Saturday, July 07, 2007
Sicko Cuban Health Care
It's so sad that you left leaning ignoramus's just believe the Cuban junta's assertions about health care on the island when there is a wealth of absolute proof that screams THEY LIE!!!
Here is some more evidence. may contain big words that should you actually comprehend them will shock you into reality and you will never again feel the same way about Castro's government.
Friday, July 06, 2007
Urgent Plea
Our number one American agent of change for Cuba, Dona Soleangel has gotten this urgent plea out of the island information prison. Why does the Castro regime cruelly separate families? Read this sad message...
Mensaje URGENTE a los Excelentísimos Señores Obispos de América Latina, a través de los distinguidos miembros de la CELAM, reunidos en Cuba
De: Sra. Hilda Morejón Serantes 3 de Julio del año 2007
Excelentísimos Señores Obispos de América Latina, Excelentísimos Señores Obispos que asisten a la reunión de la CELAM:
Aunque me apena molestar el valiosísimo tiempo de ustedes, autoridades de mi amada Iglesia, angustiada por la prolongada separación de mi familia, les ruego respetuosamente que me ayuden. Quien les remite esta carta es la Señora Hilda Morejón Serantes, mamá de la destacada neurocientífica y neurocirujana cubana, Dra. Hilda Molina. Yo soy una anciana de 88 años de edad, gravemente enferma, y postrada en un sillón de ruedas. A continuación les sintetizo la trágica e inmerecida historia que vivimos mis seres más queridos y yo:
En el año 1994, mi querida hija se desvinculó, por decisión propia, del sistema comunista imperante en Cuba; desde ese momento, los que aquí gobiernan le prohiben viajar al exterior. Como consecuencia de esta medida cruel y arbitraria, ella no ha podido abrazar durante más de 13 años, a su único hijo y su esposa, residentes en Argentina; y no conoce a sus dos nietecitos de 12 y 6 años respectivamente. Yo he permanecido todo este tiempo junto a ella, acompañándola en su terrible agonía.
El 16 de Mayo del pasado 2006, mientras mi hija me auxiliaba en el baño, sufrí una gran caída. Es imposible, Excelencias, que una persona en la situación de mi hija, con 64 años, también muy enferma, invalidada en su brazo izquierdo y con limitaciones para su movilidad por intenso dolor en la rodilla izquierda, pueda manipular sin riesgos a una anciana totalmente discapacitada como yo; ella trató de sostenerme, pero finalmente caímos las dos. Este accidente provocó que mi ya precario estado de salud se agravara hasta el extremo crítico en que me encuentra actualmente.
Durante todo este tristísimo período de lejanía familiar, yo nunca quise viajar a Argentina pues no podía abandonar a mi desamparada hija. Después del accidente, mi hija y mi nieto me suplicaron que realizara el tan añorado viaje. Consciente de que el fin de mi existencia está próximo, y con el corazón destrozado al tener que separarme de mi hija, decidí visitar Argentina, pues necesito antes de morir, abrazar de nuevo a mi adorado nieto, la persona que más amo en este mundo, y a su esposa, a la que quiero como una nieta; y conocer a mis dos maravillosos bisnietos. Además, allí recibiré la atención médica que requiero con urgencia, a la que no tengo acceso en mi Patria. Realizamos todos los trámites establecidos; y según la fecha que me indicaron, debía recoger mi pasaporte en los inicios del mes de Agosto del pasado año 2006. Hasta el momento el pasaporte no me ha sido entregado, a pesar de que cada semana acudimos a la oficina de Inmigración; ni lo entregan, ni siquiera explican el motivo de que me hayan retenido este documento, imprescindible para continuar los trámites de viaje, lo que me permite afirmar que el gobierno cubano también prohibe que yo visite a mi adorada familia en Argentina.
Excelencias, yo he sido siempre una católica comprometida. Jamás abandoné mi Iglesia, ni en los momentos más dificiles, no obstante las presiones a que fui sometida. Jamás me vinculé con el régimen totalitario que mutila nuestras libertades, pues no acepté, no acepto ni aceptaré un gobierno que niega a Dios. Por tanto, las autoridades
de este país carecen absolutamente de argumentos que validen mi retención por la fuerza en Cuba.
Excelencias, mi hija y yo somos dos mujeres solas en Cuba, muy enfermas ambas, y desamparadas. Yo dependo totalmente del auxilio de mi hija; y mi hija requiere con urgencia de cuidados médicos e incluso de auxilio. Qué objetivos persiguen al mantener lejos de su familia a dos mujeres indefensas en el ocaso de sus vidas? Qué oscuros sentimientos de odio y venganza inmerecidos motivan tan demencial actuación? A quién puede perjudicar nuestra visita temporal y estrictamente familiar a Argentina?
Excelentísimos Señores Obispos, mi familia y yo no estamos solicitando algo que pertenezca al estado cubano. Sólo pedimos lo que en silencio han demandado miles de familias de esta sufrida isla en las últimas casi cinco décadas: el respeto a los legítimos, irrenunciables y pisoteados derechos familiares. No existen razone políticas, ideológicas ni de índole alguna, capaces de justificar que hombres poderosos destrocen familias inermes; y torturen niños inocentes, mujeres indefensas y ancianas moribundas. Al prohibirme viajar a Argentina, el gobierno cubano se burla de mi última voluntad; viola impúdicamente mis más elementales derechos, aún sabiendo que estoy próxima a mi fin; me impide recibir la atención médica que necesito; y hasta me niega la posibilidad de concluir mi existencia con dignidad, en paz, y rodeada de las personas que más amo.
Excelencias, estoy segura de que comprenden el suplicio que hemos vivido y estamos viviendo mi hija y yo. Les aseguro que nada es comparable a este desgarramiento que nos destroza el corazón y que no nos permite ni un minuto de sosiego. Ambas, más que vivir, hemos muerto cada instante transcurrido desde que vimos por última vez a mi nieto y su esposa, en el año 1994; solamente nos sostiene nuestra Fe en Dios y en su Santísima Madre. Es por eso que agobiada por un indescriptible sufrimiento, acudo a ustedes con esta petición, que es mi última voluntad: por favor, soliciten al gobierno cubano que mi hija y yo podamos viajar juntas lo antes posible a Argentina. Y si los que nos torturan se aferran al despiadado absurdo de retener aquí a mi hija, que al menos permitan que yo viaje de inmediato a Argentina, pues aunque esto agravaría la separación familiar y me ocasionaría un extraordinario dolor, no quiero morir sin ver a mi nieto y a mi nieta, y sin conocer a mis bisnietos.
Excelentísimos Señores Obispos, por favor, no me abandonen. Les suplico que me ayuden a morir en paz; no permitan que muera desesperada.
Disculpen por favor la mala redacción de estas líneas, pues aunque aun estoy lúcida, ya también mi lucidez se va afectando.
Por favor Excelencias, recen por nosotros, por las destrozadas familias cubanas; y bendígannos. Muchas gracias por su atención. Muchas gracias anticipadas, porque como en que ustedes van a interceder en pos de que mi familia se reunifique; y de que yo pueda morir con los seres que más amo, reunidos en torno a mí.
Que Dios y la Virgen bendigan y protejan a ustedes, a sus familias y a sus diócesis.
Hilda Mo eón Serantes
Dirección: Bruzón No. 61
Apartamento 7 (Primer Piso, Interior}
Entre Almendares y Ayestarán
Plaza de la Revolución
Ciudad de la Habana. Cuba
Teléfono: 8782256
Thursday, July 05, 2007
In 1959
In 1959 I was 5 years old. I liked playing baseball and was very afraid of Sister Mary Clemons my first grade teacher. I must confess I did not know how things were in Cuba then beyond what my family told me. But considering all the people who have died or been killed by this revolution perhaps someone could enlighten me? Did most Cubans use newspapers for toilet paper? Did all the broken sewer pipes spew human wastes into the streets? Was the tap water unfit to drink? Were the majority of islanders hungry all the time with many suffering from diabetes because of the high sugarcane diet with no decent high vitamin food? I wonder, did Cuba send their doctors and medicine to other countries while Cubans suffered and died from treatable medical conditions? Were there dengue fever outbreaks that the government tried to pass off as a new disease called "fever syndrome" so the leader wouldn't look foolish? Were all the houses crumbling into piles of rubble? Were Cubans not allowed in the tourist areas? Was making their daughters, mothers, wives and girlfriends the whores for the fat tourists okay with the family back in '59? Just how bad was it? Because all of the above is the current situation in Cuba and it's going south from there fast. Cubans everywhere know this but the world says to us prove that negative. But we cannot do that easily because Cuba is a prison where the government tries to control all information. However, in case anyone from the MSM hasn't noticed, everything we say in these blogs continues to be proved correct like last year's dengue outbreak that Castro at first lied about - as usual. So when will these so called journalists demand full access to the island before ever again printing or airing a word from the regime? But I promise you this media men...I know a bunch of Cubans that will make you eat your words in the near future. Better make your words soft and sweet for Cuban liberty.
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
The Cuban Chernobyl
I believe that the final straw with respect to the collapse of the old USSR was the Chernobyl incident. That one event finalized the perception in all of the people that the leaders were pompous power hungry buffoons who would get everybody killed if they were allowed to be in charge much longer. Is a Cuban Chernobyl on the horizon? One possible meltdown would be the dams in Cuba. I sure wish the US government would allow us to get a better look at those dammed up reservoirs that appear to be filled to the brim from recent heavy rains. Most of these look like earthen dams too. If one of the dams failed suddenly it could kill tens of thousands of Cubans and perhaps cause hundreds of thousands of homeless people. It would be a calamity far and above the capacity of the criminal regime that caused it to rectify it. The refugees would exodus to Havana and overwhelm the Castro boy's government. Having U.S. aid would be vital to spare the lives of countless abandoned Cubans. The exiles would be spearheading the delivery of that food, water and medical supplies to avert a humanitarian disaster. At the same time, while we have their attention delivering these things, we should already have a pamphlet spelling out how to change into a self-governing people again with the right to stay in their residences and own them officially as well as speak their minds freely. The little green pamphlet should explain how using PC's and the Internet we could hold an election within months that would be fair and open so they could elect their leaders and in the future replace the one who do not do a good job.
One thing for certain, these guys in Havana are idiots and surely will cause a Chernobyl of some sort and I believe very soon. We should already have the boiler-plates ready to go with the plans to change Cuba into a better place. We will have but a short time to get it done correctly before the populists and competing interest could derail the whole thing again. But Cuba is a rare combination of educated people who now know the folly of state promises of security for liberty, unbelievable natural beauty, abundant natural resources and this all tolled could lead to our people becoming the richest and happiest people on the planet. If we play our cards right Cuba can become the example for the rest of the world on how to organize a nation of people for the people. Happy 4th!
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Stupid CNN
Well according to CNN either Fidel is just enjoying himself writing essays in retirement or this is a sign that he is coming back. But it never occurs to CNN that they could be getting bored and stroked like a Model T by the master of all propaganda machines. It never registered that it could be a ghost writer penning these ridiculous articles. At least one aspect of the piece was accurate - Cubans on the island don't have a clue about what Fidel is supposed to be writing about these days and they could give a rat's ass either.
Cuba Libre
It's really difficult to convince most Americans these days that they ought to be free. They no longer want to own their time, body and money. It is why I devote so much time to freeing Cuba. Cubans understand tyranny and will cherish freedom while Americans grow Michael Moore fat and lazy clamoring for more socialist services. Cubans know that government safety nets are in reality nooses. Americans condemn me for calling for freedom. When given the chance, the 11 millions slaves in Cuba will thank me for calling for their freedom from tyranny. Once they own their time, body and money again, they will never be foolish enough to relinquish it for the promise of security. This day rapidly approaches.
Monday, July 02, 2007
Communist Economic Meltdown
The coming world economic "correction" should finish off the tyrant regime in Cuba and the leadership is acting like they know it's a forgone conclusion. They are cashing in and stashing dough outside the country. The rats are getting ready to desert a sinking ship. Anger and disgust with the socialist regime becomes more vocal everyday. The regime now walks a delicate tightrope to remain in control. They do not want to push the people too hard for they could explode into a rage that will not stop until it reaches the top. Hopefully Raul is staying drunk and the regime remains paralyzed.
Sunday, July 01, 2007
Tranny & BUCL
Sorry for not blogging more. My wife and daughter, whom from hence forth for simplicity I'll refer to as "the car killers," have two vehicles down now and it has kept me rather busy. The good news is the truck transmission is fine and sitting in my living room. The pressure plate, flywheel and clutch disc which only has 20k driven on it by the car killers, was worn down lower than whale shit at the bottom of the ocean. So $350 in parts should fix it but this comes at an incredibly bad time. The elder car killer does not start her new nursing job until July 9 and has worked about two days in the past month because school and regulatory road blocks. Evidently, nurses can't be medical techs anymore or something like that. We should be more than fine in the near future but right now things are tight. I'd love to give to this latest BUCL effort. I like it even better than the last effort. Hell, it's already garnering press and it is just getting off the ground. But I just won't have any disposable cash for at least a couple of weeks. Therefore I'd like to make a plea for the rest of you patriots to give a bit for me. I'll definitely be in for the next operation but let me fix the truck right now before the killers strike again - and they surely will.