Kill The Income Tax
Our government spends the majority of time and resources collecting taxes and covering up the truth while they devise and implement new ways to cling to power. That alone is nutty because they have punched a hole in the ship of state, it is sinking fast and yet they still want to be in charge to ride the boat to the bottom.
If nothing is done our once great nation will be taken down and broken apart. The quickest way to prevent this and kill the federal beast is to eliminate the income tax. Ending the income tax would spur an explosion of job growth along with independence. The most dangerous threat to Americans is not Iranian military might. It is job security. Remember this...if enough Americans lose their jobs then these hungry humans will do what the French did in the French Revolution and violently revolt. How safe are you going to be in a civil war?
Today, our government has its big fat ass in the way of making new jobs. Just the paperwork, reporting and employment related fees that employers have to contend with to ensure government gets its cut of the pie, is money that cannot be employed to employ. Add to these costs the fact that you have to ask permission from these little red assed bureaucrats to do anything constructive or productive and the government has become one giant job killing machine. Let me remind everyone that these "regulations" are for the little people like you and me and Joey Six-Pack. Regulations are not meant for the BP corporate elite who also can write off 100% of all costs to market their goods or services. Human individuals, on the other hand, must pay tax on our food and drink. We are taxed for medicine, transportation, clothing, shoes, much of our housing, education, recreation and in short, just about everything right down to toilet paper that we humans need to exist.
The crazy part is there are way more of us then there are of them. So which ever way Americans choose to revolt will happen no matter what the tax collect wants. I would advise against violent behavior as it's dangerous and not as effective as other methods of dissent that are still at our disposal.
The jury is the most effective direct way for individual Americans to revolt against tyranny. On the occasions where I have been serving on jury duty I sat there quietly listening to the Court official lying about the juror's job. I ignored the traitor and knew that if they dared put me on a trial where an American was being charged with a crime that was based on an unconstitutional law then no way in hell was that American going to jail on my watch. But I'm very open about this to educate the other American serfs who think they have to do what the tyrant traitorous Court demands. So any smart prosecutor can Google my name and jury rights to strike me from the jury pool once they discover that I'm an enlightened American individual and not your run-of-the-mill compliant serf.
The fact remains that most Americans want out of the empire business and back into the business of building a strong nation right here in America with good roads and bridges and even recreation centers to give the kids some physical activities and structure. We are tired of subsidizing the mega corporations while we submit to regulations for which they are exempt. We are sick of the very government given the responsibility to protect us now bleeding us dry causing millions of families to be hungry and homeless.
So become an American juror and never convict a fellow American for violating the income tax laws. The fact is there is no income tax law which is why the IRS has lost a string of cases. The jury has done their duty and acquitted the defendants. The rest of you that claim to be Americans had better quit listening to the TV and do likewise before it is your turn. It's easy, effective and painless to everyone but the tyrants. Just say, "Not Guilty" and that's it. If the government wants to make a stink about you being a juror who ruled against a law you can just say, "I was not persuaded by the evidence." If they ask why say, "I did not find it credible."
As a juror you have the last say. Save a fellow American today and strike a blow for liberty.
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