American Government Explained
This is where the problems started through collectively learned ignorance of the 20th Century public school system designed for such things. The way law is supposed to work is take for example drugs. The federal government has NO authority whatsoever it the area of drugs except in the arena of imposts and tariffs. The way the impeachable Courts have ruled using the Commerce Clause allows the Congress to regulate any damn thing they choose if it can be in any way connected to interstate commerce. The Founders, being brilliant, should they have meant for Congress to wield such broad powers over the commerce and personal behavior of the people would have clearly said so. Instead they penned an entire Constitution spelling out the limited things Congress can legally do, which they have ignored totally these days.
Instead the way drug laws should legally work would be if the states and localities choose to outlaw or regulate drugs they could do so perfectly legally under the authority given to them under the Constitution. But the buck doesn't stop there.
Because Americans are a free people there is one last ultimate authority that has the last word. This is the jury mentioned numerous times in the bill of rights. In fact this right is mentioned the most times of all of our rights. When the state and or local governments ban say marijuana and bring an American before a jury, only if the jury agrees that the individual did indeed violate a just law enforced justly will the individual be convicted thereby ratifying the law in this final stage of enforcement.
However, if the jury feels the defendant was entrapped, the prosecution or police acted inappropriately or that the law itself, in this case a law where there is no actual victim and is an unamerican abomination and intrusion into the private affairs of an individual's body, then the jury can always nullify the law by ruling innocent. However, we all have been trained to be the slaves of scary looking massah's in black robes who lie and say only they have the self anointed power of ruling on the law itself and that we little people must bow to their demands even when we know it is just not right and a damn unjust shame to convict.
When the Constitution, the highest law of the land, says anything not mention in this document is the responsibility of the states and the people respectively it should be noted that the people are given the last word. This right was written after the jury rights were enumerated earlier in the Bill of Rights making it clear that the people were always meant to have the last word. Any servant working for the taxpayers who claims otherwise should immediately be fired and possibly examined for criminal behavior. Violations of the Constitution by uppity servants cannot be tolerated any longer if we are to return to a free and prosperous republic once again.
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