Monday, June 14, 2010

Lame Washington Post Ron Paul Smear

I had to laugh as was monitoring CNBC this morning. They were discussing a Washington Post articles that admitted Ron Paul broke no ethics regulations but nonetheless might being doing something funny.

If I were in the Congressman's position and had U.S. currency in excess to my needs to maintain our family I'd put it into gold too and be part of the laughing! But that's not funny that's just a smart thing to do if you understand the concept of inflation and how printing up too much money can destroy a currency. His crime is being on a committee in charge of monetary policy and trying to get the rest of us to go back on the gold standard as well so we will not be swindled any longer by the Federal Reserve bankers.

I started reading the Post back in the 60's though rarely ever now. They apparently don't have a clue about sound economics and think money is like magical, political fairy dust and can be conjured up right out of thin air to spend on all the things they deem necessary for a progressive society.

No...not really. The Washington Post still thinks you are dumb enough to believe this nonsense.


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