The list of people I trust grows shorter everyday. At the top of the list of untrustworthy individuals is just about the entire federal government. They are under the direct control of the international bankers. I don't trust anything they do or say any longer. I only speculate on what their real motives might be.
The medical/pharmaceutical industry is next on my veracity challenged list. Certainly there are still many good doctors but the top industry officials are money grubbing scum. If they are not hyping some phantom disease of the day that they will cure for a fee they are actually causing the disease. The swine flu could fall into either of these categories. That's the problem. You can no longer trust the medical scoundrels. They have become a medicine show. Who can tell what is safe and what is snake oil? It is best to just try and stay healthy without them.
The television networks are no more than deceit factories. It is more obvious everyday that all the networks are under unified control. Have you noticed the expression, "going forward" or "moving forward" is used all the time for every situation on absolutely every channel? I even hear the expression during NFL football games. These corrupt networks want to convey the illusion that everything is normal, fine and moving forward so the people don't stampede like the herd of cows they have become.
These information cartel march in unison and always tow the same line of propaganda. One rarely challenges the other so they don't upset their apple cart of lies. So I've come to distrust them all. What does that mean? Well for example you won't find Tomas taking ANY inoculations in the foreseeable future. I'll take my chances with the diseases. As for television, especially the news, most times the sound is muted if the tube is on at all. I verify all of my news now over the internet from sources I trust. However, when the traffic report or weather comes on I will sometimes listen to the sound if I plan on going out. Going out is something I do less and less of because of my lack of trust in the government. The higher up the ladder of leadership in government you are the less I trust you. So while I may give the postman some credibility or my local state delegate, if you are president, most members of Congress or the Senate, one of the top people in any of the secret police agencies, etc. I don't believe a word you say and I worry about everything you do.
This is what you have bought with your lies. So I stay at home as much as possible and I'd advise all Americans to do exactly the same thing. Just don't go out. Stay home with your families. Don't allow these liars chances to victimize you. Don't spend your dwindling resources going out because these liars will get their cut of that cash if you do. If we all stay home as much as possible, even for one month, it would starve them of they money that they require to keep their scheme afloat. Don't fly, go out to dinner, go on vacation, see a movie or do any unnecessary to earn a living.
This new form of 21st Century boycott would take a month to crush these liars if everybody in America did it all at once. But these liars are not too worried yet. Most Americans base all of their decisions and beliefs on what these liars tell them. It is why Americans believe in silly notions like there being a worldwide boogieman group named Al qaeda who's goal is to destroy us because we are so dang free and rich. We are neither free nor rich. Those are two more lies the liars are spreading.