Thursday, October 05, 2006



The Havanaban has a dilemma. The news has gotten out regarding the dengue outbreak and the junta cannot defend itself properly without confirming the gravity of the situation. Still they must do something to respond to this negative perception of the island. So they feed the net with stories like these that claim that the US wants to annex Cuba.

Of course this is laughable and easily ridiculed with the facts. If the U.S. wanted to annex Cuba why would it send Cubans caught on the high seas back to Cuba? Should the U.S. actually put Cuba under a Puerto Rico like status the Cuban public would be legally permitted to travel, live and work in this country, right? The fact is the only entity that I discover regularly blabbering about annexation is the Cuban government itself. They had better be careful with this talk around islanders as well. The reason the Havanaban won’t hold elections is the Cuban public most definitely would choose Anybody But Castro including annexation! That’s the ABC’s of Cuban politics. ANYBODY BUT CASTRO! That is especially true regarding Raul.

In the above propaganda link they also claim that thousands of neighborhood meetings will be going on across Cuba to discuss the U.S. blockade and the Bush proposal. However they do not even bother showing the obligatory small crowd of Cuban flag waving citizen actors coerced into posing for the camera. This first one supposedly was held in Havana. I doubt they even had a public meeting. Does anyone know of any meetings going on? Now they may very well hold some meetings but Cubans know if they actually express themselves at a public meeting they will be marked for future persecution and elimination. They essentially prove this with another article linked from there that gives rambling excuses for crushing free expression entitled, “Cuba Proven Right Over Bogus Journalists.” Here is an example:

“In an interview broadcast at a Hispanic media convention in June, Ricardo Alarcon, the president of Cuba's parliament, denied the often made claim by today's disrobed "reporters" and "commentators" that more than two dozen "independent journalists" had been imprisoned on the island for speaking out against the government. Alarcon restated the island's position that the persons involved were actually paid U.S. agents, noted AP.” So now this article claims to be Associated Press. Ha!

The Havanaban is so stupid that they don’t even realize that over here we don’t jail journalists because in the past they have been paid by foreign governments. The Herald has even got one of Castro’s gals writing for them right now. We don’t jail her. We ignore her! So even if the Havanaban actually had one scintilla of evidence that the persecuted journalists were paid by the U.S. government – it wouldn’t make a rat’s ass bit of difference, you idiots!

So go ahead and hold your “meetings.” We know anyone expressing ideas might get the “journalists treatment.”

Then the first article finishes up by saying, “Pedro Saez praised the patriotic spirit of San Miguel del Padron, calling the Havana neighborhood a leader in the application of the energy savings program underway and in the campaign against the dengue fever transmitting Aedes aegypti mosquito.”

They are worried! No one in their right mind is booking vacations to the island now except the die-hard sex vacationer who couldn’t land a date any other way. Best of all the Havanaban cannot defend themselves from this truth. They just don’t get it.

Tomás Estrada-Palma


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