Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Quantitative Stealth Spending By Force

Here is the reasoning with quantitative easing and how it operates. In the wisdom of the central bankers there is not enough economic activity. Of course this makes sense since so many individuals have no job nor money to spend. So businesses can't sell and have to lay off employees who then have no job and no money to spend and so on and so forth into this economic death spiral. So Benny and the Federal Reserve Jets will force spending by first creating out of thin air hundreds of billions of dollars thereby devaluing dollars everywhere. Then the banksters will take these freshly created notes culled from the wealth of everybody in the world, make them available for their friends and hope they will buy something or invest in such a way that it creates a job or two.

But here is what is actually wrong with the economy. The ruling powers have always resisted change. Why? It's because they are earning a good living the way things are now. The reason many things are the way they are is because of collusion between the powerful private interests and government. This has happened many times throughout history. The spirits distillers in France wanted coffee banned once saying it would make the people hyper and uncontrollable. The reality was instead of French men and woman drinking themselves stupid and paying the distillers for the privilege, they were lucidly drinking coffee in cafes causing the crown to worry they may be conspiring again royal rule. Today we know both of these French power centers were resisting change for the better - unless you feel staying drunk and under royal government dictates are preferable choices.

The Federal Reserve was never a good choice as all monopolies are inherently bad by design. But now that the world has awakened to the fiat money swindle, counterfeiting through various legal tender laws throughout the world is no longer possible. Complicating fiat money systems now that we all know the raw deal is the information age. People have discovered the way to beat the inflation thievery caused by paper money counterfeiting is to immediately turn the money into commodities because they are real tangible things that have actual value as opposed to the promised value of a dollar in decline. This can be literally done at lightening speed with the Internet. But Ben Bernanke continues to pretend things are fine as millions suffer.

There are many things that must change for the world to be a better place but it will never come from our current batch of sellouts. The money system must change back to an honest one based on hard commodities like gold, silver and why not even lithium bars for the batteries, etc.? Afghan's could have a currency based on lithium that has been mined and put into production. Perhaps these paper notes based on the value of that marketed lithium might be called "lithee's," and be exchangeable with other currencies internationally.

As the people of the planet come to understand money they are like the Mississippi River. They want to change course and flow to an easier path. But the ruling powers will do anything to maintain the current course because it really benefits this tiny fraction of the population greatly. They will dredge up whatever sludge from the bottom to spew over the enemy television networks to keep things flowing the way they are now. But their efforts are hopeless and doomed to fail. In this failure millions will suffer and die needlessly in the struggle to change direction.

Eventually things will change as they always do or book scribes, town criers and buggy whip manufacturers would be big business as they once were. The moral of this story is the sooner everybody wises up the sooner we will change to a better monetary system that is decentralized and based on honest commodity values rather that dishonest paper promises of value. The bankers will also kill and maim far fewer of us as well.


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