The True American History
From the very beginning of our nation the European bankers and royal families have been trying to get their hooks back into America. President Andrew Jackson was the last guy to throw the banker vipers out. Say what you will about President Jackson. He was controversial. But no one can say he was not motivated by his love for America. So even though the bankers twice attempted to have him assassinated he survived to kick these underhanded greedy banker pirates the hell out of our country.
These bankers never give up though. The European bankers were instrumental in the South breaking from the North and provided the confederates assistance. Lincoln would not play ball with the bankers and just ordered the Treasury to make our own dollars. So they were involved clandestinely to assassinate Lincoln.
President James A. Garfield said: "Whoever controls the money in any country is absolute master of industry [legislation] and commerce". He was assassinated by a guy who was a bit nutty but obviously the bankers were not displeased.
Next on the hit list was President McKinley. Again, because he was a big supporter of high import tariffs and the gold standard, the fiat paper money European bankers were delighted by his early demise.
These European bankers had been exploiting war ravaged nations since Napoleon's day when they realized they could lend to both sides of the conflict and make a killing. Using newspapers, books and dramatic productions, these bankers would sway public opinion as well as bribe, blackmail and assassinate to get their way. Early 20 Century Americans were sitting ducks for the propaganda these bankers could churn out to get us to go to war.
In 1913 the European bankers got what they paid for and the Federal Reserve Bank was created by the corrupt President Wilson signing the bill. However, it was not that long ago that these bankers were kicked out of America by President Jackson. So they knew they had to be cool this time. Before the European bankers could consolidate control over their American property again they had to control more of our government than just a president like the sell out Wilson.
So in 1947 the European bankers finally got the tool they needed to complete there recolonization of America - the CIA. The CIA was sold to a war weary America as a way for us to keep tabs on our foreign enemies. In reality, this European banker controlled American secret police agency would be used to control things on Capital Hill using bribery, blackmail and assassination. Along side the enemy networks, also controlled by the European bankers, this two pronged attack effectively could steer Americans politically. The enemy networks till this days almost absolutely control the nomination process for all of our highest political offices. The enemy networks can make or break you politically by covering the candidate glowingly, smearing them or the worst thing the networks can do - blackout the candidate to political hell and pretend they do not exist. The last election this enemy network tactic did not appear as effective which gives me hope Americans are wising up.
John F. Kennedy was the last president that attempted to challenge the European bankers. So they had the CIA assassinate him, blame the patsy Oswald and broadcast the lie over the enemy networks till this very day. Every president since that day follows orders from the CIA.
When the bankers finally collapsed the USSR America had no more boogieman to fear and the bankers knew with no big wars their profit margins would decline. So they have worked tirelessly promoting the Islamic radical boogieman over the enemy networks. They took a bold gamble on 9/11 and imploded three tower, two of them filled with doomed Americans and spewed over the enemy networks till this very day that it was Bin Ladin and Al Qaeda who done it. But this was meant to be the final coup including the destruction of the Congress. It failed and now more and more Americans are waking up to the truth. They are angry. The bankers know this and fear for their very lives and their fortunes.
So they still must neutralize us before Americans reach a critical mass of awareness, revolt and give the foreign bankers the Andrew Jackson treatment again. We're in a race against time. The bankers must take America down before a majority of us wake up and take these vipers out along with their secret police stooges as well.
This portion of our history is summed up nicely at this site.
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