home with all organs intact. The Cuban government will harvest them. (see the whole story here)

Following our eight vital guidelines for safe holiday travel to Cuba will assure your best chance to get what you deserve while on vacation. Thomas Cook and Raul Castro are working together to make that happen

Yours truly,

Manny Fontenla-Novoa

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Flies in the Food in Cuba

Flies in the Food in Cuba

Am I serious about Cubans feeding tourists vermin infested food? Raul says I'm a liar but a picture is worth a thousand words. That said a video must be worth re-booking your holiday to a destination where your servers get paid more than fifty cents per day. Look here to see the cuisine just waiting for you lucky Thomas Cook Travel customers. Emm, yum, yum!

Today's Thomas Cook Special - Shoofly Pie

Tomás Estrada-Palma

Manny Fontenla-Novoa

Manny Fontenla-Novoa

Gotta Get Something Off Your Chest?

Call in tonight and give Manny an earful! He thinks he can enslave the Cuban people and exploit them for cheap vacations. Tell him what his chances are of operating in Cuba the second the Castro boys are driven from power. We demand:

Thomas Cook stop booking trips to Cuba immediately!

Manny Fontenla-Novoa must denounce the Castro regime!

Manny Fontenla-Novoa must apologize to the Cuban people!

1 million dollars placed in an escrow account immediately for the democratically elected government of the Cuban people as compensation for your corporation's past and current atrocious behavior or pay many times that amount in the future!

Here is the reality Mr. Novoa. We are not going to go away. We are going to savage you and your corporation everyday until you recognize Cubans as human beings and accord them their just human rights that YOU expect for yourself. In reality you don't have much choice. You can continue your silence and let us tear down your corporation piece by piece, you can begin to attack me and appear a supporter of the tyrant Fidel or if wise you can acquiesce to our demands. You might hate me Manny but in reality I'm your best friend with regard to this mess that you've placed yourself in. The majority of Cubans just want to turn their backs on you until Castro is driven from power then ban Thomas Cook and all subsidiaries from ever conducting business in Cuba. They hate you. But I believe in redemption. I am willing to give you a chance to do the right thing but everyday you do business it get harder to defend you. Maybe a crowd of angry Cubans protesting in front of several of your offices might persuade you? It's your call.

Tomás Estrada-Palma