Saturday, July 21, 2007

Iberia Caves In

Iberia Caves In

I must admit that selling to an American outfit gets Iberia off the hook with Cubans - at least the company. We must still hold the executives liable for damages to Cuban slaves and ban them from Cuba. Now that they are out of the way it should serve as a warning to the rest of you greedy capitalist scum who collude with Raul to enslave the Cuban people for 50 cents a day. Your time draws near. As the regime is collapsing we are going to round you and your workers up and run you out of the country forever with only the cloths on your back. Forget about your hotels, mines and other holdings in Cuba. They will be turned over to your former slaves to own and operate privately for their profit and the future of Cuba's economy. That means you Manny Fontanova at Thomas Cook and you too Richard Brandson with Virgin Atlantic. You can keep your cell phone business as well because I do not do business with slave traders. Why don't you two bastards cut your corporate pay to 50 cents a day then see how you like it!

Friday, July 20, 2007

I like Cubans - Hate Castro

I like Cubans - Hate Castro

You know I'm always dogging the Castro boys. But Cubans in Cuba should not think that I do not like them. The reason I am so mad at the tyrants is because of how they have treated the Cuban people. The debate is OVER!!! American capitalism is not great but socialism is a dismal failure. Castro does not know a thing about creating wealth - but he is a genius when it comes to stealing it. I want you Cubans to know that I do not want to force the current American model down your throat. I have discovered how to fix the flaw in capitalism that causes the poverty here. If you will let me show you I can make you wealthier than the average American within five years. But first the tyrants have to go. So I'll be doing some more mean things to undermine their rule. Please do not hold it against me. I'm doing it for you.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

The Exodus

The Exodus

Raul is running out of food to feed you. He ran out of medicine for you a while ago. Your children are hungry and you are desperate. If you feel like taking to the seas is your only choice please take precautions. First of all you will have strength in numbers. If enough of you make the journey at one time you will be hard to miss and the American authorities will have to deal with you. We are trying to establish a free part of Cuba that you can live on free from the Castro boys' government. The US will take you to Guantanamo first. If you are a large enough group you will have power to dictate terms. Perhaps you may be the Cubans who reclaim part of Guantanamo for Cuba. It would be a free enclave like Hong Kong.

Before setting off check the weather. It will be more wise to wait until late fall or early winter after hurricane season. You need lots of water and remember sun protection. Make a good shark stick by hammering a nail into a long stick. File off the head into a sharp point. If harassed by sharks on the journey jab them good! Perhaps some Cuban authorities might want to defect too and bring their government boats to help other fleeing Cubans. Certainly you cannot send them back to Castro. They could get the death penalty just for wanting freedom themselves. There have been reports that the police are fed up with Raul's government.

There are other precautions to take I'm sure and any suggestions here would be greatly appreciated. Raul is already complaining through his Fidel ghost writer about the US not processing enough visas to let out 20,000 Cubans per year. We have Raul's nuts in a vise. He knows that the conditions there will soon cause an explosion of violence and unrest in the streets unless he can let the most discontented out of the country. But he can't get that done because the US isn't cooperating. So if tens of thousands head for America he now realizes the very distinct possibility that he will lose part of Cuba to accommodate the refugees his slave economy has created. The reality in today's America is it is better to seize the Isle of Pines to give to freedom loving Cubans than to accept them here with open arms. Clearly though, if a biblical-sized exodus of Cubans tries to float America's way the end is near for that regime!

Cruel US Treatment

Cruel US Treatment

It is really hypocritical for George Bush to yap about building a democracy halfway around the world in Iraq then send poor desperate Cubans back to Raul's gulags. History will remember this! But there is another way.

Mr. Bush the deal that the US originally had with my great grandfather to lease Guantanamo was for 99 years. That time is up. However, it is probably wise to let you stay in the ten percent that you are using now for the base. But before you send one more Cuban family caught on the high seas searching for freedom back into slavery consider this alternative. Wouldn't it be better to establish a Hong Kong-like region where Cubans longing to be free could live? The Cuban exile population could fund the entire operation along with other private money. What we need initially is that area of hills and the waterfront area on the South Eastern portion of Guantanamo. Let us develop that area and we can resettle at least several hundred thousand Cubans in high density developments. This free Cuban area will be self sustaining and very soon providing resources for the base reducing the amount of supplies and food necessary to maintain the base.

If more than several hundred thousand try leaving then the Isle of Pines alternative must be triggered. But be that as it may, to send even one Cuban back into slavery when there is so much unused land on Guantanamo that America would appear greedy and cruel. And what's Raul going to say if this alternative is implemented? Oh you sneaky Yankees are giving back some of Guantanamo to Cubans.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

The Critical Number

The Critical Number

Certainly there is a critical number of Cubans that if they set sail north for America's shores it would not be tolerated by Americans. Fifty Cubans landing here and one hundred there might appear quaint but what about 20,000? What is the number of rafters that would be considered an emergency? At some point it would be politically unfeasible before an election year, with immigration reform a critical issue, to allow enormous numbers into the US. But it isn't necessary to do this and Cubans would rather live in a free Cuba anyway. Therefore the Isle of Pines alternative is the answer to everybody's problem with the exception of Raul and gang. The US should resettled these desperate Cubans on the Isle of Pines where they can establish a democratic Cuba. Then in the future other Cubans who want to live freely can go there instead of the US. It would be like Taiwan in the Caribbean.

Cubans Skype Me

Cubans Skype Me

This is just one more way that the nicest people on the planet earth can contact the outside world. Castro has controlled ALL communication on the island of Cuba - until now. Today information is flooding out of Cuba. Here is another method to get the word out. It is called Skype. Go to this link:

There Cubanos you can install this software for free and at the very least use the chat function to communicate in real time. Once you set this up you can contact me. My Skype name is tomas.estrada.palma. Search for it then you can chat with me. Sure Cuban agents will try to chat with me but I want them too. If they contact me I'll have a chance to get them to double-cross the regime and join our side. If you can get hold of a speaker and microphone we can speak with each other.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Precious Commodity Wasted

Precious Commodity Wasted

"Doth thou love life? Then waste not time. For that's the stuff life's made of." Or so said Ben Franklin. It is time people in Cuba acknowledge that they have wasted their time attempting to live off of stolen wealth. Fidel nor anyone else except possible God can create more time. Everyone gets a limited amount of time then that's it! Fidel's time has just about run out. What have you done with your time Cubans? Have you produced more than enough for you and your family to live comfortably? Have you traveled around and seen some of the world? I suppose older Cubans involved with the early stealing of the revolution have lots of exciting stories. But now that there is nothing left to steal in Cuba what can you do for kicks? I am real sorry but virtually every picture of Cuba I see is filled with Cubans sitting on their ass looking bored to death - I suppose literally? How do you stand it? How can you waste your time waiting in lines for the most basic of products? How do you do it? I look back at my time on earth and smile because it has been filled with a lifetime of experiences in a free environment. The stories I could tell you... Maybe sometime I will. Time will tell.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Secret Cuban Exodus

Secret Cuban Exodus

There is a secret Cuban exodus occurring right now. Out of nowhere Cubans are found wandering the beach on U.S. southern shores claiming their raft sank. What is actually happening is fast boats are making the trip in the dead of night and the police in Cuba are letting it happen. Why? According to a gentleman who got out a month ago they no longer support the regime and have lost all confidence in the government. The police are letting their friends and families get out because they need food and medicine desperately. The fast boats shoot back to the US and deposit their human cargo then vanish. Is this a sign of the beginning of the end?

Letter to my Congressman

Dear Congressman:

Permit me to give you a heads up of an impending crisis and the best way to deal with it. I am the great grandson of the first president of Cuba. Cuba's economy is sinking fast because the only area where they were making money was tourism and that is now in steep decline due to a number of factors. No medicine has been available for a number of years except on the black market. Food availability and quality are now declining as well. Guillermo Farinas, a well know dissident in Cuba, told me by phone several weeks ago that the rice and other food available was all full of mold. Most live on a bit of bread and sugar water with a vegetable if lucky.

To sum up millions of Cubans are slowly starving and historically when that turns to desperation people do one of two things - revolt or move to the food. The nearest supply of food is 90 miles away. What are you going to do if an army of 100,000 desperate hungry Cubans head our way to save themselves from starvation?

We are in an election year where controlling immigration is the key issue. The Castro regime has done this before and they always empty the jail of criminals and release the mental patients too on our shores. In effect they release a population bomb on America. This act of war must be met militarily. Unless you want video on CNN of cruel America trying to send desperate Cuban families back to Cuba to die, which will cause countless women and infants to drown in the Straits as they resist, an alternative approach must be taken this time. Cruise ships must be used to gather up these refugees while the US military gives the no fly orders to Cuba regarding the Isle of Pines. The US Marines will storm the Isle of Pines, secure it and prepare the way for these refugees who will be transported on those ocean liners and other boats. Then we will establish a free part of Cuba on this island where these and future Cubans longing to be free can come instead of always imposing on America. The exile population is already on board with this concept. There are millions of dollars already waiting to spend establishing this Caribbean version of Taiwan.

This is a win win situation for all with the exception of the Castro boys of course. But for now I ask that you all contemplate what you will do if 100,000 begin heading our way right before an election. From my contacts on the island I am almost positive that the Cuban military will not even fire a shot to stop this maneuver. However, you leaders on Capital Hill should be ready, ahead of this crisis that could very well happen this fall or winter. Here's a dirty secret which the world ignores. There are gulags on the Isle of Pines. Once the world sees US Marines freeing these poor wretched humans being starved and abused to death in these death camps we will be universally praised for this military action. Some have suggested just going into Cuba proper militarily but this is unwise. You have a core of dead enders who will fight to the death. They might lob scuds into Miami. So it must be made clear from the start of this crisis that we are doing this for humanitarian reasons, we are only going to take the Isle of Pines so Cubans can live in that part of Cuba where they can self govern themselves, that we will not go into Cuba proper militarily unless we are met with resistance from the Cuban government and in that scenario we will mete out total annihilation of their military. I don't believe we will have to fire a shot though. The regime is in disarray now as it is.

Please consider these issues and how they may play out and effect your political future. The exile population and I are at your disposal to help construct appropriate legislation and provisions to avert this impending crisis before it is unleashed on America's shores. The scenario which I have warned you of is much more likely to occur and in the near term than say global warming so you ought to get out ahead of the wave. Please feel free to contact us.

Thank you,

Tomas Estrada-Palma