Monday, October 11, 2010

Food At National Health Care Prices

Americans just don't get it so I'll keep giving explanations. The main reason health care is so bloody expensive is the government began taking over sections of the public's doctoring back in the 1960's when they created Medicare and Medicaid. However, as soon as they started this unconstitutional usurpation the crooks only paid part of the bill. What I mean is take for example a chest X-ray. A chest X-ray may have costs that hover around $30 apiece just to break even for these medical service providers. So even though normally one might expect to pay $50 for that X-ray, the government doesn't even pay a break even fee for Medicaid and Medicare patients.

So the medical service providers have only four choices. Keep losing money and go out of business, refuse to take Medicare and Medicaid patients, cheat, or simply jack up the charges for an X-ray to their cash-out-of-pocket customers and the privately insured. Because most Americans don't understand simple economics they are oblivious as to why medical care is so damn expensive. So what do many demand? They go crying to the very same gang responsible for medical care being so outrageously expensive - the government.

Next on the platter for the ignorant is our food. Everybody has heard how many Americans are now on food stamps. Likewise, virtually everybody who eats food has noticed how food prices have skyrocketed - except of course government statisticians. Sure much of the price escalation can be explained by the drop in value of the dollar due to the criminals at the Federal Reserve Board printing up all that extra money for their buddies at Goldman Sachs and elsewhere. The fact is the food stamp program is another reason it cost more for a trip to the grocery store. We've all been in line behind a food stamp recipient forking over the government's script so they can get some chow. I've seen the indignant look of some of my fellow Americans waiting in line. Boy they'd really be pissed off if they understood that their food cost more because that food stamp recipient ahead of them in line will only be required to pay part of their food bill. Everybody else gets an extra surcharge on their bill to cover the cost of the food stamper.

Before you get mad at the poor you have to remember economic law remains in effect. The same pitfalls occur for food as for medicine. Many doctors and other providers for medical care simply don't accept Medicare and Medicaid patients. Likewise, many urban areas have no grocery store chains. If the poor food stamp recipients want to use this script they have to travel to the 'burbs and many have no car to do so.

The fact is the businesses that do participate, whether they provide medicine or groceries, often get by with fraud. This means lots of X-ray and other charges for services that were never actually rendered. Food stamps are a form of currency and are often sold for cash so the cash can be used to buy unapproved things like booze, cigarettes and drugs.

Before you get angry at businesses for trying to survive our collectivist nightmare by fibbing a bit or the poor for wanting to be well as well as well fed, direct your collective anger at the criminal organization that has made all of this mess possible - the government.

Though they may try the government cannot defy economic law. All the apparatchiks can do is try to keep the ignorant dumbed down and in the dark.


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