Friday, December 28, 2007

Lincoln Slavery Smear

In the latest media smear tactic against Ron Paul they are challenging the good doctor for his belief that the Civil War need not have been fought. The sleazy mainstream media insinuates that Ron Paul is a racist who favors slavery - even though he is trying to abolish today's slave owner the IRS. Actually what Ron Paul believes is we should have adopted the British model for abolishing slavery and bought out the slaves from their owners. It sure would have been far less costly in people's lives, money and destroyed infrastructure especially in the South. But here is what Judge Andrew Napolitano has to say on the subject of the Civil War and Abraham Lincoln. I might add that I really respect Judge Andrew Napolitano. He is an honest man who I have never heard come out of his mouth even one dumb word. As for the rest of the mainstream media talking heads they rarely say even one intelligent sentence. My hat's off to you sir. Listen what the good judge has to say:


Blogger Tomás Estrada-Palma said...

This new attack by the mainstream media should get your radar screen turned on. Actually, we are in the next stage of readopting the Constitution and mending our ways to that of an honest nation again.

You are reading the words of a man who has believed the way he does and known these truths since the 1970's. I was told then that my beliefs were born out of my youthful ignorance. What was most frustrating then was I was completely ignored and these topics were not even up for discussion. I was depressed. But wise men and women soothed my angst. They said, "Tomas do not fret. We are only in the first stage of promoting this idea of returning liberty to the American people and in doing so demonstrating that shining example for the rest of the world to see. In the first stage we will be ignored. But if you keep pointing out the flaws in their thinking and historical accuracy then you will force their hand. We will proceed into the next stage. They will attack our ideas and when they soon begin failing they will attack us personally. However, by this time they have already lost. Our ideas are sound, historically time-tested and have always been universally true - all men are created equal. The last stage is our ideas will be adopted."

Amigos, what I am amazed at is how fast it is happening. That's because of the Internet. Many of you must be wondering:

"How the hell does Estrada-Palma keep responding to all these questions at hand with an answer almost as fast as we can broach the subjects. Doesn't he have a day job?"

The answer my friends is I have been waiting 35 years for you to broach the subjects. I've been practicing my answers...

8:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is true that Lincoln did all those things. It is also true that in war, all manner of savagery occurs, so to blame Lincoln for the rapes and burnings is a little far fetched, unless you are a total pacifist.

It is disingenuous to suggest that the North could just have bought out the slaves, because the deal would also have required that the South not buy any more slaves. The requirement was that slavery end and that meant (or at least the southerners thought it meant) the destruction of their economy and their way of life.

If you think that it would have been better to just split into two nations, then fine. But Lincoln and his supporters thought the Union had to be preserved at whatever cost and did what they had to do, including his becoming a temporary "dictator".

10:31 PM  
Blogger Tomás Estrada-Palma said...

The trouble was not preventing new slaves from being imported. The problem was what to do about "property" that had already been bought. The need for human slaves would soon become obsolete do to modern farm machinery. The buy out plan worked in England but perhaps losing 600,000 American lives served some purpose. But I don't know what it was.

But the point is the ruling elite keeps us spinning our wheel on these topics or who's screwing Brittany Spears or whether she is wearing underwear. All good pick pockets use a bumper to distract the victim. Discussing whether it would have been better or even possible to buy out the slave population rather than kill 600,000 is an interesting diversion but we have more pressing troubles to face today. We should concentrate on these areas amiga. We have a dark horizon in our future. My hope is to show you the warning signs so that as they occur you will recognize what is happening. If we let the world know what the plan is for our enslavement it just won't work. If I fail them we will go into the second Dark Age for a few generations.

10:20 AM  

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