However, as usual I must explain what is really happening behind the scenes. Craigslist is actually ripping a huge hole in the local, state, federal and big corporate free range slave operation. They are the middlemen and this wonderful site cuts them right out. It is the future and of course the old rulers are "agin it." is helping millions of Americans right now who are struggling while the big government with their partners in crime the big corporates futilely try to think up new ways to squeeze us for labor while putting their "system" back together again. Good luck!
Take it from me, statist dogs of the government and corporatdom. If you are looking for civil war shutting down craigslist would be a good way to go about kicking it off.
Here's the thing, traitors to America. Most people are still not focused in on you yet. Mess with craigslist and that will be the end of that. They'll be on you like stink on a monkey.
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