Thursday, August 02, 2007

That Ain't Fidel

That Ain't Fidel

When did Fidel ever remove himself from center stage? That ain't Fidel writing. That was an agreed upon spiel compiled by the junta to say what they want everyone to believe. Therefore they are saying that Fidel is gone (most assuredly mentally) and that the people of Cuba should follow the orders of these junta cats who are writing for Fidel. Also they are warning that since the same guys who have been ruining things for 48 years will still be in charge, don't expect to see normal ties with the US. And finally the people of Cuba should continue to expect poverty, misery and strict disciplinary measures to keep the slave labor output at as high a level as possible under that antiquated backwards system of government.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. Fidel Castro is still on IV daily. He can take solid foods, but his intestines are so deteriorated that he can not absorb the nutrients.

1. Fidel Castro esta todavia con alimentacion IV. El puede ingerir alimentos solidos, pero sus intestinos estan en tal mal estado que no puede absorber los nutrientes.

2. His knees, which were a problem before his intestinal problems, are much worse now. His bed stay hurt his musculature and he can only walk a few steps.

2. Sus rodillas, que ya tenian problemas antes de su operacion, estan ahora en mucho peor estado. Su larga estancia en la cama ha deteriorado sus musculos y solo puede caminar unos pocos pasos.

3. There is some loss of mental capacity, worse by the day, although, possibly his weekly reflections are written by him

3. Ha perdido parte de su capacidad mental, peor cada dia, aunque posiblemente sus "reflexiones" semanales sean escritas por el mismo.

4. Nobody of importance thinks Fidel Castro will return to power

4. Nadie de importancia piensa ya que Fidel Castro va a retornar al poder.

5. Raul Castro is now fully in charge

5. Raul Castro esta ahora a cargo completamente.

5:55 PM  
Blogger Vana said...

Wow seems anonymous is giving us some insights into the comandante en mierda, but I like you Tomas do not believe he's writing those posts in granma

1:44 PM  

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