Your Island Or Your Life
Life is ironic. Fidel is dying with cancer and I know a cure for cancer. He wants to live and I want Cuba holding elections with free, happy, wealthy, enlightened Cubans. This mind you is not disinformation. I’ve seen the cure work before my eyes. My best friend’s mother was diagnosed with terminal throat cancer with 6 six months to live. They wanted to cut out half her throat and tongue and voice box and God knows what else but she wasn’t going for it. I recommended the cure to my friend and he gave it to her. Sure enough when she went to the specialist 1 month later after taking the cure regularly the M.D. stated that if he didn’t know better he’d swear she never had cancer. It was completely gone. Of course she was only sixty-five with no stroke complications and she had not sustained any permanent major organ damage.
She lived another couple years until she decided to quit taking the cure and the cancer came right back and killed her. But she was tired of living and it was her wish. Perhaps Fidel wants to die too? He will soon enough hope to die as the pain increases. The pain killers have side effects too. Constipation is always a bother as the dope slows the digestive track as well as the pain. The mind is foggy and lips can’t form words because the connection to the brain is gone. He knows what he wants to say but can’t. It’s real frustrating believe me. I’ve been there. I damaged my vocal cord and could not speak for a month. I did just what Fidel is doing now – writing little notes like the ones they keep releasing in these propaganda pictures - for what I wanted. More and more everyone around you treats you like a child because people equate not speaking with being a child. It is very humiliating and you can’t say peep about it. So you blow your breath out and take it – especially if you don’t feel well.
But Fidel if you wanted to give it a shot and mind you I’m not making you any guarantees in your case because you’re old as dirt now plus I don’t know if you have already suffered irreparable organ damage – but call me. One of your goons has my number I’m certain. However make the call from outside Cuba and take Raul along with you as well as all the communist apparatchiks. In other words – your island or your life. But your time is running out. You make the call!
Tomas Estrada-Palma