Inflating You To A Higher Tax Bracket
What this means normally is the Fed banksters are constantly adding more and more money into the economy which has the effect of constantly driving prices up. Naturally, the last thing that gets raised is our income after the cost of everything goes up. What awaits all of us as we move into higher income brackets is higher taxes as well. However, just because our income has increased does not mean our purchasing power has likewise increased.
The inflation income tax scam is theft by deception. Today, the do good liberal demands higher taxes on the "rich" as a way to be fair. Then after a few years of Federal Reserve counterfeiting adds a few more trillion dollars into the economy, under the tax code, the poor and middle class have become rich moving into a high tax bracket. Unfortunately, a family in 1970 with a household income of 50K per year was doing quite nicely while that same income 40 years later will not buy even half of what that amount of dough would buy when I was a teenager.
My advice to well meaning liberals is to quit being so stupid and demanding that the government tax the poor in the future like they were Donald Trump today. I am hopeful that liberals might be the group that will see the folly and unfairness of the income tax. The conservatives for the most part are okay with this form of thievery as long as the tax is not too high. What is needed is an actual fair revenue source and it should be based on land sharing and never income sharing. Income should always be tax free. No individual should ever be forced to share they labor with anyone against their will. The earth is another matter altogether. We must either share the earth or fight over it.
For at least the 5000 year known history of civilization, people have been fighting over the earth. Wouldn't it be better to begin sharing the planet instead? All we have to do is demand rent from the land owners for the value of their location - but not the buildings or other improvements to the land which should be tax exempt. The richest have the most expensive land holdings and as such will pay the highest rent. The poor own the worst locations or none at all and therefore would pay little or no land rent. This tax system is stable and the rich can't just move their earnings outside America to avoid taxes. That's the beauty of the land location tax rather than the income tax.
Income is earned by individuals and must always be under their control. But no individual created the earth yet we all must share it. Isn't it time we stopped fighting over the earth and a share of other people's income? It would be so much easier to simply share the earth and leave everyone's income, house, business and other personal property alone.
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