Thursday, November 18, 2010

FOX News Foisting TSA Propaganda

I'll tell you what really angers me. It is during the FOX news broadcasts about the TSA sexual assaults that always include the network's little dig, "We've heard from the 9/11 families and they say something must be done to make flying safe."

I can forgive the news bimbos and mimbos for asserting such disgusting propaganda. It is easy to see that these candy asses are just enemy network stooges duped into forwarding the agenda of the invading bankers. I'm sure that they even believe the nonsense they repeat over and over about the 9/11 families.

Here's my beef. These 9/11 families that you FOXes are so concerned about...why don't you show the growing number of victims' family members and friend who are suspicious that rogues within our own government committed this horrendous crime? BUT NO! You FOXes continue to show the dwindling 9/11 victims' relatives who are still duped into thinking a band of super cave Arabs managed to shut down our trillion dollars military empire for 3 or 4 hours in order to successfully attack us. These Arabs, the government says, caused fires to collapse 3 skyscrapers onto their own footprint at a speed of a free fall as if all the supporting steel super structure had been blown away simultaneously by explosives.

Bob McIlvaine lost his son on 9/11. Mr. McIlvaine wants answers to questions that the majority of Americans have not even thought about to ask yet. That's because the enemy networks continue to pretend that these questions don't exists. FOX did allow Geraldo to finally air Bob McIlvaine. However, by this network continuing to mostly air nonsense to defend the TSA sexual assaulters, I am forced to conclude the reason for finally allowing Bob McIlvaine to air his suspicions is the enemy now concludes that they have gotten away with the murders after these nine years have passed and even if Americans did see Bob McIlvaine's plea they have been conditioned by almost a decade of enemy network broadcasts to automatically dismiss him.

Here is the truth of the matter. These rogues who have commandeered my country may yet kill or maim one of my family members or my friends. However they mostly have greater chance of survival against an attack because I've finally gotten through to them about this conspiracy. The average reader of this blog who may stumble upon these words of warning can easily dismiss me. My friends and family on the other hand are with me every day. Like the average American, they mostly ignored my warnings but I was persistent. Now they see the truth because I would not stop pointing it out. Now they send me links confirming the ugly truth - I am correct about the traitors among us. That treason has been brought to you by one of the enemy networks like FOX and MSNBC.

As for the majority of Americans you remain sitting ducks. You and your family and friends and coworkers remain vulnerable to the next false flag attack especially when you gather in large crowds in the urban centers and transportation systems. The traitorous snakes will most certainly kill some more of you to set as an example to the rest of us what happens to people who question government surveillance and control. Once they are dead then you will look into what I've been warning you about and discover to late that I've been correct all along.

Wouldn't be a good idea to find out now just in case I'm right? You could start out by checking out these 1360 building architects and engineers who swear that only timed explosives could bring down the three towers so fast and perfectly onto their own footprints.

The truth is the truth even if no television network will broadcast it. The networks' deceptions, omissions and distractions are still lies no matter how cleverly they are produced and directed.


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