Tuesday, August 07, 2007



There is no excuse for not installing the Skype free services. One free service is the SEARCH function along with the chat function. There is a growing number of Cuban Skype users in Cuba. It makes no difference that they are government workers and in fact, they are some of the lowest paid hardest working disgruntled Cubans on the island. Like the rest of the Cubans they are kept in the dark about everything to build fear of the unknown.

So after you've installed the basic Skype service for free you should click your mouse pointer on the SEARCH function which looks like a daisy. In the first box that loads click the country choice then select Cuba. Hit OK or just enter and presto! You now have a list of all the Skype users in Cuba. Left click your mouse pointer on each then right click. Select the "Start Chat" function and type them a little message or send them a link to a website. Please do not under estimate the value of these sort of contacts to the island. Why do you think the Castro government goes to such trouble to block communications? However be aware that you may be talking with a hard line regime supporter who is among the tiny percentage of Cubans actually doing extremely well financially. Most will beg for money but do not send them a dime. Simply explain to them that happiness and prosperity await all those who cast off the tyrant and adopt the blessings of liberty. Only then will we bring millions of dollars in cash and boat loads of building supplies and food and medicine to help rebuild Cuba. But bringing wealth to Cuba now when it is owned by a den of thieves would be foolhardy and a waste of money. Explain that this notion of exiles coming to Cuba to kick their brothers out of their homes is a dirty lie spread by the master con man Fidel Castro to scare them. Give them hope and courage to do what they must do.


Blogger Vana said...

I used to have Skype, I deleted it because I was getting calls all day long, never from Cuba, if I had I wouldn't have deleted it, but no, mostly they were from people in the Middle East, they were driving me crazy! guess I'll have to install it again, thanks

2:13 PM  

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