Monday, November 15, 2010

A Washington Post False Flag Attack

One reason that I am happy to no longer work for the Washington Post is the possibility that I could be killed or maimed while working there in a false flag attack. Once I became aware of the Post's Operation Mockingbird connections I became nervous especially earlier in my shift when I felt an attack would be more likely because more Post employees and passerby's would be victims than later in the evening.

Add to this the fact that the Washington Post just had elevator renovations. That federal building in Oklahoma, the Twin Towers and the like seem to always need some elevator mending right before they explode and collapse. The Post is only a couple blocks from the White House and Obama sure could use a good old demonizing of the Tea Partiers. The Post still has a bloated payroll and a shrinking number of subscribers. They print the paper in Alexandria, Virginia and have two locations outside of Washington where the paper could still be produced should something "happen" to the main L Street location where the highly paid employees work. They run drills with a shadow staff of employees at these sites. So even if the DC office is knocked out the paper will continue their Mockingbird newsprint operations.

Still, I worry for the friends that I have still working there.


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