Really Revolutionary Economics
The Cuban Revolution of Fidel's making is nothing new and is just another form of slavery. Fortunately, I have discovered a really revolutionary economic plan who's time has come.
The plan is very simple but the ramifications are infinite and fortunately vastly positive over our current choices. If you look at it this way: What is the best way for the 3 billion people on earth to survive and even prosper? But before that, what is the best way for the Cuban people to live together on the island in such a fashion as everyone is doing well economically speaking? We start by examining taxes. Taxes have the power to destroy or at the very least shrink the part of the economy or society that is being taxed. So what would be the best thing to tax that we might even want to shrink? The two main areas are vice and urban land hoarding.
Vice, for example alcohol, does a measurable quantity of economic damage to any society. Therefore these costs can be compiled then added to the purchase price of the harmful product. This revenue would be used to mitigate the damage caused by the vice. Urban land hoarding, being the main cause of poverty in most modern societies, can be reduced by taxing or collecting the earth rent then running the government with that revenue. What happens when we fund most of society's public needs with a location value fee? Urban land owners will only hold as much land as they can put into useful production and not a penny more. Why? Because they would lose money doing so. The question then becomes, what would then happen if urban land hoarding was no longer profitable?
There is ample evidence to remove all doubt that society then develops urban land to its most efficient usage. To do this requires many laborers and this will cause full employment. Those who do not want to live in the city centers can live a bit farther out and pay little or no tax because their location is not as valuable. Businesses, free from profits and sales taxes and the paperwork labor to collect it for the government would be able to have a more stable system to earn profits. Look at it this way: If we could eliminate all those destructive taxes like those on sales, income, housing, imports and exports, investment, etc. - then replace them with the location value fee so the the government would collect the same amount of revenue, wouldn't it be better just because of all the savings everyone would reap in time and money not having to be the government's bean counters running our current slave labor based economic system?
As I have said, the economic plan is very simple but the ramifications are vast. This plan will lead very rapidly to making Cubans the richest people on the planet. For me to tell you exactly how will take years. Why? It took me five years to just begin to understand the plan because for the first 4 1/2 years I refused to look. Then I finally read Henry George's masterpiece, "Progress and Poverty" over the summer of 1993 and then I knew. So you are either going to have to trust me that what I am proposing for Cuba will work beyond your wildest dreams or you are going to have to read the book yourself. Henry George is brilliant. As Albert Einstein once said, "There is no disputing the teachings of Henry George. There are those who have read his masterpiece and those who have not. For those who have cannot but agree with him." Or something like that as I am paraphrasing Mr. Einstein. So read the book or please just trust me.