Friday, June 27, 2008

Speed Of Gravity

A theory is an educated guess about an incomplete set of facts. That there was a conspiracy on 9/11 is a fact upon which we can all agree. It is only whom the conspirators were that is debatable. However, the speed of a gravitational free fall is NOT a theory. It is a scientific fact. Object that fall to earth unobstructed descend at a rate of 32 feet per second per second. Sir Issac Newton figured this out a long time ago and there is no debate or theories about it. Falling objects CANNOT descend at this speed if anything, WHATSOEVER, gets into the way of that object on the way down. Anyone who does not easily see this fact is really pretty ignorant. If you fall into this group then please do not read any further and just go away.

However, for those of you who do believe in gravity there is hope. We can move on to the next question. That being, how did three steel frame skyscrapers on the same day fall to earth AT THE SPEED OF GRAVITY, yet supposedly while crashing through those hardened steel support beams and reinforced concrete? In the case of the twin towers it took only ten seconds for the towers to completely collapse to earth as if there was nothing holding them up. Upon a closer examination of video footage taken by regular New Yorkers, which most of you still have not seen, the answer to the mystery becomes very clear. If you look the thermite shape charge explosives can easily be seen going off just below the debris as it is falling towards the Manhattan street below. There is NO OTHER EXPLANATION, as to how the towers could fall that fast. It does not make a difference that the media won't report this fact. It's a fact and I am still waiting for you mudslingers to present to me some other logical explanation other than "Bush says so." Until then I have to arrive at the only logical conclusion - bombs were planted in the Twin Towers prior to 9/11 then detonated after the planes were rammed into the buildings. Historically, fire has NEVER brought down a steel framed building. The ONLY way one of these structures has come down is an earthquake or by explosives. If you can't acknowledge this fact then you can go away as well. You too are a fool.

But should you agree that what I have asserted is the only logical explanation then we can move onto the next question. Who planted those bombs? With respect to the Twin towers one could speculate about the question. I do not have a clue who the actual individuals were who did the dirty work. However, Building No 7 was a high security C.I.A. building that was hit by nothing on 9/11. Yet this steel framed building collapsed that day as well but in only seven seconds since it was only 47 stories tall. It was not possible for Arabs to enter that building and plant all the explosives. Only people with the highest security clearance could enter this C.I.A. building. If you can't see this fact then you too can just leave me alone. You are dumb as a rock and would make a fine paper weight.

For those of you still remaining I can't say who the actual individuals were who planted those bombs. But the fact that bombs were used to bring down Building No. 7 is not debatable and even the owner Larry Silverstein admitted during a video interview that Building No. 7 "had to be brought down," by the firemen that day. Unfortunately for this millionaire creep, nobody explained to the idiot that a textbook timed implosion would be impossible to prepare in the five hour after the start of the 9/11 treason. Therefore, I still cannot say who the murderers were who planted the explosives which caused the murder of thousands of Americans on 9/11. However, I can easily see that these questions are not theories but facts. So the head cops, Bush/Chaney should recognize them more easily than Tomas. Yet this has not occurred. Rather, they have done everything possible to hide the truth about these facts. This means they are either the dumbest President/Vice President duo in history or they are part of the conspiracy.

Everything the White House has asserted about 9/11 is easily proven to be lies. The 9/11 report did not even mention the collapse of Building No. 7 much less explain what would cause it to fall. I am a hard person to lie to especially once I know you are a liar. We could easily find out who planted the bombs but first we need to recognize who the most logical leaders of the operation were - Bush/Chaney. Sadly, all they have to do is say Castro is an S.O.B. and most exiles think these murderers are just swell. I agree with them - Castro is an S.O.B. That does not change the facts about 9/11 or make them "theories."


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