Saturday, November 13, 2010

Pat Downs Predicated On A Lie

The stupid are much easier to identify today. They are likely to defend enhanced pat downs (formerly known as a sexual assaults) and being irradiated all in the name of airline safety. Well stupid is, when stupid flies.

The fact remains that the government hasn't stopped anyone carrying a bomb at airport security checkpoints. The fact is the Christmas Day bomber was let on the plane even though he did not have a passport. The fact is every recently attempted airline bombing has been thwarted by the passengers themselves who rise up and beat the hell out of the culprits before putting the plastic cuffs on them for the police. The fact is this type of terrorism will no longer be effective now that Americans know the deal - rise up and stomp the perpetrator or die.

That is why the CIA has decided to send these so-called printer cartridge bombs. The CIA can't risk sending terrorist dupes onto the planes anymore because they keep getting caught by the passengers and beaten up. Then there are lots of questions and lose ends left untied by the secret police responsible for letting their operative get on-board in the first place. So to continue scaring the ignorant American sheep the CIA has laid the foundation to blow up an airliner over a populated area. As the fiery debris falls out of the sky the enemy networks using shills like Chris Matthews and Bill O'Reilly will moan about how if only enhanced pat downs were in place then all the victims would have been saved.

NONSENSE! Do you want to make flying safer? If so then refuse to fly. The main terrorists within the secret police of the United States of America and other colluding nations are traitors working for the international bankers. The international bankers are deeply invested in the airline business. A boycott against flying for even one week would bring the airlines to their knees.

But it is not sufficient for me if the airport sexual assaults and irradiation are dropped to get Tomas to fly once more. Sure it would be better flying without these assaults but the secret police terrorists would still be completely in charge of who or what gets on the airplane. Even though the secret police will blow up a plane from time to time to keep us inline, the chances it will be you or I is still a remote possibility. But that's not the point.

For me the point is the federal secret police terrorists are still in control of the airports and elsewhere in America. I will fly again once these terrorists are caught, prosecuted and punished as severely as permitted under the law. Unlike these terrorists, I want the secret police traitors to have a very public trial. Even though most FBI and CIA employees are just duped compartmentalized tools of their bosses, those bosses are traitors. That's why more and more agents who discover the treason among their ranks are ratting the unAmerican dogs out by leaking information to the public about their boss's traitorous behavior. Only a very public trial followed by their conviction, their disgrace and punishment will make the skies safer to fly again.

In the meantime, let me remind you that the enemy networks always state ahead of time what our secret police terrorists will perpetrate before they commit the crime. So the possibility of the filthy, unAmerican traitors blowing up an airliner over a populated area of the U.S. is very probable. So either you grown men and women will have to stop acting like scared little children and develop the courage to seek out the truth - or me and the other growing number of American grown-ups who have wised up to our real enemy will have to go back to acting like duped sheep. I can tell you for sure that I'm never going to stick my head in the sand and trust these known terrorists ever again. So flying will be just as dangerous because the traitors will continue to murder one of you flying sheep from time to time to keep the sheep still living obedient and compliant. Only once the 9/11 coup is properly investigated will Tomas Estrada-Palma fly again. If Bin Laden is so guilty, why hasn't he been indicted yet for the crime? It's the same reason the government wants to arrest and even assassinate suspects without a trial. There is NO EVIDENCE of guilt. Once a trial began the evidence would clearly point to the traitors within our own government who actually did committed the crime. So it is vital that these snake scare the sheep into thinking that conducting trials is just too dangerous from now on. The danger is in a trial the truth very likely would be exposed and the traitors would be in big trouble.

That's what should happen if America were a just country with a wise people.


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