Thursday, July 03, 2008

Ron Paul Explains Economic Collapse

So many Americans are dumb as rocks. You want to blame your economic woes on oil companies and Arabs and now Iranians. If only your fancy degrees and diplomas gave you more than the second grade education that you wound up with you'd see who the real culprits are - the Federal Reserve. You would realize that money is not actual wealth but is in fact a symbol of wealth. So printing up extra wealth symbols does not actually create new wealth but instead allows the banker class to redistribute the wealth that we already have to benefit their interests - not ours.

Pity you second graders never learned the history of the Federal Reserve and what it was supposed to do. These private bankers are meant to keep prices stable and to eliminate recessions and depressions if you can believe that! They have obviously failed but you Americans who will go to your graves still only possessing that initial primary school "education" won't have a clue about that will you?

Still...there might be several of you who do want to know what the hell is going on in your world. So I'll post this video of Ron Earnest Paul explaining to you who will listen, one more time, why your future looks very bleak. We are not causing the bad news. We are explaining why it is happening to you. The silver lining is, if we can wise up enough of you Americans to break through that second grade barrier, we can fix this mess rather quickly. Here is the good doctor:


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What happens is the following best summed up by Goebels and I am paraphrasing: to win power, you need fear and a scapegoat. This redirects public anger at something they can understand, touch and destroy right then and there.

This has been the tactic used throughout the ages:

In the middle ages, it was the Jews or the Muslims.

During the 15th though 17th centuries, it was the witches, (even educated people like Isaac Newton believed witches existed!). Also the catholics and protestants (depending on which side you were on).

In the 20th century, it was the Jews, the Armenians, the Gypsies, businessmen.

In the 21st century, it is the illegal immigrants, the oil companies.

Don't expect Americans to change this trend any time soon. Education would have to be rampant and thinking skills improved significantly before you start having people see through the nonsense the government puts forth.

Still, the fact that over 1 million people votes for Ron Paul in a Republican primary is very encouraging. A revolution may be brewing that may explode within a few years. It took the American Revolution about 15 years before it exploded. It took the Goldwater effect about 15 years until we had Reagan.

Maybe this time it will be sooner?


Timur Rozenfeld

1:08 PM  
Blogger Tomás Estrada-Palma said...

Thanks Timur!

I linked your blog to mine....

3:43 PM  
Blogger Angel Garzón said...

Good summary Mr. Rozenfeld, what Tomás has correctly identified by the old adage as "the genie" which was let out of the bottle (i.e. the Internet) will eventually lead to the opening of minds throughout the world, I am aware of the many obstacles that are in the way and the new ones that will be thrown in the way of it, especially in the parts of the planet where theocracies, ideologies and cultural traditions will impede the dissemination of information and the formation of independent, free-thinking reasonable people, but nevertheless, human curiosity and the necessity of progress will eventually allow the necessary information to make its way to most of the world's residents.

The powers that be, whom former US president George Herbert Walker Bush referred to as "a new world order" will try everything they can think of to impede and/or worse yet, to gain control of it to use it as a tool of and for indoctrination of "the masses" (a collectivist term that I detest,) so it is clear that we must do everything we can to stop them from getting away with their global chess game, wherein regular Joes like us are nothing more than pawns to be exploited and sacrificed at the masters' wills.

3:29 PM  

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