Wednesday, July 18, 2007

The Critical Number

The Critical Number

Certainly there is a critical number of Cubans that if they set sail north for America's shores it would not be tolerated by Americans. Fifty Cubans landing here and one hundred there might appear quaint but what about 20,000? What is the number of rafters that would be considered an emergency? At some point it would be politically unfeasible before an election year, with immigration reform a critical issue, to allow enormous numbers into the US. But it isn't necessary to do this and Cubans would rather live in a free Cuba anyway. Therefore the Isle of Pines alternative is the answer to everybody's problem with the exception of Raul and gang. The US should resettled these desperate Cubans on the Isle of Pines where they can establish a democratic Cuba. Then in the future other Cubans who want to live freely can go there instead of the US. It would be like Taiwan in the Caribbean.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is too much? probably a quater mil for Jimmy Carter but where is the cut-off for GWB? We need a statement from the U.S Gov on the subject...

10:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It would be good to force an answer on that question but so far US officials act like they do with all future problem - hope it doesn't happen.

10:51 PM  
Blogger Tomás Estrada-Palma said...


11:06 PM  

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