The Neutrality Act
Today everything is backwards from how the Framers of the Constitution originally intended it to be. Power and responsibility was supposed to mostly be held by individual Americans, then the local and state governments. Finally the Founders wrote a Constitution that strictly limited the role and responsibilities of the federal government. They wisely wrote the document in English so there would be no need to translate the document or "reinterpret" it as some fools and those who would undermine the Constitution assert.
Sadly during the Twentieth Century the Supreme Court was enlarged by F.D.R. and they began to reinterpret the Constitution to give the federal government all sorts of new powers and responsibilities. The justices right up to this very second for the most part try not to look at laws to see if they conflict with the very clearly written words in the Constitution. These black robed soothsayers currently believe they must peer into the past and conjure up the "intent" of the framers. In other words they are using their opinion of what they personally believe the Founding Fathers would have want done today with regard to current legal questions. But the Founding Fathers made it abundantly clear how things were to be operated in America. The vast majority of you have never given the U.S. Constitution a good reading and analyzed its meaning. I have... Basically it limits the powers of the federal government strictly. After this the Founders realized things change that they could not foresee then in Colonial times. But they said not a word about reinterpretation of the Constitution or intent. These American wise men inserted into the Constitution a process by which future Americans could "Amend" the document to address modern problems. The government Amended the Constitution to prohibit alcohol federally because they knew the federal government as things stood had no Constitutional responsibility otherwise over alcohol consumption.
Today Americans, including numerous Cubans, clamor for the federal government to take on every imaginable responsibility right down to mandating the legal toilet in an American home. Then these unenlightened Americans spend the rest of their time crying and begging to the government because they don't do things the way they wanted. But Americans originally were intended by the founders to have exactly that right - the ability to do things the way they wanted them done. That did not mean getting a big gang of apes under the power and authority of the federal government to force your neighbor to participate and fork over cash for your project, initiative or program. That was solely your responsibility along with other Americans who agreed with these plans and voluntarily joined you.
You cry out for an imperial president that will solve all of your problems. But you are never happy with what you get. You get what you deserve though. I on the other hand do not deserve this government. Sometime I feel as if the cosmos got it all wrong with Tomas Estrada-Palma. I was supposed to be born two hundred years ago or sometime in the future during an enlightened golden age - not now. I am shocked but not surprised by the degree of anger and insults directed at me and honest men like Ron Paul for just wanting to follow the rules. Neither Ron Paul nor I wrote the Constitution. But Ron Paul swore an oath to uphold and defend the U.S. Constitution and he takes that oath solemnly. Cubans cry afoul about Castro ignoring the Cuban Constitution while their ignorance of the U.S. Constitution leads them at the very same moment to demand that the federal government ignore our Constitution and do their bidding. Why that's the kind of stuff that Castro does. So is shouting down discussion over topics like the embargo's Constitutionality accompanied by personal insults, insinuation and lies to smear one's character. Not directed at me fortunately but towards Ron Paul. I only have suffered the arrows of mild insinuation which will not slay me.
When I discussed this last night on my Blogtalk show my cousin originally called to talk some sense into my head about the embargo. But after hearing how we could do a more effective job overthrowing Castro following the U.S. Constitution he agreed that this would be a much better approach. Do you know what his main concern was about my proposal as was the case for my other guests? They thought Americans were too stupid and ignorant to realize how we could do this better following the Constitutional approach to defeating Castro. So for those of you for which this pertains I'm here trying to coach you up! I'm not mad at you because I, like everyone at one time have suffered from ignorance and even till this very day am unenlightened about most aspects of the universe. But I know a thing or two about the Constitution. Listen to this Blogtalkradio show from last night. I give a pretty good explanation of how defeating Castro constitutionally would be better and faster. Give this a listen if you have time. Thank you.
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