There are many steps that could be taken to put America's house back in order - but one would need to be interested in helping America rather than themselves. Sadly, Congress, the president and virtually all of the leaders of America are selfish buffoons who greedily claw for their slice of the shrinking pie formerly known as America. However, there are things that must me done now or later to fix America. These will not be initiated by our leaders due to the just mentioned character flaws of which they possess.
Right off the bat, the trillion dollar military empire has to go. Has putting military boots in hundreds of countries around the globe butting into other people's business made us any safer? So council your children to not go into the military as long as this Roman doctrine is pursued by these 19th century "leaders" that we are saddled with for the time being. We will be far less likely to be attacked once the empire collapses - if we don't include the violence perpetrated by the very leaders responsible for protecting us. Our government is filled, like Castro's, with goons who offer insurance deals that we can't refuse or we could get hurt. Some get hurt by this new mafioso or killed just to scare up the rest of us into paying our premiums.
Local governments could save billions and start to change society for the better by simply closing all the public schools. Public schools are a form of child abuse. They are geared to tag and prepare the herd of laborers for either a compliant free range slave role in the politburos and corporate cogdoms or prison slave camps for the kids who want to think independently. This failed institution is forced on the customers (parents and students) but controlled by the central planners. Imagine how expensive and bad the taste of hamburgers should we employ the same policy for burger joints. Naturally, the educrats will never close up their operation. But if every parent removed their children from school, took personal responsibility for their education and behavior then what could the government do? Parents would get far better behaved children who could become much more enlightened at home than in the slave tagging factories of the educrats.
We could not only save hundreds of billions every year we could actually reap billions of new tax dollars by ending the war against drug users - because drug usage will happen either way. The war on drug users actually is part of the new world order slave operation. The masters technically outlaw drugs, though they have their personal choice of poisons. These official snakes are the ones who control the drug operations and take their cut of the drug dollars for their secret operations like the crack cocaine funded Contras. Then they can arrest a growing percentage of the population domestically to be used in the prison slave labor operations as well as steal all of their property through asset forfeiture. But this war that has been fought on American soil for going on 100 years has destroyed civil society just like during Prohibition. But it is more based on race than the booze war that went after Irish and Italians and other immigrants. Those who support prohibition are immoral and should be condemned for enslaving their fellow man for choosing a different form of intoxication than they choose. Instead, legalize private drug use, tax the sale and transport and fine those who break the rules against public drug usage. Local, state and federal governments are already making millions off of cannabis sales in states that allow medical marijuana. Society as we know it has not been effected at all and hopefully government is rapidly getting hooked on the pot tax revenue.
Finally, we need to return to the land as much as possible. Grow your own food and you will be wealthier and much healthier as well. Only use fiat currency for necessities like your mortgage. Begin moving wealth out of banks and into precious metals that you store in your home but only after you have taken security measures. Sure it could get stolen at home but it will certainly be stolen through inflation in the coming years judging by the way Obama and the Pips on the Hill are creating dough and spending it. Finally, pull together as a family and look after one another. If the financial institutions expect Tomas to invest in the economy again then they will demand a monetary system based on gold and silver. Until then these banksters can blow their fiat money right up their...well I suppose you know where.