Friday, April 01, 2011

My Message From The Chesapeake

How stupid are we? Let me give you an example.

To the south 30 miles away from my location, which is just 20 miles due east of Washington, DC, is located the Calvert Cliffs Nuclear power plant. To the north there's another near Baltimore. We are risking our necks here with these radioactive devices that can destroy our homes forever if somethings goes wrong.

At the same time we here on the Chesapeake Bay, besides living with the most beautiful natural estuary, are sitting atop one of the biggest natural gas reserves on the planet. It would seem to me that this natural gas should be tapped and used to generate electricity and auto fuel so that the nuclear plants could be shut down at the earliest possible date.

First everyone must be realistic. Humans exists, have fuel and power needs and if they are not available or brutally high in cost then people revolt. So as for global warming it doesn't get much hotter than during world wars. That isn't good for anyone. Wouldn't switching to a plentiful cleaner burning fuel available now be a better idea? This would create thousands of jobs tapping the Bay's reserves which could be done in an environmentally sound manner. Even the same power companies now providing nuclear power generated electricity could rapidly convert to natural gas generated electric power. That's even more jobs created. Natural gas refueling stations could replace much of the region's imported oil currently necessary to power are cars. These natural gas refueling stations might be coupled with battery swap refueling stations for purely electric cars should a domestic universal standard be developed.

But my fellow Maryland citizens and those of Virginia, here is why it ain't going to happen. Our federal government is totally controlled by foreign oil and their bankster buddies who make a gillion everyday running this Machiavellian scheme on the world. We must import all of our oil or risk our lives with nuclear power while sitting on a huge domestically available viable alternative. It is nonsense foisted upon idiots of the television world. There is so much natural gas you can see it bubbling up from the bottom of the Bay constantly. Why not capture some of it, power the regional needs of the people, for the people, by the people and end reliance on foreign power?

There are even more examples how Americans could stop acting like entranced domestic idiots of the television universe and work with the other people of the world to make it a better place. Take the situation in Japan. They now have tremendous unmet power needs and this means all of the things they use to produce for us for crisp American Federal Reserve notes aren't being created. That's nuts! We need to start loading up huge container ships of coal for Japan to use for electricity generation right now. This is another win win situation for both the Japanese and American people. By eliminating the bankster gangs and trading directly we get sweet Japanese electronics and autos while they get cheap coal power generation that will not make half of Japan unlivable and the other half questionable.

Sadly, we all live in a bankster owned world, forced to rent their phony money to buy foreign oil they also own. This fake television world is guarded by the mental concentration camp guards of the left and right such as Glenn Beck and Ed Shultz. Their paymasters are the same globalist families that funded Hitler, Lenin and backed both sides of the world wars. They are behind this next world war and are not fearful since they have great bomb shelters and years of supplies. It will be worth it to these elites to make this sacrifice of living underground for a couple years while the majority of the rest of us are extinguished. They see us all as profane disgusting subhuman creatures which the world should be rid of.

This is exactly what is about to happen unless you shut the damn TV off! Mental concentration camp guards lose all their control when this occurs. When enough of us escape we will arrest these evil families in control for so long and force THEM to pay for THEIR crimes. I know the Japanese people are with us in this revolt against the banksters. Same for the Icelandic people. In the whole, thus far the rest of the people are chumps of the bankster's mental concentration camps just waiting in line for their poison gas showers.


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