Sunday, November 25, 2012

Weather Modification Laws

Have you ever wondered whether the weather is being artificially modified? Surely there must be laws regulating such serious man-made interventions, right?

Actually there are treaties among U.N. Nations that ban using weather as a weapon. However no such prohibitions are placed on any weather modification within a nation's own border whatsoever. In fact if you had the wherewithal and the desire you could go out this morning and legally modify the weather for whatever reason motivated you. Perhaps you had tickets to the Redskins' game to watch RGIII beat the Giants in a week or so. The last thing you want is rain or snow in an open stadium like Fedex Field.

Sadly, most of you haven't the means or knowledge to alter the weather. So you give the possibility no thought. Many of you probably believe weather modification isn't even possible. To those of you this gullible I ask, if weather modification isn't real then why have a treaty banning it from being used as a weapon?

Of course weather modification is real. For example, there are two main forms of smoke that come out of jets. One type is called contrails that dissipate after a few minutes. Then there are other forms of smoke emitted from mostly military aircraft that stay around for almost a day and grow. There are no pictures of these new forms of smoke recorded before the 1980's. You can check all that you want. There are none. The substances our government injects into the ionosphere varies depending on what effects the weather modifiers are hoping to achieve. Certainly, these man-made clouds block the sun and cool the earth. Another possibility for faux contrails is to mark the sky so HAARP operators can visually see how bombarding this region or that in the ionosphere with millions of gigawatts of microwave radiation steers the weather down below. HAARP can shift the jet stream rather quickly and storms always track along this river of air.

Apparently Wyoming last year used weather modification to increase the snow pack so they would have more water available. They got the biggest snow pack on record.  This coincides with the worst drought in neighboring states in memory. The most sinister motivations could be behind weather modification such as steering a hurricane into New York City then blaming it on numbskulls for breathing out CO2 while not being taxed by the international bankers for the privilege. Whether or not this was the case there are no laws preventing such nefarious activities.

So the only real questions are first, do ANY individuals in the government or functioning privately modify the weather for any purpose whatsoever? Yes of course this is the case as the Wyoming weather modification demonstrates. But is robbing rain from Peter so that Paul has great ski slopes and plenty of water a good neighborly thing to do? Are there unknown "butterfly effects" that will occur as a result of even well intentioned modifications of the weather? But the question that disturbs be the most is, what if rogues are using weather modification to achieve evil outcomes?

One thing is for certain from my perspective. Don't waste one word on me about global warming/carbon taxes as long as HAARP is microwaving the ionosphere with millions of watts of energy, thousands of government and private jets are generating hundreds of thousands of square miles of fake clouds or any other weather modification mad science projects are being conducted.

Does that sound unreasonable?


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