Monday, February 18, 2008

Wise Up Or You Are Doomed


Translated from the Chinese
By LIONEL GILES, M.A. (1910)

If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.

The above tenet of General Tzu is the reason for our slow demise. The fact is, whether or not you know yourselves, the vast majority of you do not know the enemy. Therefore you are doomed to defeat by this enemy. To know an enemy is to know "who" and "what" they are and to use logical tactics to defeat the enemy.

First of all, what is the enemy of the individual? The simple answer is collectivism. If you are a collectivist, whether that be the fascist, communist, socialist, neocon, etc. type of collectivist is immaterial. These are all the same ideology. Collectivists believe that the individual should sacrifice for the benefit of the group. Hence, collectivists reward favored groups while punishing unfavored groups. Most Americans are collectivists, including a majority of Cuban exiles, and they don't even realize it. So they are powerless to fight collectivism because they have actually unknowingly joined the enemy. How many of you want to fight to save Social Security, believe in a progressive or flat income tax, are content with having a Federal Reserve, a Department of Education, etc.? I could go on and on listing off another hundred things that you collectivists demand from your collectivist masters. But I hope you get my point.

The collectivist elite in America, perhaps numbering only a few thousand, are the enemy of the individual. If you think this is not really collectivism that we live under or Hilliary Clinton, Barrack Obama or John McCain are not really collectivists then you are doomed. That's because the collectivist elite believes they are the higher skilled elite suitable for making the decisions for the group which they think of as uncouth rabble. Collectivists believe the individual is expendable if they feel it is best for the group. Collectivists in every case historically have always sought to grasp more and more power while reducing the freedom of the individual. So there is only one destination amigos if you follow the collectivists - slavery. It will look more and more like Cuba every day. Many of you collectivists rank and file already sense something queer about but can't quite put your finger on the problem yet.

Sadly, our Constitution is a brilliant administrative document but it is not a teaching document. One could read the entire document and not know "Why" it was written. Why it was written was to protect the individual from the collectivist majority. So, many of you collectivists think me kooky for believing in the Constitution while never having read the document nor studied why it was written. Therefore, if I exclude you rank and file collectivists who never even realized you were collectivist until now, that leaves the ruling elite as my enemy. The reason I want to exclude you as my enemy is you have been duped into supporting collectivism by subtrafuge. I have no hope of defeating the forces of collectivism if you are not with me. I will have to go into slavery as dignified as possible just like the rest of you. But if I can get you to see that you have been collectivist in your thinking, realize that it will lead to slavery and understand the reason why the U.S. Constitution was written then we individuals will rout the enemy in no time at all.

Who is the enemy? They are the elected ones who have ever voted to violate their oath of office by going against the Constitution. They are the media elite that promotes and defends the actions of these collectivist rulers. They are the banker cartel that funds the entire process on the backs of the individual. They are they critical targets. Most have membership in elitists organizations like the Council on Foreign Relations. Follow these collectivists and it will be into slavery. But recognize these collectivists and their ultimate scheme and those few thousand will be powerless against the millions of enlightened individuals.

So all I want to know now amigos is - are you with me or against me?


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