Saturday, May 07, 2011

Here's Some In SITE

When you hear news of Al Qaeda threatening America, many time it is brought to you from an organization known as SITE. But they are a CIA front group with the traitors operating from within our secret police agencies. In the video below Paul Watson aptly explains how these info-chiselers have been caught in the past as disinformation tools of the agency rogues. Videos embed certain information on the tape and this organization was caught with embedded information from their recording device on a supposed Al Qaeda tape, not from two separate video recorders.

Here is something else to think about amigos. If the rogues running this operation to dupe the American people are this stupid tactically speaking, how well do you think they're doing with the Chinese and other adversarial governments and groups? The reality is all these crooks are worried about is saving their own asses from the American people should they ever wake up to this treason. As far as dangers go it is not the Russians, Chinese, mafia's, etc. that keep the rogues up at night. In fact they would love to stir up a hornet's nest of nuclear troubles that will get you and I vaporized while they have slithered away to their nice bomb shelters.

This scum fears the American people! And they damn well should because their treason has escaped like a genie out of the bottle. Good luck stuffing it back in traitors. While these genesis's are having a knife fight with us in the name of Al Qaeda, the other nations of the world are packing economic pistols. We are in an economic fight for our lives with these bozos running the show. The longer these rogues remain the more doomed we are.

Friday, May 06, 2011

Fighting More False Flag Terrorism

There is a way to stop the next planned staged event. Very simply, the three piece suited terrorists in Langley, VA have to be shown that they are no longer believed. Their mockingbird television networks must be mocked and ridiculed for their deceptions.

First, a bit about how the enemy has secretly grabbed control of the federal government. They use a formula to constantly gauge how their deceptions are going. For example, they release a lame doctored up birth certificate that mixes old fashion typewriter type with modern computer generated type. They didn't have to do this. Our secret police agencies have the very best people when it comes to doctoring up documents, fibbing with film and in general, faking any evidence they wish. The sad truth of why such a lame forgery was used, perhaps even forgoing just releasing a real legal document, is the agency is checking how many Americans are lame enough to go for it. Apparently a large enough majority have fallen for it to give the oligarchy confidence to spring the next hoax.

The next hoax of course is the Bin Laden death deception. The manipulators wanted to see how many Americans are still duped by the 9/11 fable. Apparently quite a few in the Washington, DC area as the streets around the White House were filled with revelers after the announcement of Bin Laden's demise. They chanted, "USA, USA, USA!" Most were young and obviously had not given much thought to the facts such as a military draft that will send many of them off to foreign lands to fight boogie men manufactured by manipulators. The agency was just checking again getting a count on the dupes.

There is another reason the networks have pounded us repeatedly with these dead Bin Laden information bombs besides taking a barometer reading of the ignorant. In addition this story lays the ground work for the next false flag attack. A successful false flag attack depends on both ignorance and emotion. It is vital before even thinking about pulling off the next false flag attack to be certain that most Americans remain duped of course. But the actual attack must be blamed on an enemy like Pakistan which has fallen out of favor with the CIA for protesting about the droning of their citizens to death) The manipulators must trigger the reptilian brain within us all to be filled with emotion and empty of all logic. You see amigos, when you are filled with rage, fear, hopelessness, etc. - the thinking part of your brain completely shuts down. That's how we've managed to survive these millions of years on the earth from such dangers as lions, tigers and bears - oh my! There was very little time for analysis. When confronted by these real dangers people had to fight, run away or die. Most of our ancestors made the best choices as here we are while many of the beasts that preyed on us are now endangered or no longer with us.

The manipulators understand these human traits and use them against us. It's just that we are not completely stupid so our brains must be softened up a bit with some pre-programming. So if the traitors just launched an attack out of the blue on a subway using radiological material the people might asked unwanted questions. Before stabbing us in the back again the snakes have to launch the Bin Laden death hoax followed by word that this crazy terrorist wanted to bomb subways and train stations with dirty bombs. This of course is repeated constantly over the mockingbird networks prompting Homeland Security to deploy naked scanners and groping G-men in the rail stations. Then either the people accept these new abominations or they protest. If they protest, not that the whole hoax is a pile of malarkey but that the security steps make them uncomfortable, then the vile scum go live with the false flag attack.

When they begin the attack they have all the local and national security stand down like on 9/11 explaining that it is only a drill. Later, when officials have questions the perpetrators simply give out medals for bravery and those who still have questions commit suicide by proxy. So as long as Americans passively accept new restrictions and continue to behave as a herd of sheep then there is no reason to go live with the next attack. But Americans are not cooperating with the gropers and the federal cheesecake factory taking the snapshots of us completely naked then storing it digitally for our future identification.

So some unlucky Americans will need to be gassed or irradiated in the subways to teach the rest of us a lesson about doing what the traitors advise would be good for us to do for our own safety. My hope is that if Americans are to die in another false flag attack that they be members of the media, their family members and friends. The networks are co-conspirators in this treason and it's fitting that their loved ones be the victims this time. But that won't be too likely as many will receive a heads-up before the next event as was the case with 9/11.

The answer to this treason is to wise up and send the traitors a message. Pick a date and refuse to use mass transit. Go on strike against another false flag attack. REMEMBER THE MAINE! This was the first false flag event of the 20th Century and it worked beautifully. Pearl Harbor was an example of the first use of the stand down order. The evidence is clear that America in the early 1940's had the stupidest people ever protecting us militarily or more likely the White House had already decided for us that WWII would be in our best interest and let the Japanese attack us. I could go on about all of the false flag attacks thus far successfully pulled off by our government and others. The governments have a gentleman's agreement not to tattle on each others false flag operations because they all do them. The only way to stop the next attack is to prosecute the previous ones and punish the guilty. As long as the majority continues to believe the networks and traitors within the halls of government then the next attack will go forward and Americans will die in large numbers. Worse yet the scapegoats for the attack may be Pakistan leading to WWIII or it could be blamed on domestic terrorism by Tea Partiers, Constitutionalists, gun owners. etc. Then there would be a roundup and persecution of the targeted group. You don't want to be in that group amigos.

Thursday, May 05, 2011

Division At The Top?

Is there disagreement in high places about the next staged production? The tide may be turning. When it retreats everything that was hidden is exposed. I'm hoping individuals in high enough places say enough is enough and find some patriotism within themselves. Now is the time to finish off these rats before they can finish off America.

Please help if you can help save America from the traitors.

Wednesday, May 04, 2011

How Much Evidence Do You Need To Indict For Treason?

Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Bin Laden Death Hoax/West To Be Nuked

The main reason the invaders have ordered their employees in the American secret police to thaw out Bin Laden is to continue the sequence of manipulations of our perception of the truth. Like a chimp we are high in their news trees swinging from one "story" to another. We've barely let go of the Trump/Birth Certificate news which on the networks did not even discuss one of the obvious flaws in the Photo Shop generated document. Before that can happen in the minds of the average American we must be swung onto the next piece of hokum the news manipulators wag forth for your dog swinging pleasure.

These grand Gulf of Tomkin dog wagger stories, in addition to outright manipulation by clever attackers deceiving us to get what they want, are floated to see what reaction they generate from the public. Like sticking a finger into the air to see which way the wind blows, when the networks broadcast another tail wag the dog fake news story and it can actually cause thousands of duped Americans into the street in celebration of an event that never actually occurred, it gives our enemy comfort in the knowledge that so many are still fooled so completely.

The big thing I notice now is the speed in which the liars at Network Media Dog Wag Productions move from one big fake story to the next before people can look too closely. Dog Wag Productions fear the people. In short they are little girl scared at the top of media and in the echelons of the halls of secret police power here, in England and elsewhere to put the lid back on the information genie without causing a stampede. I wish you the best of luck slaying that hydra.

But I fear the international banking scum angling for their global electronic money and single government under their control are growing more desperate and impatient. I can read them like a cheap romance novel my wife enjoys where everybody knows what will happen. The networks always lay the foundation of plausibility for globalist lies. They are really broadcasting big this revenge for the fake Bin Laden killing using a nuke. A nuke from our own arsenal exploded in a western city like Paris, London or New York would cause so much chaos that the globalist banking elites could use it to make that last grab for world domination while eliminating their foes and unnecessary friends alike.

But these type of events even bigger than the 9/11 coup are hard to keep quite since nobody wants to be vaporized nor see this fate befall a friend or family member. In addition such plotters hate to lose their money as well. So when the order is given to nuke a city such as Phoenix or perhaps Detroit, the traitors will warn loved ones to get out. They will also sell Real Estate and liquidate financial holdings that will be effected by a nuclear detonation. These rats abandoning ship are the red warning flags that something big is up. If you see something - akin to rats running for cover - say something please.

Monday, May 02, 2011

Red Alert Time?

I'm wondering if we all should be heads-up looking for the next big false flag attack. If one looks at all of the contrived propaganda being produced for our manipulation it is clear something big is in the works. The usual mode of operation with these traitors is to launch a bunch of nonsense news our way to occupy the kitten cranium within most folks. It's big fuzzy balls of wool the limited brains can toy with. Royal weddings, the Bin Laden killing, the Photoshopped birth certificate have the average sized American brain racing back and forth within the skull where apparently there is still ample room for such loco motion.

Stand still for a moment and think about it. The economy is about to go pop - again. The usurpers need a 9/11 scapegoat to give these financial wizards of Wall Street along with their fellow wizards in the Federal Reserve Board the distraction. Everybody knows when horrible things happen the economy goes south - right?

Still, too many haven't realized the greedy traitors who have sold us out to the foreign bankers are the ones behind the curtain pulling the levers that make the bad things happen. There are two basic types of these spies. The majority have now figured out things like 9/11 right back to the Kennedy coup d'état but remain silent. They need the job especially in this economy. Some know full well what the few real traitors have been involved in but they are scared into silence. Many inside the agency/bureau are just too scared to look much less see the truth. It is better to not look at the truth and hope that by taking this inaction it will not result in our republic and people being stabbed in the back - again.

The agency/bureau scum at the top do the dirty decision work for the foreign bankers to give these financial wizards from lands far away the economic scapegoats needed to cover for their greed and ineptitude. However, the top traitors are also protecting their own life as well. If the truth got out about their treason the American people would do the right thing. Perhaps even the people who occupy the offices down the hall from these traitors might even start speaking the truth. This would probably be a good career move. People in the military and police agencies who were not directly involved with the past few decades of treason up till now hidden from the American people should do whatever they can right now to position themselves favorably for that possible day of justice and retribution. Just a suggestion amigos.

Is it time to rat out the rats?

Bring Back The Greenback Dollar

The answer to our economic malaise is so simple but the ceremonial congress will not even discuss it. Instead they debate whose grandparents they are going to cut off and which welfare moms will get the ax off of the dole. But these cuts are chicken feed compared to the trillions the banksters instigated the ceremonial congressmen to hand over to them.

Here is the real problem we face in the world today. Our corrupt government sold us out to foreign bankers and let the snakes foist a money scam on us whereby all money is created through lending. Every dollar that has been created for almost 100 years has been money that had to be paid back.

Abraham Lincoln proved this is madness. Don't allow foreign or domestic bankers to create money to lend. It time to bring back the greenback and have the Treasury create dollars directly to spend. The banksters despise this plan because it exposes these vipers for what they are - swindlers who use murder when necessary to protect their monopoly over money.


Bring Back The Greenback Dollar

The answer to our economic malaise is so simple but the ceremonial congress will not even discuss it. Instead they debate whose grandparents they are going to cut off and which welfare moms will get the ax off of the dole. But these cuts are chicken feed compared to the trillions the banksters instigated the ceremonial congressmen to hand over to them.

Here is the real problem we face in the world today. Our corrupt government sold us out to foreign bankers and let the snake foist a money scam on us whereby all money is created through lending. Every dollar that has been created for almost 100 years has been money that had to be paid back.

Abraham Lincoln proved this is madness. Don't allow foreign or domestic bankers to create money to lend. It time to bring back the greenback and have the Treasury create dollars directly to spend. The banksters despise this plan because it exposes these vipers for what they are - swindlers who use murder when necessary to protect their monopoly over money.