Cuba Exposed!
Reports from Cuba, the economic crisis and abolishing the federal reserve. Listen Sunday night 8:30 PM. We might even try to simulcast a video Mogulus broadcast.
I am the great grandson of Don Tomás Estrada-Palma, the first elected President of Cuba (1902-1906). "Where I am different from most people in the group is I know I am a slave but I think freely while the group thinks they are free while being enslaved..." - Tomas Estrada-Palma, IV -
This is the Estrada-Palma Plan henceforth known as the:
Federal Reserve Abolition Act
Being that the Federal Reserve Bank is an illegal, unconstitutional, ongoing criminal enterprise that has brought the American people to their knees economically in a willful act to destroy our nation, it must be abolished immediately. This act will immediately stop families from being thrown into the streets while they had been expected to bailout the very criminals that were responsible for this fraud on the American people. This act should be considered slave reparations to Americans who have been in bondage to the Federal Reserve Bankers since 1913.
1. Federal Reserve Board
The cabal of private banks that make up the Federal Reserve System.
2. Fiat Currency
All currency not backed by gold or silver as stipulated in the U.S. Constitution
3. Federal Reserve Homeowner/Business Mortgage Contracts
All mortgage contacts for homes and private business, whose contract holders are not affiliated with the Federal Reserve System that have borrowed illegal currency originating at the Federal Reserve Banks.
Section I
Due the grave emergency that the Federal Reserve Banks have caused by the over printing of fiat currency, the American economy has been devastated. Therefore, upon Ratification and signing of this Act the Federal Reserve will cease to exist.
Section II
Upon enactment all assets of the Federal Reserve Banking System such as Real Property, Buildings, equipment and all assets not yet mentioned will be seized and become the property of the U.S. Treasury so it may be liquidated and divided equally among all the American families who do not now own their homes.
Section III
All debt owed to The Federal Reserve System Banks by local banks and those with no ability to unconstitutionally issue fiat money shall immediately have those debts removed from their books and be considered null and void.
Section IV
All private home, business and other entities not directly affiliated with the criminal activities of The Federal Reserve whom have mortgage contracts through the just mentioned local banks that were to be paid eventually to those banks will be null and void upon enactment of this legislation.
Section V
Upon enactment of this legislation all the former Mortgage holders will be given absolute title to their home, businesses or other entities not banned by this act. Federal Reserve Officials and the Banks in this conspiracy shall be banned from this provision.
Section VI
Mortgages that are underwritten by private individuals and groups or corporations shall be included in this act and the private individual lenders such as sellers of owner financed homes shall be paid off in cash using the liquidated Federal Reserve Assets only on the original loan amount but not the interest. This is provided the money did not originate from Federal Reserve lending of fiat currency.
Section VII
Americans would continue living in their homes because they are the owners now of not only their homes but their nation once again. Their employment status would not be a factor since Americans will not have to pay a mortgage and would not become homeless as a result of this illegal greed by the Federal Reserve Banks.
Section VIII
Gold and silver, upon the ratification and signing of this act WILL be legal tender. The Congress of the United States of America will immediately begin only issuing currency backed by gold or silver and order the Treasury to immediately do so. The Treasury will provide Congress with an exact accounting of the gold and silver under the control of the American government and Federal Reserve.
Section IX
Americans will be able to as soon as possible trade in their fiat dollar currency into this new metal back currency at the fair rate of exchange for the value of the gold or silver. After a transition period the old dollar will be illegal as currency and only be a collector’s item and a curiosity.
Section X
Congress shall hold hearings to investigate Federal Reserve/Treasury Department price fixing meant to artificially elevate prices and manipulation and fraud by all those involved engaging in this criminal behavior so that they may be prosecuted to the fullest measure of the law including and especially political representatives and executives.
Please note that this is just a first draft. This Act must be well thought out to be implemented efficiently and fairly. Naturally, for this act to become law the vast majority of Congressmen will need to be voted out of office in the 2008 election and replaced with representatives who can read and comprehend the clearly written English in the U.S. Constitution. Neither main party presidential candidate can be elected either for this to succeed. Any and all suggestions by those honestly wishing to help America get back on its feet economically will be welcomed and appreciated. A warning to those who would block this act: The American people will crush you. The bank vipers have tread on our liberties and our nation for too long and now they must be eliminated to save to nation.
Open the Presidential Debates... or we will!
In light of John McCain's attempts to stifle the presidential debates never before has the need for more debate participants been so clearly illustrated. When the debates are limited to two increasingly similar points of view we all suffer.
Today, at a critical point in our nation's direction, third party candidates are standing against the bailout, while the media sanctioned candidates are standing for it. The American people deserve to have a debate on the largest economic decision of our generation. The debate is an important step in our efforts to take back the political process. Our message-- "Open the debates, or we will!"
Watch the third party debates online
Please join us for a third party candidate debate and money bomb (date to be announced as we approach the 10,000 pledges mark, location to be in New York City). All of the major candidates will be invited to participate. The event will be broadcast via and many others (details to come). Remember, all of America is on the Internet. Together we can break the media blackout on third party candidates. Be sure to tell your friends and family to tune in.
Earn mainstream attention for your candidate
At the start of the debate we will launch a money bomb for each of the candidates. Contributions will be made directly to the candidates via their respective websites. will report the totals of all the candidates in one location as the moneybomb proceeds. If a significant amount of funds are raised for one or more candidates the mainstream media will take notice! Please spread word.
Submit your debate questions!
Please submit your debate questions and vote on the questions submitted by others. The winning questions will be chosen for the debate. You may submit your questions in text or via embeded youtube video.
Initial Sponsors include, and Many more to come!
The Candidates
Learn about all of the presidential candidates and compare their stances on the issues:
Constitution Party Candidate: Chuck Baldwin
Democratic Party Candidate: Barack Obama
Green Party Candidate: Cynthia McKinney
Independent Party Candidate: Ralph Nader
Libertarian Party Candidate: Bob Barr
Republican Party Candidate: John McCain
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