Sunday, November 07, 2010

Disinformation Distractions

I believe the news stories airing currently are pure disinformation meant to distract us before a huge staged event. Even though the main stream enemy television networks refuse to bring Americans the truth as a means to control our beliefs, it will be fitting that the rank and file dupes in these information whore houses will also die in this event. I'm talking about the dumb asses like the Keith Olbermann's and Chris Matthews and other media sluts unlucky enough to be in the wrong targeted American city at the wrong time. It's a shame millions who listen to these shills may also be vaporized.

So you hop from Pentagon Sniper story to the CIA package bombs to the Mexican Tunnel stories and think you know what's going on in the world. But the reality is the banking elite along with our domestic traitors within the rogue ranks of the secret police know they are finished if something drastic is not done soon.

Americans would be wise to stop following these distractions and focus on everything the enemy networks are still refusing to air or even admit are true. They don't even want to admit over the airwaves that the Gulf of Tomkin incident was a classic wag the dogger. So most Americans continue barking television perceptions rather than actually thinking.


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