Debtors' Prison Mentality
For example, a neighbor was telling me that his licence to drive a car will soon be suspended for owing back taxes to the state. This will drastically reduce his options to find a job and pay the back taxes. In essence he is in a modern form of free range slave debtor's prison. Either pay up or have your ability to earn wealth crippled by the government. But the truth is government has no right to steal the wages of individuals any more so than a street criminal. On top of that driving IS a right and not merely a privilege. Only commercial driving was meant to be licenced but the government has bent and broken so many of its own laws as well as the spirit and letter of the Constitution that now they can get away with doing any damn thing they choose. The presstitute media will only broadcast what this corrupt out of control bureaucracy wants aired or they lose their right to broadcast and even their lives when the rogues at the top see fit to do so. Some many still find it difficult to fathom but this Roman house of crazy, greedy, nuts running the show has the absolute belief that they have the moral authority to murder any one of us if in their opinion it is necessary.
We're in the collapse stage now. This is where all of the myriad of prince and princely demands place upon the modern serf grow more numerous and oppressive by the hour. Even if a particular activity may be legal if you fail to beg permission from the appropriate overlord of that individual choice you most likely will be paying more dollars as punishment. Therein lies the problem. Millions of bureaucrats have been unleashed upon the formerly free United States of America to basically steal money for failure to comply with increasingly complex rules and regulations that somehow always favor the big corporations and crush mom and pop outfits. This fondness for stealing our things is rampant. So much so that the government plans to let the big banks steal the rest of our money. The Courts have legalized this now that Corzine has gotten away with the MF Global heist. The scum at the top will soon start shooting Americans in the streets who complain about their money being stolen.
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