Wednesday, December 26, 2007

More Than Just 2 Choices

During my embargo dialog in the past week I noticed how some participating in the discussion could not see that there were more choices than maintaining the embargo or free trade with a slave nation. A third choice not considered is expensive trade. The Founding Fathers knew there would be despots to deal with because they had them in that era as well. Therefore our American wise men (and women who, while not occupying official office, as always found themselves literally in bed each with a man of power and influence) decided to kill two birds with one stone. By giving Congress responsibility to set tariffs the Founders could bring in needed revenue to run the tiny federal government and they could make it more costly for immoral behavior - whether foreign or domestic.

The reason the federal government of the day was so tiny is the people took responsibility for one another and wasted no time on their knees begging the federal government for "funds" stolen from other Americans by the federal government. Asking the federal government to conduct an embargo was preposterous because this power was not given to them in the Constitution. But likewise, Americans of the day would have been outraged if the federal government grabbed an unconstitutional power and made it illegal for citizens to go off to another country to fight against a despot. Sadly today, American ignorance makes many act like children with their demands and the federal government gladly treats us all like children. I don't want this federal cuddle. George Washington was absolutely correct when he said: "Government is not reason,it is not eloquence. It is force. Like fire it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master."

I'd like all of you to think about that before the New Year begins.


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