The mainstream media are the shills for big government, big bankers and the big multi-national corporations. Today, with the economy going south again, people are looking for answers just like back in the chaotic 1970's. However, during that economic bust we got through it but most never knew the real reasons why it happened. By the early 1980's I had sought out and interacted with enough people in-the-know about economic matters, that I had a grasp of what had happen to us and why. Believing, naively, that the big electronic and national print media were benevolent and altruistic entities I began contacting them to get this story out to the people. With shock and disappointment I discovered that the big media, rather than informing the people and enlightening them, were actually distracting and even covering up vital truths which the people had to know about to make rational decisions. I realized that I was muzzled and I was frustrated. But I knew back then in the early Reagan administration that the bankers and big government would screw up again one day and pump too much money into the economy because that is what the greedy do. So I raised my family and honed my skills explaining how the Federal Reserve fiat money system robbed the middle class and poor of their justly earned wealth by printing up too much money.
Then like a bolt out of the blue came the Internet. Suddenly, you could be on the same footing as the big media reaching millions of people. But things were rolling along in a relatively good economy so the media kept feeding the people a steady diet of distracting titillation at the trough of sleaze and they were content - ignorant as rocks but content. Then 9/11 hit and I was pretty sure this would be when the government and bankers would make the big money grab because they could blame it on the terrorists. Sure enough I watch the bankers flooding the economy with enormous quantities of borrowed cash so families could buy homes at the greatly inflated prices caused by the swelling of the money supply. Also, I saw the stories of trunks filled with hundred dollar bills vanishing in Iraq and just the cost of the war itself. I knew the bubble had to pop leaving the working class saddled with enormous debt in housing and elsewhere that really was not worth what they were going to be forced to pay back. This "correction" would leave millions angry and searching for answers. But this time they WILL find the answers right here on the Internet. The Main Stream Media is worthless during this economic crisis as always because they are part of the profiteers under the Federal Reserve scam.
As these blogs and websites become more organized, especially with respect to single issues like Cuba, they will become the dominant media in the near future because they bring the truth unfiltered into your living room. The blogs for Cuba are an excellent example of an emerging Internet Network that is incredibly effective at getting the truth out about the Cuban genocide perpetrated by the Castro boys. We share information and everyday mortally wound the regime with the truth. If we had to wait for the big media to tell the truth about Cuba we might have another 50 year of socialist stupidity. But now it is not just angry Cubans who are exchanging ideas. Regular folks all across America are asking questions but the big media is only interested in bringing us more underwareless Brittney Spears stories. But that has accelerated their demise because if that's your bag you can look at racier photos of her right on the Internet.
This electronic bee hive buzzes 24 hours a day and is sponsored by millions of individuals with converging interests. The emerging information networks are not brought to the people by folks trying to sell soap, cars or Mrs. Paul's Fish Sticks. They are run by dedicated people trying to get the truth out. Each time the Internet exposes a truth not covered or worse, covered up by the big media, the blogs and websites gain more credibility and of course viewership at the expense of the old big media hacks.
So there's good news and bad news. The bad news is we will go through a bad economic period and maybe even catastrophic times if the neocons' and liberal loonies keep having their way. But the good news is if you're smart and informed you will survive it with a people who will finally comprehend what has been done to them by the government and the bankers.
Extra! Extra! Read all about it! Or watch a Youtube! The American people finally understand how they have been swindled by the big bankers and big government then lie to by big media. A second American revolution has begun and a new enlightenment has taken hold.