Sunday, February 25, 2007

Manny Fontenla-Novoa

Manny Fontenla-Novoa

Gotta Get Something Off Your Chest?

Call in tonight and give Manny an earful! He thinks he can enslave the Cuban people and exploit them for cheap vacations. Tell him what his chances are of operating in Cuba the second the Castro boys are driven from power. We demand:

Thomas Cook stop booking trips to Cuba immediately!

Manny Fontenla-Novoa must denounce the Castro regime!

Manny Fontenla-Novoa must apologize to the Cuban people!

1 million dollars placed in an escrow account immediately for the democratically elected government of the Cuban people as compensation for your corporation's past and current atrocious behavior or pay many times that amount in the future!

Here is the reality Mr. Novoa. We are not going to go away. We are going to savage you and your corporation everyday until you recognize Cubans as human beings and accord them their just human rights that YOU expect for yourself. In reality you don't have much choice. You can continue your silence and let us tear down your corporation piece by piece, you can begin to attack me and appear a supporter of the tyrant Fidel or if wise you can acquiesce to our demands. You might hate me Manny but in reality I'm your best friend with regard to this mess that you've placed yourself in. The majority of Cubans just want to turn their backs on you until Castro is driven from power then ban Thomas Cook and all subsidiaries from ever conducting business in Cuba. They hate you. But I believe in redemption. I am willing to give you a chance to do the right thing but everyday you do business it get harder to defend you. Maybe a crowd of angry Cubans protesting in front of several of your offices might persuade you? It's your call.

Tomás Estrada-Palma


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