Wednesday, February 20, 2008

God Help Me

Yes..Lord help me. I know who the enemy is. With the exception of one lonely Texas Congressman, they roam the halls of Congress. My enemy has the White House occupied and virtually all the Courts. My enemy controls all of the mass media outlets. My enemy is firmly in control of the battlefield in Havana as well as the other capitals in the world - all financed by the international bank cartel that farms the labor of my captured army. But all tolled my enemy only numbers into the thousands. Lord, the problem I'm having to deal with is I have no fighting army. My army, which numbers into the billions, has been pacified and neutralized by fear and ignorance. They sit in camp squabbling amongst one another while the enemy makes fools of them and robs them blind. My enemy has my army demoralized and convinced that, if it were not for my enemy's intervention my potential troops would be helpless and destroyed. My enemy has accomplished this coup by gaining complete control of the schools and brainwashing my troops before they ever had a chance to reach the age where they could even fight. By the time my soldiers reach adulthood most do not have a clue exactly what is even right or wrong anymore. The enemy's television has become the eyes and ears of my army so they never hear or see the truth.

So God I do not know what to do at this juncture. I'm not exactly an army of one. Don Royce Roy has just enlisted in our army. My cousin Emiliano has always been there fighting by my side as has Frank Gonzalez. Lorenzo and Suzanne Gaztañaga have been in the trenches for years fighting my enemy. Don't get me wrong Lord. I really appreciate these fighters but we have been backed into a corner by our enemy and they are closing in on us. Could you give me some divine guidance on how I could raise an army of individualists? Our little army will keep fighting to the death but we can never defeat our enemy without more troops. All of these potential troops sit idle eying one another fearing that the others in camp are the enemy. How can I show the troops that as long as they accept any collectivism whatsoever then they must be ruled over by my enemy - our collectivist masters previously mentioned? I need to break the alliance the enemy has formed with my army. I'm sure if you could show the army who the real enemy is, the collectivists, then they would turn on our enemy and rout them out. How can I persuade my army of collectivist individuals to turn on their masters? How can I turn them into an army of individualists ready to fight the enemy?


Blogger Tomás Estrada-Palma said...

I am occupied with but one main fight now. All others are peripheral to this fight. That fight is to defeat my enemy the collectivists. I cannot possibly defeat them without an army. Therefore my main goal is to raise an army but the only way I can do that is expose collectivism for what it is - evil. I must show the potential troops that despite what they thought they were, they are collectivists and therefore not in fighting shape. I must convince this disorganized mob of collectivists to whip themselves into shape as fighting individualists.



12:32 PM  

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