Monday, June 21, 2010

Iran War Hidden Agenda

How many boogie men does it take to scare Americans into doing anything? The answer is as many as will fit into a TV screen. America has been suckered by the usurpers into going to war against Iran. The usurpers have deployed their total control over all of our networks to dupe Americans into believing it is but a matter of days before Iran makes a breakthrough permitting our living rooms to be targeted for instant annihilation.

But the reality is much different. The real reason for war with Iran is to cripple the American economy turning the majority of Americans into beggars desperate for a way out of poverty. The only way out offered by the international bankers who are orchestrating the Iran war will be a world government complete with an international currency that can be inflated and deflated without all the complexities of each country having its own monetary system.

Once the war begins the best we can hope for here in America is that the Israelis are moderately successful and blow up Iran's laboratories. Then Iranian missiles will devastate Israel and probably be successful at hitting U.S. Naval vessels in the Persian Gulf. However, the Iranians will definitely be able to hit tankers in the Straits of Hormuz which will effectively shut off the flow of oil from the Persian Gulf. That will translate into seven to ten dollars per gallon gasoline and the final nail grinding our economy to a screeching halt.

If you think Americans will revolt they have concentration camps all ready.


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