Saturday, August 25, 2007

Fidel's Stroke

Fidel's Stroke

How long are you ghouls going to keep pumping air into Fidel's brain dead carcass before you own up to the Cuban people?

Un-seaworthy Boat

Un-seaworthy Boat

Sadly, my 19 foot Wellcraft is nice running in the inlets, lakes and rivers but it is not seaworthy for ocean voyages. Hell on a couple occasions when I've ventured out onto the Chesapeake Bay it was a harrowing experience and I made a u-turn then headed back for land. So I'm going to have to ask for a lift to Cuba. I can't very well show up in Cuba empty handed. I want to bring frozen chickens. A lot of them. I want to bring everything you'll find in any decent bathroom here in the states including lots of toilet paper. I have an extra tool set that I want to bring as well. I'll bring some basic plumbing repair supplies and shoes. I'll bring...hey why don't you tell me Cubanos? Post your request right here and I'll compile a list of provisions for the other exiles and myself to bring to you within 48 hours after the fall of the regime. That's because my brother and I will require a day to get down to south Florida as well as some logistical time gathering all of the provisions that you ask for. If I know what you want I can go right to the source when the time comes.

This is why I'm trying to arrange a lift now as well as already having a list of provisions to bring. I suggest the rest of you stateside Cubanos do likewise as your brothers and sisters in Cuba are desperate for supplies. The old government has nothing left to offer Cubans except empty rhetoric and promises which still have no calories and zero taste.

I'm amazed at how many of you come here everyday from Cuba and I admire your courage. Your reward for that courage is just around the corner and includes lots of food and drink! After you have put in your requests all you have to do is...nothing - absolutely nothing. When the junta announces Fidel's death (if they ever do) that is the signal to go to the town and city centers and do nothing until Fidel's remaining gang leaves the country. Some are making plans to leave right now as you read this. The second they abdicate my brother Pat and I will be heading your way. So any Cubans out there with a seaworthy boat who would be willing to give a couple of Cubans a ride?

Friday, August 24, 2007

Why Announce Castro's Death?

Why Announce Castro's Death?

Yes why? The junta now knows that the announcement of his death is the signal for the end of the regime. So they will pretend he is alive for as long as they can get away with it to delay the inevitable. The US government has all of the Cuban government phones tapped so our people know the truth and their actions aptly demonstrate it.



When the Cuban regime finally musters the guts to announce Fidel Castro's death you will see exiles everywhere celebrating. To the unenlightened observer this might seem ghoulish. However, would you begrudge Jews for toasting Hitler's death? Well Castro percentage wise has been the Caribbean Hitler. The reason it is taking the junta forever to make the announcement is because they fear that even though the government rules with an iron fist that Cubans on the island will also be celebrating. That celebration will morph into a unifying demand for change. That's when the fun really starts.

More Resistance Mischief

More Resistance Mischief

Let me give you a little more mischief for the resistance connoisseur then I'm off to bed. I cannot stress enough the importance of shutting down the government's transportation especially that used for tyranny enforcement. Police cars or motorcycles, those of CDR members and other government officials should be disabled as quickly as possible. Don't feel guilty as these cars are crap. Wait till you see the cars that will be arriving into Cuba from around the world for private and public use just as soon as this gang is driven from the island. But that's another fact for future discussion.

Fill up a drinking straw or similar tube with beach sand. In the dead of night open the tiny sliding piece of metal that covers each car door lock, put one end of the straw up to where the key would go in but instead blow some sand into the doors' locks. Bring a cloth to wipe any fingerprints and if the car is locked up they can't get in. If the car is unlocked first do the ignition lock up good with sand, then lock the doors followed by sanding.

Just for fun you can remove each cap from the tire's valve stem where you usually fill up the tire with air. But you won't be filling that tire up with air tonight. Instead, find wee little rocks that will fit up into that cap on each tire then screw the caps back on. However as you do this you will begin to hear the air hissing out of the tires as the rocks inside each cap depresses the valves eventually flattening the tires. But you don't have to stand there like a fool waiting to get caught using your finger to press each valve. You rock the valve caps, screw them on and walk away. The tires will be flat in about 20 minutes. The funniest thing is many times the victim will just fill the tires back up but then foolishly put the rocked caps back on letting his own air out once again. Some do it several time before catching on.

Even though you are driving the pirates off the island so you all can be prosperous, free and self-governed doesn't mean you can't have a little fun. However if you do put all the tyranny enforcement vehicles out of action then do you think they will walk to you to give you grief?

Thursday, August 23, 2007

More Resistance Tactics

Cómo se protesta en Cuba , circula por la isla.
La Habana, 23 de agosto. El libro Cómo se protesta en Cuba, del Centro de Estudios para una Opción Nacional, perteneciente al Directorio Democrático Cubano, una organización del exilio cubano radicada en la ciudad norteamericana de Miami, circula en las 14 provincias cubanas y el municipio especial Isla de la Juventud. El libro de 145 paginas, contiene una compilación de reuniones, concentraciones nacionales de la oposición pacifica interna, manifestaciones y repartición de propaganda antigubernamental en las calles, vigilias, peregrinaciones religiosas, ayunos, huelgas de hambre, labor de la Bibliotecas Independientes, toques de cazuela, las Damas de Blanco y la Campaña de No Cooperación con la dictadura, entre otras actividades, así como 55 fotografías .

“A través del libro me he enterado de los actos de rebeldía que se han protagonizado en las calles de Cuba contra el gobierno dijo el joven Camilo Santiesteban, un residente del municipio Centro Habana, en la capital cubana, mientras leía un ejemplar del volumen, cuya introducción corre a cargo de Orlando Gutiérrez Boronat y la edición a cargo de Janisset Rivero y Dora Amador, conocidos exiliados cubanos que promueven cambios democráticos en la isla.

El libro Cómo se protesta en Cuba esta incentivando una lectura sin censura entre los cubano, confirmó este periodista durante una visita efectuada a la Biblioteca Independiente Feliz Varela, del Colegio de Pedagogos Independiente de Cuba.“ La juventud cubana debe de leer este libro, así conocerán que sí es posible perder el miedo. “ dijo el ex preso de conciencia Lázaro Joaquín Alonso Román.

“El libro me sorprendió, nunca imagine que en Cuba existiera una resistencia popular, así lo patentiza las fotografías y datos que se narran en el texto , siento una gran admiración por sus protagonistas.” indico Susana, una octogenaria residente en Cárdenas, una ciudad situada en la costa norte de la provincia de Matanzas. Reporto desde la Habana, el periodista Carlos Serpa Maceira, de la Agencia de Prensa Sindical Press y corresponsal en la isla de Miscelaneas de Cuba.
Nota: Se adjunta para acompañar la información, una fotografía tomada por este periodista en la Biblioteca Independiente Feliz Varela en Centro Habana, donde fue captado por la camara un lector leyendo el libro Cómo se protesta en Cuba .
Autoridades obstaculizan traslado de preso político .
La Habana, 23 de agosto. El Ministerio del Interior (MININT) de Cuba, a través de su Dirección General de Establecimientos Penitenciarios, ha obstaculizado el traslado del preso político Hugo Damián Prieto Blanco, hacia la prisión Nieves Morejon, en la provincia de Santi Spiritud en el centro de la isla, lugar donde residen sus familiares, denunció en la Habana Leon Padrón Azcuy, presidente del ilegal Partido Liberal Nacional Cubano (PLNC).
“Hemos conocido vía telefónica a graves de los presos políticos Adolfo Fernández Sainz, y Leonel Grave de Peralta, que nuestro compatriota Hugo Damián, ha sido trasladado a la prisión Canaleta. “Se confirmó que después de una larga trayectoria por las prisiones de Morón. Navales y Bachiplan, el reo político se encuentra en una celda de castigo, desde cuyo lugar continua exigiendo a las autoridades su traslado a la prisión Nieves Morejon.

Hugo Damián Prieto Blanco , es miembro del ejecutivo del PLNC, y fue condenado en 2004 a 4 años de cárcel por Peligrosidad Social , una figura predelictiva en el Código: Penal cubano.“ Denunciamos ante la opinión publica nacional e internacional, que Hugo Damián ya debiera de estar en libertad condicional, ya que ha cumplido más del tercio de la injusta condena que le fue impuesta” puntualizó el presidente del PLNC.

Reporto desde la Habana el periodista Carlos Serpa Maceira, de la Agencia de Prensa Sindical Press y corresponsal en la isla de Miscelaneas de Cuba

Alberto Gonzalez

He is a young man living in the Canary Islands. He is a Cuban exile. He is a happy man but scarred by the "revolution." He is a singer and musician. I'm sitting here listening to a couple of his songs right now. The sound, the beat and topics are fresh...unlike anything I'm normally exposed to. Then it hit me like a ton of bricks. The Cubans on the island have developed this great art and culture then had it walled off by the Castro boys with a big assist from American special interests looking for a way to make a buck minus Cuban competition. So you ladies and gentlemen in Cuba are sitting on a gold mine. Americans will pay dearly for this music and other art that has been blinded to them by 19th century ideology and greed. Now that Fidel is dead you have an opportunity to cast off the shackles of poverty and earn more than enough wealth to provide for yourself and your family.

The government is too afraid to make the official announcement about Fidel for fear of what you may do. When they muster the strength to make it official this should be the signal for Cubans everywhere to gather in the town and city centers, do nothing but demand that Raul and his gang go from the island and remain there until you get what you want. Remain peaceful and respectful of one another. As long as you stay together the gang who has ruined things for 48 year can make no money. It is true that you won't be drawing your 50 cents per day wages but feel free to steal what you need. We'll be bringing lots of provisions the day after Raul and the boys leave.

Remember the outside world for the most part has no experience with Cuban culture. When they get a small taste they're going to...well let me explain it economically. You have a small island with a limited supply of art and artists. However, they have been banned from profiting commercially for 48 years. Shortly this will end, opening this limited supply of art and music to a market of hundreds of millions of wealthy consumers. When the demand sharply increases in the marketplace while the supply remains constant the prices will rise dramatically. It's economics 101! Cuba is going to be the hottest artistic ticket on the planet and you can put your money on that right now. The smart music producers will be scouting out the Cuban talent right now or lose out big-time in the long run.

I'm hopeful Alberto Gonzalez will be on my show this Sunday night at 9 pm. We'll play a song or two of his and take your questions. Sorry ladies but I think he's married.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Castro is Dead

Castro is Dead

I received word via Aleph Peres that the Minister of Interior in Paraguay who is also the front runner in the presidential bid, just said Castro is Dead, he didn't explained how he knows this.

One of his relatives in the government says he has been dead for some time now but Castro's wife refuses the announcement be made public.

Remain Together!

Remain Together!

It is clear now from our contacts that the Cuban people, en mass, are waiting for the announcement of Castro's death so they can celebrate. It is now perfectly clear that the government will try to retain control with a few thousand goons and cops. But there are millions of Cubans especially young energetic ones who have received nothing from the revolution. The ancient Castro followers who still support the regime will not have the strength to take to the streets because they are old and spent. A few thousand goons will not be near enough to stop millions of Cubans from being free. Stay in the streets Cubans until the tyrants are driven from the island. If you drive them out today by the weekend we will be flooding Cuba with food, drink and lots of spending money. That will be necessary for the party we are going to have. Then in about a month we will have to stop partying and get down to work rebuilding Cuba and your lives. Go to the streets amigos. Go there now.

The Credit Crunch Culprits

The Credit Crunch Culprits

My cousin Emiliano wrote this excellent piece simply explaining why the US finds itself in an economic mess. Read this and you too will understand why. You're going to be angry. Castro isn't the only swindler on the planet. Our government past and present has been filled with them.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

How Much Raul?

How Much Raul?

What's it going to take Raul? You can sit there fiddling around like Nero while your numb skull economic model completely bankrupts Cuba. Or you could take a nice little cash payment for "retirement" purposes right now. If you were going to "retire" how much do you think you would need to get by? Now that you've had just a dab of experience at being the target of information war you see how things will be from now on. You know you cannot hope to be alive even for another five years in your condition and that could only happen if you got yourself out of your high stress environment. With a bit of cash you could head off to one of your properties to finish out your life. Your remaining family will be much safer as well. Give us a call - while you can still dial...

My Great Grandfather

My Great Grandfather was a trustworthy man - honestly! Fidel lied about everything plus he's a thief and a murderer.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Hello Amigos

Hello Amigos

I hope the storm did not affect your personal lives too badly although all the Castro private money making endeavors I pray are ruined. I just wanted to remind you that since the beginning of civilization the powerful have been convincing the masses that these "leaders" can make you wealthy by controlling and taxing your labor. They do it here in America to a lessor degree than in Cuba but still they wonder why there are poor people here too. Duh... Quit stealing their labor. That is why the vast majority of Cuban islanders are poor. When the current government collapses soon for economic reasons initially we will bring in millions of dollars in cash plus huge amounts of material aid. These things will be the seeds to rekindle the Cuban economic tiger that has been sleeping for too long. Very quickly you will have the deed to your home and the resources to fix it up or even build a new one. You are educated and will rapidly have a rewarding job that pays you extremely well. Plus under the new economic model all this income you will get to keep for yourself and your family. You will have a cell phone because you will need one now that you no longer waste your time. All of you will have a fast computer with the latest fiber optic phone/television/Internet connections which will be laid down just as the water pipes, sewer lines, roads and other infrastructure are put in. It will be incredibly cheap to do it this way and we will create a joint employee/foreign investor company which will allow the Cuban employees of the various communication networks to share in the profits. In fact this should be the model for all joint ventures, i.e. foreign capital and technology but completed with vested Cuban labor. The average full time worker will work about 35 hours per week with full health/medical/vacation/paid holiday/401k, etc.

Under this economic model all Cubans will be able to create more than enough wealth to care for themselves. No longer will they need to beg the government for hand outs. Within 5 years you will be just as wealthy as the average American and soon after much richer than that. It won't be long before each family will really need two cars. You will have the latest home appliances like air conditioning, cloths washers and driers, refrigerators, etc. You will need all of these things because they will save you time and in your futures time will be money - lots of it!

Moving Sucks

Moving Sucks

Yes it does but it must be done. Sorry for not being around more but let me just get through this week and things should settle down in the new place. I'll be back.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Don Royce Roy

He'll freak your mind every time!

Look Here:

Cuban Government Weather

Cuban Government Weather

It's so curious. Please go here and look at the Cuban government weather radar and it appears smooth sailing. However, if you go here to the weather underground site the possibility of rain and wind appears a bit more likely. So please tell me Raul dodging out some of the DOPLAR so the tourists will not cancel out?

Blogtalk Tonight!

Blogtalk Tonight!

The latest on Dean

Gotta Get Something Off Your Chest?

If Cuba's not free I'll be right here every Sunday night at 9 pm complaining about it.