Thursday, November 11, 2010

More Omission News


Timothy Geithner announces "U.S. will never devalue the dollar."

Well lets think about Timmy's statement and check it for veracity. He and banker Benny at the Fed are creating hundreds of billions of demands for goods and services in the form of paper dollars. They assure Americans that it won't make the dollar less valuable. Well suppose Tomas, a rather resourceful fellow, just invented an apple machine and on the first day turned dirt, water and air into 800,000,000 apples? Right off the bat everyone can see I'm going to have a hard time even getting those apples into the marketplace efficiently. Plus, the demand for apples is the same as yesterday.

The question is, will the price generally be higher or lower for apples? Of course they will be less expensive or Tomas is sitting on a lot of rotten fruit. The difference between apples and dollars is we are shipping most of our rotten fruit of the dollar overseas especially to China. Inflation is raging wherever those dollars flood in as seen in higher prices. However, those price increases are set to boomerang back to our shores because 90% of our oil is imported as well as many other raw materials. The reason Timmy and Benny can get away with this obvious bold face lie is there is a lag between the time the money is printed then spent and the inevitable price increases. Higher prices mean that it requires more dollars to buy things because dollars are less valuable.

The enemy networks are in on this giant swindle and will never inform the general public that we are being robbed. Until everyone understands these basic facts of economics we all will continue to be robbed by the banker class.


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