Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Group Rights

Tell me dedicated collectivists of the world - what group is being favored today? You see I have not checked with my television set yet so I haven't been told who will get special privileges today. Are black people getting special treatment today or are the collectivists going to give white people a turn again? Hey maybe today they'll give the Asians a turn at being "special" for a change. Old people I'm assuming still have a privileged position over the younger people. I'm sure the collectivist are still stealing money from people because they are young and giving it to people who are old because - they are old. The weather outside today looks like it could be a good day to be gay if you want to get your way. I guess I'll just have to wait for heterosexual day for my turn. Are the collectivist using the odd even system for that like back in the seventies for gas rationing? Gosh! So many groups to bestow rights to. What's a collectivist to do?


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