Thursday, September 27, 2012

Three Degrees Of False Flag Attack

For the duped television reared American that cannot find their own country on a map with no names, I will try to inform you of something that you have not heard about or do not believe could exists in your televised world - the false flag attack.

A false flag attack is like being in a crowd and while someone isn't looking then slapping them in the back of the head then looking the other way innocently while someone else takes the blame. But a false flag is when one's government does these evil attacks on their own citizens so they can be tricked into war with the patsy nation who is blamed wrongly for the attack.

As the title states there are three degrees of false flag attack. A third degree false flag attack is what happened with the Gulf of Tonkin incident - NOTHING! In other words this tail wags the dog attack never actually happens but instead all of the paid presstitutes over the television networks swear that it did. Next, the second degree false flag attack is when a foreign attacker actually does attack a country, that country's government knows it's about to be attacked but stands down and allows the attack to go forward. A prime example of this false flag is the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor that Roosevelt knew all about but let go forward anyhow to build support for war against Japan. Finally, the first degree false flag attack is when the government actually does the attack itself on their own citizens then blames the act on the nation or group they wish to demonized and go to war with. Textbook examples of this type of false flag attack are the Oklahoma City bombing done to save Clinton's reelecting and the 9/11 attack which many still mistake as a second degree false flag attack. But make no mistake about it. Nine eleven WAS a first degree false flag attack and the same scum who pulled that inside job off sure would like to take it to the next level for the impending attack. That means nuts in our secret police department nuking Americans or infecting us with deadly germs or God knows what?

So know your nation's false flag attacks and maybe there will be no more false flag attacks.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Drug War Trojan Horse

Gordon Duff over at Veterans Today really does a nice job of explaining how a drug war supposedly to correct personal, private behavior deemed inappropriate by busy bodies is actually a military Trojan Horse being used to secretly attack America. Gordon shows easily how too many of our cops and politicians are totally corrupted by drug prohibition.

Your choice is a simple one, amigos. Keep losing this drug battle as well as your nation or come to your senses, mind your own damn business, let adult people do as they choose in private and concentrate on routing out the public criminals from office all across this land. That would be easy if the majority of Americans would get their heads screwed on right and stop listen to criminals and their collaborators. The fact is these crooks have left so many skeletons in the closet and smoking guns that any damn fool could prosecute them. You see amigos when one is officially responsible for looking into the evidence of criminal activity, one can commit any crime they like if they are crooked themselves. We have an entire government from the top down, federal, state and local all controlled by criminals. They know it and could care less that I warn about what they are doing to America. Most of them don't even realize they are destroying their nation because they are just making a buck trying to survive.

Gordon writes:

Criminality in law enforcement begins in Washington and dozens of long serving members of congress hold high positions in organized crime groups. 
Congress supplies the “middle managers” for worldwide organized crime, voting special laws to protect criminal groups, pushing billions in federal funding into contractors controlled by organized crime, helping create armed gangs under the guise of “military contractors” and, when needed, acting as financial couriers themselves while on “junkets.”
