Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Collectivist Cubans

Cuban exiles say they want to see an end to Castro's rule. Sadly, most people in the world including Cubans are allied philosophically with Fidel. It probably comes as a shocking insult that Tomas Estrada-Palma would dare call the vast majority of you Cubans collectivists. But please do not take insult for I am a reformed collectivist myself. I was trained in collectivist thought in government schools just like the rest of you. This training came cloaked in American camouflage with terms like "fairness" and "equality." However, it is collectivism none the less.

Amigos, the sky has opened up for me and I have seen the light. The Good Lord has screamed at me from heaven so that I might see. All of the battles that I have fought in the past were not a productive use of my time. God knows that there is only one battle that must be fought. I must make you see what I have seen. I must make you see the enemy. For, until you see the enemy you are powerless to defeat it. Even worse, most of you have actually unknowingly joined the enemy.

The enemy is collectivism. Collectivism has many names but it is based on group rights and the belief that an individual has a duty to let himself be sacrificed for the benefit of the group. Some collectivist forms are known as, communism, fascism, socialism, neoconservatism, Marxism, Leninism, democratic socialism, etc. but these all are the same thing philosophically speaking.

Some of you may reel at the notion of being a collectivists. Let's see. Take the sacred collectivist cow - Social Security. Anyone who supports this group right held by the old people that punishes everyone else for not being fortunate enough to be old yet or ever for that matter is a collectivist. I'm sorry if you can't believe that but it's true and until you realize that you ARE a collectivist. As long as you ARE a collectivist you will continue to be powerless to fight Castro. This is the reason the bastard has been in power for this long.

Some may argue that we can somehow be just a bit collectivist but still maintain our free and democratic traditions and institutions. You are deluded because collectivism always makes things worse than they were. This prods the collectivist leaders that you keep electing to mandate new collectivist schemes to address the outcomes of previous collectivist schemes. We are fast moving towards serfdom amigos. As long as you remain committed collectivists you will be powerless to free Cuba. I'm sorry if you can't believe this but God knows it's true.

The opposite to collectivism is individualism. Individualism is rooted in the belief that you own your time, body and money. Now some Mother Teresa's out there may feel a duty to sacrifice for the benefit of the group. That's the great thing about individualism. You can still do that under an individualist system. It is only under a collectivist system that it can be mandated under the law that one group can reward itself but punish another group by making them pay for it against their will.

Should any of you Cuban exiles also see the light and wish to actually join the real fight against the Castro boys look no farther than the U.S. Constitution. As long as you oppose it by electing politicians who violate their oath of office by not enforcing it you are still a collectivist and therefore a Castro supporter. You see a few hundred years ago there was this crazy guy George who was way worse than even the Castro boy's if you can believe that. Plus the cats who were in charge before George were even worse than him. Fortunately, there just happened to be a group of very smart men and women. They realized that the world would be a richer and more peaceful place if individualism could replace the collectivism of the day - royal rule. So they wrote the Constitution to protect the individual and block collectivism and the concentration of group power and privilege. It worked too as we grew to the most powerful nation in the world. Now that we are a collectivist nation we grow poorer everyday, the collectivist U.S. government proposes more group schemes to fix what they have broken and Castro will go to his death unopposed. I forgive those of you who wish to remain collectivists or who still refuse to believe you ARE collectivists. You still are not my enemy. But I sure could use you as an ally if you change your mind.

In conclusion, you will not defeat Castro's version of collectivism as long as you remain collectivists yourselves. Choose individual liberty amigos and we will be dancing in Havana in no time at all. But it will require all one million Cuban exiles to swear off collectivism forever. Frank Gonzalez is with me...so is Lorenzo and Suzanne Gaztañaga. Send me your name if you're with me...trestradapalma@yahoo.com.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree wholeheartedly with everything you say. It's a relief to see that at least ONE person is able to see what is wrong with the world and name it--- Collectivism. I hope we can spread the word before we are back in the Dark Ages.

8:08 PM  
Blogger Tomás Estrada-Palma said...

It is good folks like you that give me strength each day to continue the fight...

3:08 PM  

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