Tuesday, February 19, 2008

I Set The Collectivist Off

I just set off one of the collectivists at work (who probably doesn't even know they are a collectivist) because I was warning some young people here about the bad economy. This collectivist accused me of being irresponsible for warning them. The collectivist, like the media shills that this collectivist kneels to, assured these worried young people that everything would be just fine. But at the same time the collectivist had that worried look that maybe, just maybe I might be right. But the collectivist acted as if only I could be shouted down then everything would be fine again. The near future will expose this collectivist's ignorance and all of the unknown things that the collectivist fears might happen. Whether I warn young people will not have any effect.

I explained that one should not fear me if I wrong for I'm just one lonely voice while the media can give soothing words any time the need strikes. Why get angry at me? If I'm wrong time will tell and you can ignore me. But if I'm right and the herd of media liars are wrong then don't blame your loss on me, collectivists of the world. I didn't cause your problems by warning you - it was the collectivist swine you keep picking to be your leaders because that same lying media that said everything would be okay told you to vote for them. You shall reap what you sow.

I'm real sorry if you hate this messenger but killing me will not protect you from your collectivist masters - but losing the naive ignorance will.


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