Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The Tipping Point Nears

Ruling the world is a difficult, as yet never accomplished feat. Today's ruling oligarchy is not immune from this historical reality. Plus our oligarchy rules in secret. So they have an advantage the Romans never had. A couple thousand years ago everybody knew the Roman elites controlled the known civilized world. If you had a beef with how things were being done you knew who to fight - Rome.

Today things are not that cut and dry. Our ruling oligarchy plays the strings of our federal government to a tune that suits their needs in every case. Once they grabbed up all of the network media and national newspapers like the Washington Post the oligarchy thought they had control of the world in the palm of their hands. Why?

Simply put, by controlling all of our media for decades these foreign usurpers could effectively decide who our choices would be for our government representation. It would be in all cases a televised choice between an oligarchy vetted left candidate and a right candidate each spewing simplistic notions of reality based on this false political paradyne. The oligarchy revels in their ability to get us to pick leaders they have chosen for us long before the election. Getting a majority of Americans to elect a socialist born in Kenya was their shining moment of manipulation and they have had a good laugh. Yes it was a masterpiece.

However, the whole mess is falling apart even though the vast majority of people in the western world still don't realize we are under oligarchy rule. What the oligarchy is discovering is ruling a complex organism like a human population and an every changing physical landscape dominated by nature and shifting circumstances is an impossible task. This is especially so the closer the oligarchy get to total control of the population. There are just too many variables to account for to steer a course from the offices of the central planners. Society is like an amoeba. It is a blob oozing along in time ultimately going where it's going to go. The oligarchs have positioned themselves in the way.

Once the masses understand that we have all been the fools of this hidden oligarchy then the people will swallow up the oligarchs. How? Just watch that amoeba grabbing a bite to eat and you'll get the idea.


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