Thursday, February 21, 2008

Crossing The Line

Any time you demand some group right you have crossed the line. If you want to save Social Security or support bribing tyrants overseas using foreign aid - you have crossed the line. When you are fine with group rights like Affirmative Action you have joined the enemy. If you take that government cheese or spend that rent subsidy you have gone one step too far.

The line is invisible. You have to be enlightened to see it. I see it clearly in every case these days. Like most people I was blind to the line at first. I tripped over that line many times but didn't see why I stumble. But I kept falling down and it made me curious. So I looked a bit more closely and I began to see the line. Today I always see that line. I call it the Fidel line. Anyone who crosses that line is on the side of Fidel Castro. It is immaterial that you did not realize that you were allies. When you are on that side of the line you are allies and therefore you are powerless to fight the Castro regime. It is why he was in power for 49 years and his successors are still on the throne in Cuba. The majority of Americans are still on his side including a majority of duped exiles.

You can go to many other supposedly anti Castro blogs but when they begin to discuss social policy it is crystal clear that they support collectivism and therefore are allied with Castro. These poor deluded faux fighters of Castro are perfectly fine with federal oversight and regulation of public business and private pleasure. These poor misinformed stooges really want to defeat Castro but like Moe, Larry and Curly they keep stumbling over their own inconsistent principles and then they slap at one another. It is an embarrassing spectacle for me to witness as a Cuban. They want to fight Castro. I'm sure of that but without consistent guiding principles they have no weapons and therefore no chance.

Just because you have unknowingly been on the wrong side of the line all these years does not mean you must stay there now. Come over to my side amigos. I'm not holding any grudges. I need real fighting men and women. But I have no use for collectivist fools on the other side of the Fidel line.


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