Monday, October 04, 2010

The Government Worker

You could envy the average government worker. They usually earn about 30% more than the private sector worker and are a real bugger to fire once they obtain their tax funded position. Well let me set you straight my amigos. Having a government job sucks!

How could that be? They have such a nice compensation package of salary and benefits and don't get me started on their retirement plans! SWEET! These things are true of the government worker. I can attest to that. I've lived in and around DC for over 50 years. I've known thousands of local, state and federal employees personally. Most are dead now of course and the still living bureaucrats are rapidly heading there themselves. As a group, this beltway bunch of people are as sickly as they come. More than half of them have diabetes, heart disease and cancers are the rage in the halls of bureaucratic power.

Why is this so? It is the policies of these politburos and the pressures of working daily in a political environment where all decisions must align with politically correct thought. In a bureaucracy an individual can easily hide and do nothing and be nothing. That angers others in the bureaucracy like my mom who felt she should give an honest day's work for her pay. So she would be overloaded with others work as well as her own and the hostility of feeling exploited by her lazy coworkers. So she drank away her anger every night until she made her retirement. She doesn't drink anymore. She doesn't have to.

Drinking and tobacco are big in the bureaucracy. So is risky personal behavior often times in the bedroom around the beltway. But whatever they catch or do to themselves is covered by their health benefit's package. So lots of them take advantage of this right by pushing the envelope and putting their health at risk. Under government policy workers are allowed to drink alcohol and smoke when off duty. They are urine tested now to verify that they are complying and only consuming government approved, taxed drugs as well as prescription medication. Having those doctors pills paid for by the government has many a government worker doing bad things to their mind and body then popping prescription medication to fix it. Often these fixes are no better than medicine show snake elixirs and actually make the bureaucrat even sicker.

The rest of you can hate if you want to. But these bureaucrats are my friends. They were sold a lie too and have followed it into the various bureaucracies around the beltway. All the health benefits have done for them is given many a road to illness. The political pressures of working in bureaucracies leads to abuse of the mind and body through consumption of too much alcohol, too much food, cigarettes as well as a sedentary lifestyle.

Though many bureaucrats haven't realized it yet, their retirement package is being ripped from beneath them. That will be done through inflation. Pensioners are always hardest hit when prices escalate while their pensions remain flat. Add to this impending inflation nightmare the government health care everybody old will receive from Uncle Sam. Those unhealthy will be dying in waiting lines eating prescription pain killers to stop them from shrieking so much. The same company that delivered the Tuskegee experiments and gave VD to Guatemalans will have a huge incentive to simply bump off the bureaucrats rather than come up with the dough to pay for the promised care.

Trust these compassionate VD infection spreaders at your own peril. The bureaucrats and the old only have this risky choice for care or they can follow my medical plan. Plan on staying healthy because you don't want to risk getting sick now...


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