Thursday, October 01, 2009

Just Get Your Damn Vaccine

Just trust the fools who ruined the economy to do the smart thing this time. Obey your owners who are just trying protect their livestock (you).

U.S. Will Fall In Afghanistan

Afghanistan has no capability to harm America. There is no Al Quada threat emanating from the mountains of this nation. That threat is emanating from the dark unseen halls in Washington, DC and in London. Those domestic terrorists have Americans and Brits spooked into believing in this nonsense about the Islamic threat. The Nazis used the same tactic but chose Jews as their scapegoats.

What is really going on is the oligarchy is stealing the oil from that region so we don't have to pay for it with the incredibly shrinking dollar and pound sterling. Sure most of you are just beginning to understand how fiat money schemes operate. However, these war mongering snakes have been running this casino for centuries now. They know what happens when too much money is printed up. They know the magic formula to keep the game going - war.

First they create a boogieman to scare up you sheep that run with the other sheep in the herd. Some examples are the Kaiser, the Nazi, the commie, etc. While the sheep are being frightened the boogie men are being funded by the traitors pretending to be our watch dogs. But in reality they are just dogs. Currently, the dogs have most sheep convinced Iran is, like Iraq was previously, the most dangerous nation on the planet. It's only a matter of time before those diabolical Iranians figure out how to make a bomb so they can fire it off on us. It's what they live for right?

The reality is Iran would be stupid to develop a bomb. Once they have the bomb the dogs of war pretending to be our faithful watchdogs could nuke some troublesome portion of our nation then say the Iranians did it. North Korea is just lucky they are not sitting on a pile of oil or we'd already have invaded. At the end of the day there is nothing Iran can do, short of giving away their oil, that will appease the dogs of war in three piece suits. Currently, we are all being living room carpet bombed by television propaganda stoking these irrational fears of Iran. There is nothing Iran can do about it. Rather, their fate lies in our hands. If the majority of Americans continue to believe this nonsense about the Iranian threat then war is inevitable. This war will be like the great wars with different nations aligning themselves with one side or the other for their own strategic purposes. Americans will die by the hundreds of thousands. People in the middle east will perish by the millions. At the end of it all we will lose, be broken apart as a nation and bankrupt.

Is this what you want America?

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Audit The Federal Reserve!!!

More Slave Control Reports

If you believe that the treatment of Americans by gangs of federal thugs is acceptable then remember, YOU are next! The majority of Americans, having elected leaders who perpetrated this fascist police attack really deserve the rough treatment. However, if you keep electing these same snakes to Congress and the White House then you really should not be held responsible for your action because you obviously must be stupid or legally crazy.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Counterfeiting Awareness

Here is the reason the dollar will soon become worthless. The Federal Reserve System, like all fiat monetary systems, depend on the general ignorance of the populace. Therefore the central bank constantly adds more and more new money into the economy to pay for the stuff that they and the government want to buy without us knowing that we are really paying for it. When they add money the cost of things rise corresponding with the drop in purchasing power of the dollar. This period of time is known as a "boom." Just before the peak of the boom market the banksters and friends cash out of their commodities into cash. Then the central bank raises interest rates to stop the creation of new money. The money supply drops, the economic growth becomes significant economic shrinkage and regular people lose their homes, businesses and jobs. The banksters and friends sitting pretty with cash buy up what they choose from the weakest ruined by the deflation.

As more and more people become aware of this swindle they begin to do what the big guys of gilded capitalism have always down. This is not rocket science people. Now that we are in the bust portion of the economic cycle it is time to abandon your dollars before the others do so. There are trillions of dollars out there hanging around waiting to be spent. The dollars being spent wisely now will buy the most while the last of those trillions of dollars to be spent, probably by the Chinese and other duped foreign holders of our debt, will not be worth more than toilet paper.

Benny and the Fed have been trying to jump start their counterfeiting operation again but too many people already know how the swindle operates. So the Federal Reserve note is doomed. But all is not lost for Americans who are not too timid to shut off their TV's and instead rely only on factual information. Gold and silver will be your best bet to lock in the value of your wealth. In addition, convert dollars quickly into the things that will make you more efficient and productive. I never hesitate to buy a tool for example so I can fix my car. Insulation and replacement windows will keep you from having to spend those shrinking Fed dollars for heating your home.

At the end of the line prices spiral out of control into hyper inflation. Then things get really crazy. But it doesn't have to be that way amigos. All we have to do is audit the Federal Reserve, see the type of criminal activity they've been involved in, go immediately to a gold and silver monetary system then let prices be determined by the marketplace rather than foreign bankers. It's all relative people. The choice is between continuing to be paid in Federal Reserve notes that will purchase less every day or be paid in gold and silver to stabilize the value of your wealth. Gold and silver money would mean the value of your labor would not be reduced every paycheck even though you are being paid the same wage in dollars. So for a worker like me I'd receive around an ounce of gold and a few ounces of silver in the form of gold and silver coins or even bullion.

Oh by the way... Just going to a legal currency will not be the only thing necessary to save America. We will also need to bring our military home that has been defending the empire of the foreign banksters running our Congress, White House and television networks. In addition the income tax and all unconstitutional federal agencies must be abolished. This will on the one hand put millions of federal bureaucrats out of work. However, on the other hand, with these people out of the way, tens of millions of new jobs will be created. So these former bureaucrats will have no problem finding productive employment. The fact is with the federal government's tax and regulate brakes abolished the number of jobs will exceed the available number of workers. This will have the pleasant effect of raising wages and benefits.

This is where we will end up whether the banksters like it or not. Why not get there in an orderly manner? We don't have to stick with the Federal Reserve note until it dies in hyper inflation taking us down with it. Wouldn't it be better to re-legalize real money made of gold and silver?

Thomas Jefferson said in

I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around the banks will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered..'

Monday, September 28, 2009

Your Jack Booted Thugs

Here are your tax funded jack booted thugs defending the new world order and protecting our owners - the international banksters. Doesn't this video just make you proud to be an American in the land of the free and the home of the land of the heavily armed fascist.