Saturday, November 13, 2010

Martin O'Malley A Council of Governors Stooge

Way to go Maryland! You've just elected a federally controlled stooge who is a member of the Council of Governors. Are you going to Disney World now? In case you Pennsylvanians, Ohioans, New Yorkers, etc. didn't know, during an emergency O'Malley will be your governor too.

Check out this episode of Conspiracy Theory on Gary Franchi's network.

Why Silver Is Exploding In Price

Max Keiser aptly explains why the price of silver has doubled during the past year. Basically, the criminals in banking have been shorting silver. They have sold 100 times more silver than they actually have to sell. But people have wised up to the scam and are demanding actually delivery of their silver. This exposes the fraud and will cause the price of silver to explode like obsolete NY skyscrapers with office fires.

Watch and listen to Max:

Hello Greece, Ireland, Spain

I have noticed a surge in traffic to my blog from these nations. Why I cannot say for certain always but often it relates to the bankster take over of their countries. I know this because of the search criteria that they use to find my blog.

What they find here is easily understood explanations of how their nations have been economically subjugated by the international banking class. I hope these numbers continue to grow because it will mean that more people are discovering the truth and spreading the word.

The truth is our world is dominated by a few very powerful bankers operating in the shadows via our mutually corrupt governments. We need to work together to liberate ourselves from the bondage of this free range slavery. Please spread the word. I'm not having great success thus far wising up most Americans as they are sort of a thick lot while at the same time under the illusion that they are informed because they watch the news on TV.

Do you want to start organizing a free range slave revolt with me? I'm not taking about anything violent because that's what the traitors are instigating us to do. The revolt I suggest is one where we spread the word about what is really going on in the world today with our corrupt governments. Then we will move as one and crush the attackers with their own weapon - economics.

Pat Downs Predicated On A Lie

The stupid are much easier to identify today. They are likely to defend enhanced pat downs (formerly known as a sexual assaults) and being irradiated all in the name of airline safety. Well stupid is, when stupid flies.

The fact remains that the government hasn't stopped anyone carrying a bomb at airport security checkpoints. The fact is the Christmas Day bomber was let on the plane even though he did not have a passport. The fact is every recently attempted airline bombing has been thwarted by the passengers themselves who rise up and beat the hell out of the culprits before putting the plastic cuffs on them for the police. The fact is this type of terrorism will no longer be effective now that Americans know the deal - rise up and stomp the perpetrator or die.

That is why the CIA has decided to send these so-called printer cartridge bombs. The CIA can't risk sending terrorist dupes onto the planes anymore because they keep getting caught by the passengers and beaten up. Then there are lots of questions and lose ends left untied by the secret police responsible for letting their operative get on-board in the first place. So to continue scaring the ignorant American sheep the CIA has laid the foundation to blow up an airliner over a populated area. As the fiery debris falls out of the sky the enemy networks using shills like Chris Matthews and Bill O'Reilly will moan about how if only enhanced pat downs were in place then all the victims would have been saved.

NONSENSE! Do you want to make flying safer? If so then refuse to fly. The main terrorists within the secret police of the United States of America and other colluding nations are traitors working for the international bankers. The international bankers are deeply invested in the airline business. A boycott against flying for even one week would bring the airlines to their knees.

But it is not sufficient for me if the airport sexual assaults and irradiation are dropped to get Tomas to fly once more. Sure it would be better flying without these assaults but the secret police terrorists would still be completely in charge of who or what gets on the airplane. Even though the secret police will blow up a plane from time to time to keep us inline, the chances it will be you or I is still a remote possibility. But that's not the point.

For me the point is the federal secret police terrorists are still in control of the airports and elsewhere in America. I will fly again once these terrorists are caught, prosecuted and punished as severely as permitted under the law. Unlike these terrorists, I want the secret police traitors to have a very public trial. Even though most FBI and CIA employees are just duped compartmentalized tools of their bosses, those bosses are traitors. That's why more and more agents who discover the treason among their ranks are ratting the unAmerican dogs out by leaking information to the public about their boss's traitorous behavior. Only a very public trial followed by their conviction, their disgrace and punishment will make the skies safer to fly again.

In the meantime, let me remind you that the enemy networks always state ahead of time what our secret police terrorists will perpetrate before they commit the crime. So the possibility of the filthy, unAmerican traitors blowing up an airliner over a populated area of the U.S. is very probable. So either you grown men and women will have to stop acting like scared little children and develop the courage to seek out the truth - or me and the other growing number of American grown-ups who have wised up to our real enemy will have to go back to acting like duped sheep. I can tell you for sure that I'm never going to stick my head in the sand and trust these known terrorists ever again. So flying will be just as dangerous because the traitors will continue to murder one of you flying sheep from time to time to keep the sheep still living obedient and compliant. Only once the 9/11 coup is properly investigated will Tomas Estrada-Palma fly again. If Bin Laden is so guilty, why hasn't he been indicted yet for the crime? It's the same reason the government wants to arrest and even assassinate suspects without a trial. There is NO EVIDENCE of guilt. Once a trial began the evidence would clearly point to the traitors within our own government who actually did committed the crime. So it is vital that these snake scare the sheep into thinking that conducting trials is just too dangerous from now on. The danger is in a trial the truth very likely would be exposed and the traitors would be in big trouble.

That's what should happen if America were a just country with a wise people.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Quantitative Easing For Dummies

Washington Officials Not In DC

If Washington, DC were attacked today, many of the top federal elite will be out of town. Isn't that convenient?

No Congressional Requirement To See Obama's Birth Certificate

It's official! Our political leaders have never seen any actual proof of Obama's place of birth because - there is no law saying they have to do so. In the report found here the Congress admits it has never verified Obama's birth place.

The outgoing Congress has obviously been a pack of chiselers for not doing their Constitutional duty to ensure our president is an actual American. Their reasoning is classic "dog ate my homework," nonsense.


An Inconvient Truth About Steel

You were told three tower collapsed on 9/11 because the supporting steel structure "softened" then pancaked to the ground. However, what has been softened is your brain if you believe this lie. Look at this video of that day and you will see molten steel - not softened steel. It runs liquid like in a foundry. Even the liars in the government and their private shill networks swear there was no molten steel because they know scientifically jet fuel burns 1000 degrees too cool.

Parts of these videos have been suppressed by the federal government. Have a look see:

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Abel Danger

Touch Screen Voting Should Be Outlawed

You see the trouble with these damnable touch screen voting contraptions is there is absolutely no way to verify the results. Even if it is honest machine failures like the video below there is now no way of knowing an accurate count from this machine. It means many voters were robbed of their right to vote for their candidate of choice.

The officials and politicos responsible for these Stalin 2100 Touch Screen Voting Machines should be drummed out of office as soon as legally possible.

Banko Rica

America henceforth shall be officially known as "Banko Rica." The dollar soon will no longer be accepted in Banko Rica. All legal citizens of Banko Rica must use debit cards for all transactions large or small. The new electronic currency of Banko Rica will be known as the "Bunko."

Therefore, all legal citizens of Banko Rica must hand in their old U.S. American dollars before next week when they become worthless under the law. The official exchange rate in Banko Rica shall be $100 for one Bunko.

This has been decided. Have a nice day...

More Omission News


Timothy Geithner announces "U.S. will never devalue the dollar."

Well lets think about Timmy's statement and check it for veracity. He and banker Benny at the Fed are creating hundreds of billions of demands for goods and services in the form of paper dollars. They assure Americans that it won't make the dollar less valuable. Well suppose Tomas, a rather resourceful fellow, just invented an apple machine and on the first day turned dirt, water and air into 800,000,000 apples? Right off the bat everyone can see I'm going to have a hard time even getting those apples into the marketplace efficiently. Plus, the demand for apples is the same as yesterday.

The question is, will the price generally be higher or lower for apples? Of course they will be less expensive or Tomas is sitting on a lot of rotten fruit. The difference between apples and dollars is we are shipping most of our rotten fruit of the dollar overseas especially to China. Inflation is raging wherever those dollars flood in as seen in higher prices. However, those price increases are set to boomerang back to our shores because 90% of our oil is imported as well as many other raw materials. The reason Timmy and Benny can get away with this obvious bold face lie is there is a lag between the time the money is printed then spent and the inevitable price increases. Higher prices mean that it requires more dollars to buy things because dollars are less valuable.

The enemy networks are in on this giant swindle and will never inform the general public that we are being robbed. Until everyone understands these basic facts of economics we all will continue to be robbed by the banker class.

The Omission News

Today's Omission News is about your FEMA camps complete with swing sets and playgrounds for your kids as well as warning signs inside the barbed wire should internees think about escaping. These camps are scattered all across the nation waiting for the round up of U.S. citizens who protest the foreign banker take-over of America.

How can you avoid the camps? Well first of all don't be poor, a minority or a protester. You will be safer living in the forest foraging rather than in the camps. The WWII internees just lost everything they owned but at least were left alive. This time things will be much more desperate. There is a better than average chance that if you enter these camps you won't be leaving alive.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The Ministry Of Propaganda

Below, please find the 6 media conglomerates upon which most Americans base their perception of reality. They say some super cave Arabs attacked us killing 3000 while our military did nothing for hours during the attack. Then, once high explosive nano-thermite residue was found everywhere close to ground zero confirming bombs were deployed to bring down the World Trade Center Towers after planes were remotely flown into them using the on-board flight computers, these same traitorous media vipers continue to black out the truth. Why? Because they are filthy traitors conspiring in collusion with filthy foreign and domestic traitors who were the ones who actually attacked us on 9/11. Still most Americans debate this fake reality spewed by the unAmerican dogs.

You really think these bastards are operating in your best interests?

Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Quantitative Stealth Spending By Force

Here is the reasoning with quantitative easing and how it operates. In the wisdom of the central bankers there is not enough economic activity. Of course this makes sense since so many individuals have no job nor money to spend. So businesses can't sell and have to lay off employees who then have no job and no money to spend and so on and so forth into this economic death spiral. So Benny and the Federal Reserve Jets will force spending by first creating out of thin air hundreds of billions of dollars thereby devaluing dollars everywhere. Then the banksters will take these freshly created notes culled from the wealth of everybody in the world, make them available for their friends and hope they will buy something or invest in such a way that it creates a job or two.

But here is what is actually wrong with the economy. The ruling powers have always resisted change. Why? It's because they are earning a good living the way things are now. The reason many things are the way they are is because of collusion between the powerful private interests and government. This has happened many times throughout history. The spirits distillers in France wanted coffee banned once saying it would make the people hyper and uncontrollable. The reality was instead of French men and woman drinking themselves stupid and paying the distillers for the privilege, they were lucidly drinking coffee in cafes causing the crown to worry they may be conspiring again royal rule. Today we know both of these French power centers were resisting change for the better - unless you feel staying drunk and under royal government dictates are preferable choices.

The Federal Reserve was never a good choice as all monopolies are inherently bad by design. But now that the world has awakened to the fiat money swindle, counterfeiting through various legal tender laws throughout the world is no longer possible. Complicating fiat money systems now that we all know the raw deal is the information age. People have discovered the way to beat the inflation thievery caused by paper money counterfeiting is to immediately turn the money into commodities because they are real tangible things that have actual value as opposed to the promised value of a dollar in decline. This can be literally done at lightening speed with the Internet. But Ben Bernanke continues to pretend things are fine as millions suffer.

There are many things that must change for the world to be a better place but it will never come from our current batch of sellouts. The money system must change back to an honest one based on hard commodities like gold, silver and why not even lithium bars for the batteries, etc.? Afghan's could have a currency based on lithium that has been mined and put into production. Perhaps these paper notes based on the value of that marketed lithium might be called "lithee's," and be exchangeable with other currencies internationally.

As the people of the planet come to understand money they are like the Mississippi River. They want to change course and flow to an easier path. But the ruling powers will do anything to maintain the current course because it really benefits this tiny fraction of the population greatly. They will dredge up whatever sludge from the bottom to spew over the enemy television networks to keep things flowing the way they are now. But their efforts are hopeless and doomed to fail. In this failure millions will suffer and die needlessly in the struggle to change direction.

Eventually things will change as they always do or book scribes, town criers and buggy whip manufacturers would be big business as they once were. The moral of this story is the sooner everybody wises up the sooner we will change to a better monetary system that is decentralized and based on honest commodity values rather that dishonest paper promises of value. The bankers will also kill and maim far fewer of us as well.

Aspartame Poisoning By Stealth


Here I thought I was not consuming this toxin. But look at the information below and one can see that even a cautious eater like myself has been exposed to this genetically engineered bacteria crap that becomes WOOD ALCOHOL after consumption. Part of the take-over and depopulation of America is chemical warfare using this sweet tasting weapon. Besides the brain cancer, blindness and too many other neurological diseases to mention, aspartame helps make one stupid and also actually crave more calories. The corporate swine that foisted this swill upon a duped American public are 1000 times worse than the worst tobacco company.

Everything is a matter of public record. Aspartame needs to be banned, period, but also with Codex.

Dr. Betty Martini, D.Hum, Founder
Mission Possible International
9270 River Club Parkway
Duluth. Georgia 30097
770 242-2599,,
Aspartame Toxicity Center,

ASPARTAME… list of foods it has been approved for

Found this on the codex website under “current official standards list” one of the many .pdf listed for our food standards.…

ASPARTAME: It starts on page 74 of a 259 .pdf listing food additives and how much can go into a product. Cheese, bread, veggies, fruits, fish, coffee…… beer

General Standard for Food Additives…o.jsp?id_sta=4


INS 951 Aspartame Functional Class: Flavour enhancer, Sweetener

FoodCatNo… FoodCategory… MaxLevel… Notes… Year Adopted

01.1.2 Dairy-based drinks, flavoured and/or fermented (e.g., chocolate milk, cocoa, eggnog, drinking yoghurt, wheybased drinks) 600 mg/kg 161 & 191 2007

01.3.2 Beverage whiteners 6000 mg/kg 161 & 191 2008

01.4.4 Cream analogues 1000 mg/kg 161 & 191 2008

01.5.2 Milk and cream powder analogues 2000 mg/kg 161 & 191 2007

01.6.1 Unripened cheese 1000 mg/kg 161 & 191 2008

01.6.5 Cheese analogues 1000 mg/kg 161 & 191 2008

01.7 Dairy-based desserts (e.g., pudding, fruit or flavoured yoghurt) 1000 mg/kg 161 & 191 2007

02.3 Fat emulsions mainly of type oil-in-water, including mixed and/or flavoured products based on fat emulsions 1000 mg/kg 161 & 191 2008

02.4 Fat-based desserts excluding dairy-based dessert products of food category 01.7 1000 mg/kg 161 & 191 2007

03.0 Edible ices, including sherbet and sorbet 1000 mg/kg 161 & 191 2007 Frozen fruit 2000 mg/kg 161 & 191 2008 Dried fruit 2000 mg/kg 161 & 191 2008 Fruit in vinegar, oil, or brine 300 mg/kg 144 & 191 2007 Canned or bottled (pasteurized) fruit 1000 mg/kg 161 & 191 2007 Jams, jellies, marmelades 1000 mg/kg 161 & 191 2007 Fruit-based spreads (e.g., chutney) excluding products of food category 1000 mg/kg 161 & 191 2007 Candied fruit 2000 mg/kg 161 & 191 2007


CODEX STAN 192-1995 75

Table One

FoodCatNo FoodCategory MaxLevel Notes Year Adopted Fruit preparations, including pulp, purees, fruit toppings and coconut milk 1000 mg/kg 161 & 191 2007 Fruit-based desserts, including fruit-flavoured water-based desserts 1000 mg/kg 161 & 191 2007 Fermented fruit products 1000 mg/kg 161 & 191 2007 Fruit fillings for pastries 1000 mg/kg 161 & 191 2007 Cooked fruit 1000 mg/kg 161 & 191 2007 Frozen vegetables (including mushrooms and fungi, roots and tubers, pulses and legumes, and aloe vera), seaweeds, and nuts and seeds 1000 mg/kg 161 & 191 2008 Dried vegetables (including mushrooms and fungi, roots and tubers, pulses and legumes, and aloe vera), seaweeds, and nuts and seeds 1000 mg/kg 161 & 191 2008 Vegetables (including mushrooms and fungi, roots and tubers, pulses

and legumes, and aloe vera), and seaweeds in vinegar, oil, brine, or soybean sauce 300 mg/kg 144 & 191 2007 Canned or bottled (pasteurized) or retort pouch vegetables (including mushrooms and fungi, roots and tubers, pulses and legumes, and aloe vera), and seaweeds 1000 mg/kg 161 & 191 2008 Vegetable (including mushrooms and fungi, roots and tubers, pulses and legumes, and aloe vera), seaweed, and nut and seed purees and spreads (e.g., peanut butter) 1000 mg/kg 161 & 191 2008 Vegetable (including mushrooms and fungi, roots and tubers, pulses and legumes, and aloe vera), seaweed, and nut and seed pulps and preparations (e.g., vegetable desserts and sauces, candied vegetables) other than food

category 1000 mg/kg 161 & 191 2008 Fermented vegetable (including mushrooms and fungi, roots and tubers, pulses and legumes, and aloe vera) and seaweed products, excluding fermented soybean products of food categories 06.8.6, 06.8.7, 12.9.1, and 2500 mg/kg 161 & 191 2008 Cooked or fried vegetables (including mushrooms and fungi, roots and tubers, pulses and legumes, and aloe vera), and seaweeds 1000 mg/kg 161 & 191 2008

05.1.1 Cocoa mixes (powders) and cocoa mass/cake 3000 mg/kg 97 & 191 2007

05.1.2 Cocoa mixes (syrups) 1000 mg/kg 161 & 191 2007

05.1.3 Cocoa-based spreads, including fillings 3000 mg/kg 161 & 191 2008

05.1.4 Cocoa and chocolate products 3000 mg/kg 161 & 191 2008

05.1.5 Imitation chocolate, chocolate substitute products 3000 mg/kg 161 & 191 2008

05.2.1 Hard candy 3000 mg/kg 161 & 148 2008

05.2.2 Soft candy 3000 mg/kg 161 & 148 2008

05.2.3 Nougats and marzipans 3000 mg/kg 161 & 191 2008

05.3 Chewing gum 10000 mg/kg 161 & 191 2007

05.4 Decorations (e.g., for fine bakery wares), toppings (nonfruit) and sweet sauces 1000 mg/kg 161 & 191 2007

06.3 Breakfast cereals, including rolled oats 1000 mg/kg 161 & 191 2007

06.5 Cereal and starch based desserts (e.g., rice pudding, tapioca pudding) 1000 mg/kg 161 & 191 2007


CODEX STAN 192-1995 76

Table One

FoodCatNo FoodCategory MaxLevel Notes Year Adopted

07.1 Bread and ordinary bakery wares 4000 mg/kg 161 & 191 2008

07.2 Fine bakery wares (sweet, salty, savoury) and mixes 1700 mg/kg 165 & 191 2007

09.2 Processed fish and fish products, including mollusks, crustaceans, and echinoderms 300 mg/kg 144 & 191 2007

09.3 Semi-preserved fish and fish products, including mollusks, crustaceans, and echinoderms 300 mg/kg 144 & 191 2007

09.4 Fully preserved, including canned or fermented fish and fish products, including mollusks, crustaceans, and echinoderms 300 mg/kg 144 & 191 2007

10.4 Egg-based desserts (e.g., custard) 1000 mg/kg 161 & 191 2007

11.4 Other sugars and syrups (e.g., xylose, maple syrup, sugar toppings) 3000 mg/kg 159 & 191 2007

11.6 Table-top sweeteners, including those containing highintensity sweeteners GMP 191 2007

12.2.2 Seasonings and condiments 2000 mg/kg 161 & 191 2008

12.3 Vinegars 3000 mg/kg 161 & 191 2008

12.4 Mustards 350 mg/kg 191 2007

12.5 Soups and broths 1200 mg/kg 161 & 188 2009

12.6 Sauces and like products 350 mg/kg 191 2007

12.7 Salads (e.g., macaroni salad, potato salad) and sandwich spreads excluding cocoa- and nut-based spreads of food categories and 05.1.3 350 mg/kg 161 & 166 2007

13.3 Dietetic foods intended for special medical purposes (excluding products of food category 13.1) 1000 mg/kg 191 2007

13.4 Dietetic formulae for slimming purposes and weight reduction 800 mg/kg 191 2007

13.5 Dietetic foods (e.g., supplementary foods for dietary use) excluding products of food categories 13.1 – 13.4 and 13.6 1000 mg/kg 191 2007

13.6 Food supplements 5500 mg/kg 191 2007 Fruit nectar 600 mg/kg 191 2005 Vegetable nectar 600 mg/kg 161 & 191 2007 Concentrates for fruit nectar 600 mg/kg 127 & 191 2005 Concentrates for vegetable nectar 600 mg/kg 127 & 161 2007

14.1.4 Water-based flavoured drinks, including “sport,” “energy,” or “electrolyte” drinks and particulated drinks 600 mg/kg 161 & 191 2007

14.1.5 Coffee, coffee substitutes, tea, herbal infusions, and other hot cereal and grain beverages, excluding cocoa 600 mg/kg 160 & 161 2007

14.2.7 Aromatized alcoholic beverages (e.g., beer, wine and spirituous cooler-type beverages, low alcoholic refreshers) 600 mg/kg 191 2007

15.0 Ready-to-eat savouries 500 mg/kg 191 2008


INS 962 Aspartame-acesulfame salt Functional Class: Sweetener

FoodCatNo FoodCategory MaxLevel Notes Year Adopted


CODEX STAN 192-1995 77

Table One

FoodCatNo FoodCategory MaxLevel Notes Year Adopted

01.1.2 Dairy-based drinks, flavoured and/or fermented (e.g., chocolate milk, cocoa, eggnog, drinking yoghurt, wheybased drinks) 350 mg/kg 113 & 161 2009

01.7 Dairy-based desserts (e.g., pudding, fruit or flavoured yoghurt) 350 mg/kg 113 & 161 2009

02.4 Fat-based desserts excluding dairy-based dessert products of food category 01.7 350 mg/kg 113 & 161 2009 Canned or bottled (pasteurized) fruit 350 mg/kg 113 & 161 2009 Jams, jellies, marmelades 1000 mg/kg 119 & 161 2009 Fruit preparations, including pulp, purees, fruit toppings and coconut milk 350 mg/kg 113 & 161 2009 Fruit-based desserts, including fruit-flavoured water-based desserts 350 mg/kg 113 & 161 2009 Vegetables (including mushrooms and fungi, roots and tubers, pulses and legumes, and aloe vera), and seaweeds in vinegar, oil, brine, or soybean sauce 200 mg/kg 113 & 161 2009 Vegetable (including mushrooms and fungi, roots and tubers, pulses and legumes, and aloe vera), seaweed, and nut and seed pulps and preparations (e.g., vegetable desserts and sauces, candied vegetables) other than food category 350 mg/kg 113 & 161 2009

05.1.5 Imitation chocolate, chocolate substitute products 500 mg/kg 113 & 161 2009

07.2 Fine bakery wares (sweet, salty, savoury) and mixes 1000 mg/kg 77 & 113 2009

09.3 Semi-preserved fish and fish products, including mollusks, crustaceans, and echinoderms 200 mg/kg 113 2009

09.4 Fully preserved, including canned or fermented fish and fish products, including mollusks, crustaceans, and echinoderms 200 mg/kg 113 2009

13.4 Dietetic formulae for slimming purposes and weight reduction 450 mg/kg 113 2009

13.5 Dietetic foods (e.g., supplementary foods for dietary use) excluding products of food categories 13.1 – 13.4 and 13.6 450 mg/kg 113 2009

14.2.7 Aromatized alcoholic beverages (e.g., beer, wine and spirituous cooler-type beverages, low alcoholic refreshers) 350 mg/kg 113 2010

If they don’t get this deadly chemical poison off the market soon,

who will be left standing?


Aspartame Toxicity Center,

This is unbelievableyou would not even think they would just add Aspartame in high levels to some of these foods!!!

Approved to be Added to Following Foodstuff

A few samples of all the many kinds of food products they are with this carcinogen:

“Vegetable (including mushrooms and fungi, roots and tubers, pulses and legumes, and aloe vera), seaweed, and nut and seed pulps and preparations (e.g., vegetable desserts and sauces, candied vegetables) other than food category 1000 mg/kg 161 & 191 2008 Fermented vegetable (including mushrooms and fungi, roots and tubers, pulses and legumes, and aloe vera) and seaweed products, excluding fermented soybean products of food categories 06.8.6, 06.8.7, 12.9.1, and 2500 mg/kg 161 & 191 2008 Cooked or fried vegetables (including mushrooms and fungi, roots and tubers, pulses and legumes, and aloe vera), and seaweeds 1000 mg/kg 161 & 191 2008

05.1.1 Cocoa mixes (powders) and cocoa mass/cake 3000 mg/kg 97 & 191 2007″

The list gets worse….

Monday, November 08, 2010

Ventura Investigates Wall Street Traitors

Webster Tarpley Explains IMF Take-Over Of U.S.

Sunday, November 07, 2010

The War Socialists

The neo-cons feed like leeches off the frightened American people because they are war socialists through and through. If they don't have a boogie man they are happy to manufacture one.

He Knows What Must Be Done

Do you? Maybe you ought to have a listen...

Disinformation Distractions

I believe the news stories airing currently are pure disinformation meant to distract us before a huge staged event. Even though the main stream enemy television networks refuse to bring Americans the truth as a means to control our beliefs, it will be fitting that the rank and file dupes in these information whore houses will also die in this event. I'm talking about the dumb asses like the Keith Olbermann's and Chris Matthews and other media sluts unlucky enough to be in the wrong targeted American city at the wrong time. It's a shame millions who listen to these shills may also be vaporized.

So you hop from Pentagon Sniper story to the CIA package bombs to the Mexican Tunnel stories and think you know what's going on in the world. But the reality is the banking elite along with our domestic traitors within the rogue ranks of the secret police know they are finished if something drastic is not done soon.

Americans would be wise to stop following these distractions and focus on everything the enemy networks are still refusing to air or even admit are true. They don't even want to admit over the airwaves that the Gulf of Tomkin incident was a classic wag the dogger. So most Americans continue barking television perceptions rather than actually thinking.

The Cancer Conspiracy

Cancer is not a fatal condition. The truth is the medi-pharma cabal poisons cancer patients with chemo to drain the remaining funds of the victim and their family before medically murdering them.

Check this video out and find out what else you don't know especially if you or a loved one has cancer.

You should dump your gas guzzler RIGHT NOW for whatever you can get for it. Within a year you will not be able to pay to fuel it using dollars.