Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Carbon Footprint Upside Their Ass

My God how obvious the snakes are who run this country and it's technical machinery. How very stupid people are for listening to even one word from the lying murderers. For example the HAARP weather attacks being launched by the scum controlling America. How's that?

It's really rather basic what the traitors want to accomplish. First you use the giant HAARP array up in Alaska. HAARP stands for High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program but it is actually an atmospheric microwave heater. It shoots gigawatts of microwave radiation into the upper atmosphere that heats up where ever they point it like your food in the microwave oven. That causes the atmosphere to balloon up miles higher into the sky and of course air down below rushes in to fill the void.

HAARP does lots of other interesting stuff like cause earthquakes but the way that is done is too complicated for most aspartamed Americans. But the idea of using a microwave gun the shoots millions of gigawatts of energy into the atmosphere which heats that region causing it to rise is a concept that even the biggest consumers of diet sodas can grasp. The question each of us might ask is, should the government be cooking the upper atmosphere?

All the while as the sky is being easy-bake oven fried causing now one storm after the another, the media pundits and politicos like NY Governor Cuomo are carping about global warming. They promise if only we will submit to a sensible carbon taxing plan then everything will be right as rain - or ah pleasant weather.

A lot of buffoons are going for this nonsense too. The HAARP is able to control the jet stream's position. Storm systems ride along the jet stream. This is why the path of hurricanes are so predictable now. They are being steered using HAARP to where the unAmerican filth wish to direct them to suit their aims such as global carbon taxation of ninnies who'll believe anything over a TV.

Weather always interested me and I have followed the jet stream for as long as it's been shown. Funny thing though. The jet stream use to change positions gradually over time. I remember when for example, winter weather would be predicted by where the jet stream was as the season began. Now, if you don't believe me then check for yourselves, the jet stream seesaws back and forth every few days. I've even gone to bed recently and awoke to find the position of the jet stream has dramatically shifted just over night.

And finally, I hear the goddamn thing. It is a bit annoying too mostly because I know what it means. I check the weather maps and HAARP monitoring site and sure enough the doomsday device is cranked up. By the way Russia, China and other nations have their own HAARP arrays but ours is the biggest.

In leaving today I pose this question. Before paying even one penny in carbon taxes wouldn't it be better to first stop cooking the upper atmosphere to see if that alone might improve the weather?


Blogger Tomás Estrada-Palma said...

By the way you traitorous snakes in Palo Alto will be going to jail or worse if I have my way. I know you filthy dogs automatically record my blog posts as soon as I post them. Don't you have some Al Qaeda or something to investigate? We're coming for you weasels!

13 Nov 04:22:46 Facebook Bot
United States Flag Palo Alto,
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I've got your number swinging you son-of-a-bitches!

4:27 AM  
Blogger Tomás Estrada-Palma said...

13 Nov 04:22:47 Facebook Bot
United States Flag Palo Alto,
United States Facebook ( [Label IP Address]

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4:35 AM  

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